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Get your weight up

You could have the most developed muscles and look like the incredible hawk and be underdeveloped with your spiritual muscles in one area of your body. We both have a gift of faith. We have huge muscles because we believed God, and we are the manifestations of each other’s prayers. However, this season has been a season to get our weight up again to carry the weight of our assignment together. I had two handsome, buff guys that pursued me some years ago. To some they would have been the perfect catch, but we were not spiritually aligned. They both would flex asking me didn’t I like a man with muscles. Physical muscles are great, but they are not more important to me than spiritual ones.

I recently heard Michael Bethany make this statement: people aren’t afraid of the idea of greatness itself; they fear the weight that comes with it. Those weights were so great for me. God made it make sense, when you realized why He was so meticulous and required so much from you by using his holy chisel on you. You didn’t know how BIG the legacy was that God was calling you to recover. It gave your why a deeper meaning of discovering, uncovering, and recovering a legacy of love and wealth.

One of the most painful things I endured in my previous marriage was the fact that when the enemy came rushad in my home, my late ex-husband had no spiritual muscles to resist the enemy. He was called to be a heavy weight in God. You are called to be a heavy weight in God. I am called to be a heavy weight in God.

Sometimes we get knocked down, but it doesn’t mean we have lost the fight. We don’t always understand why God requires so much from us in the fight, but it is because He has so much for us. I asked for it all back. I had no idea to get it, I would enter not only my ancestors’ blessings but their sufferings. The scripture says in Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. The glory is weighty but we can stand under it, when we are able to stand under the pressure of pain.

I wanted God to be glorified and I wanted to see his glory just like Moses did. God told him to get in the cliff of the rock on that mountain. To me that meant he not only had to come away and go up higher to be consecrated but he had to fit in a tight place to be hidden. It required a level of intimacy that I had never experienced. I wasn’t safe on the ground. I was too low. I had to go higher to soar above the storms, but those weights were so great. I had to get my weight up and that meant I had to be able to endure the pain of what I was suffering.

At times I didn’t think I was going to make it. I was taking blow after blow. There were days, I walked. Days I ran. Days I crawled and days I scooted. I knew I was suffering for the glory of God. I was honoring God but to others I looked like a fool. Why was I staying? What I realized looking back was God was giving me time to get myself together. He was giving me time to get my weight up. He sent a prophet to minister to me that He was positioning me at the canal of the Red Sea of my life. He told me I had to take the children with me. This was the hardest thing in my life I would face at that time and although the weights were great so was his grace.

God knew those weights were going to fall on me and he was not only going to live but die shortly after our divorce. God was building my spiritual muscles and inner strength and endurance to withstand the weight I would have to carry. This is comparable to a boxer in weight training.

A boxer's weight training regime will look quite different to the weight training regime of any other athlete or individual. This is because their weight training will be tailored more to functional movements and to muscular endurance as these are the most necessary for the discipline. These fights were divinely orchestrated by God for us to overcome generationally.

Muscular endurance is vital in boxing training as fighters need to keep their muscles working for an extended period, whether it's 3 rounds, 6 rounds, 8 rounds, 10 rounds or the full 12. Throwing punches, defensive movements and keeping your hands up are all vital in a fight and all of them take a toll on your muscles as the rounds go on.

I asked the Lord to allow me to outrun my enemies. This took spiritual muscular strength and endurance. When I got there 5, 10, 15, and 20 years later, I was able to stand in things others would have fallen from the blows from the enemy. Why? We have been learning obedience through the things we suffered, and the suffering has produced glory. God is going to get his glory. We have developed our muscles.

I will never forget one night he came in after staying out yet another night. It had gotten to the point he didn’t even want to see me before I left for work the next morning. My presence was a reminder of all he was not. He had already made me late for work, so I decided to take just a few minutes to speak to him. I asked him did he know how much he had hurt me. I reminded him that God had called us to the multitudes and he was responsible for four souls and if we were faithful over that little, He would make us ruler over much. He grabbed his head and began to cry and told me those weights were too great.

I later discovered my mentor, Pamela Jones-Kent told me she prayed the weight of our decisions would fall on us. Well, he decided to let those weights all fall on me and I was left carrying the weight of my generations. Sarah Jakes-Roberts said, in a message called Finish Strong that suffering has an intersection called glory. God is about to reveal his glory through us. He wants us to finish strong. This was a fixed fight. We already won.


2 Timothy 2: 3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

No man that wars entangling himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

One of a kind

You make me have to put on boxing gloves, 

To come to blows to explain a love of above all other loves, 

I find myself in a fight,

On sight,

Every time I hear a spoken word, 

Cause I can’t win for losing trying to describe what I’ve never seen or ever heard, 

Cause when God put you back on that potter’s wheel, 

it wasn’t just for you to heal,  

 it was so you could feel, 

Cause this time he kept you longer, 

to be stronger,

So, it would be deeper, 

cause God was making you a keeper,

And your capacity had to be steeper, 

And I feel sorry for every woman that didn’t get 

One that blows her mind,

cause this was a special edition, a one of a kind

He broke the mold,

And hid within you his manifold,


And when God finished, he had to rest,

While your angel bowed his head,

because God made one of his best,

And the conclusion of the matter was settled when God said:

It was good.