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None would be lost

My mind immediately reverted to a prophecy I had received in September 2011 from my leader, Apostle Matthew Stevenson. I had rushed into the church, being a little behind my normal time, and ended up in the back, sitting in a folding chair. I began to weep while pleading my case to the righteous judge, Jesus.

“This is between you and Me, Lord,” I cried. All I want to be is a good mother and raise my children. I’m tired of him fighting with me, God. I’m tired,” I confessed. The more I said it, the more the presence of God fell on me. No sooner had I said it again than I heard Apostle Matthew Stevenson ask loudly on the microphone, “Has anyone seen Marie?”

“The Lord woke me up at midnight regarding you,” he said. “Turn around and face the congregation.” When I turned around, he gave me a prophetic word that came true almost one year later. “You will never stand in another courtroom with him again, and if you do, the Lord is going to settle it in the courtroom of heaven.”