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A year before my late ex-husband died, I received a very unexpected phone call while I was at work.  I was about to receive a word of freedom but didn’t know it.  Make no mistake he did not talk to me much AT ALL.  But this time he was obeying God.  See, he was a man that didn’t understand his authority or power in the earth but when he spoke for God, he moved kingdoms. He said, Marie, I am not a hundred percent if you want to be married again but he said this I am sure of.   He said, you believe your future husband will not have a right to all God is going to give you because of all you suffered with me. 


See we were not talking as friends. We were at best brother and sister in Christ.  He had brought me to his church and openly repented for the way he had treated me. His message became forgiveness.  He was carrying the weight of the cost of his bitterness and unforgiveness that had consumed his body although his spirit was being renewed. 

My immediate response was, I don’t know if that is true, but I will consider what you say and ask Jesus.  I thanked him and quickly hung up in humility with an open heart.  Ya’ll, I didn’t have any tissue in my office.  I asked Jesus immediately and the holy ghost high jacked me emotionally.  I was crying so hard; snot was dangling from my nose, and I thought my insides were going to burst.  I had to get to the bathroom.  I placed everybody under attest and forbid anyone from being able to come in that bathroom and placed the angels guard at the bathroom door. 

 I told God, I was not going to wrestle with that. I wanted to be free and didn’t believe it had to take years to get it.  I cried that thing out and that demon had to go. I didn’t want anything to come between me and my next husband. I knew I had entered generational warfare and had spoils for several generations that were promised to me in secret and confirmed publicly through prophetic ministry.   I didn’t even realize I felt that way. But God put a word of freedom in the mouth of the one that had placed me in bondage.  It makes me think about the Shunem slave girl that told Naaman to go see the Prophet Elisha. 


Can you receive a word that holds your freedom from the one that placed you in bondage? Or can you give a word to the one that is holding you in a place of bondage to release their freedom?

Let’s go see what the Shunem girl said to lead to the deliverance of her Master.

2 Kings 5

And the Syrians had gone out by companies and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman's wife.

And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord was with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover from his leprosy.

10 And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.

11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper.

We must be humble enough in this season to receive our word even if it is in the word of the mouth of our oppressor.  Naaman was not going to get his healing without being able to humble himself and follow instructions even when it didn’t look like it was God. It was humiliating for Naaman to undress and dip seven times in the Jordan river, but he did it.


How will you respond to the one God sends?

God told me to write my memoir.  I released it when he said.  I tried so many times for others to launch it. But God wanted me to wait until he built the platform where it would be launched so that we would receive our inheritance together. Partners in freedom, partners in faith, partners in our dreams, partners in love, and partners in purpose. (S3, E307).

If you are willing to receive the word from those you would least expect and if you are willing to obey the instructions even though it may be completely humiliating:  God wants you to know, he will do it again like he did for Naaman.


Receive your healing and be made whole.