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God is connecting the dots

Steve Jobs said, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you must trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple and Pixar animation. He did a speech at Stanford University in 2005 and shared some profound truths he lived by. These truths helped him in hindsight to connect the dots from his past into his future.

God wants you to know he is about to make it all make sense. The divorce. The loss of the child. The reason you had to move. The heartbreak that you thought was the one. He shares how he dropped out of Reed college after 6 months or so but hung around for another 18 months before he completely quit. He goes on to pose a question. Why did he drop out? He said it started before he was even born.

It’s amazing that he is able to connect the first dot from birth. This is where it started for us all as well. He goes on to share that his biological mother was a young unwed graduate student and decided to put him up for adoption. She felt very strongly that he should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was set for Steve to be adopted by a lawyer and his wife. They decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl and changed their minds.

His parents that were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night that they had an unexpected baby boy and they asked did they want him. They said of course and his biological mother found out that his mother had never graduated from college and that his father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers and only relented a few months later when his parents promised he would go to college. This was his start.

What was your start? Were you placed for adoption because your parents were unwed? Were you placed for adoption because your mom just didn’t want any more children and you were unexpected? Where you conceived out of adultery and placed for adoption? Were you taken out of your family’s home because you were being neglected and abused? No matter what the circumstance, God is about to connect the dots for you.

Steve started college 17 years later as promised and he chose a college that was as expensive as Stanford. All his working-class parents’ savings were being spent for his education and after 6 months he couldn’t see the value in it anymore. Steve said he did not know what he wanted to do with his life but looking back it was one of the best decisions he made in his life.

What decisions did you make in your past that you can say like Steve that was one of the best decisions you made in my life? For me walking away from my oldest son’s father at 20 years old was one of the best decisions I made in my life at that time.

Steve stopped taking the classes he no longer was interested in and began to drop in on courses that did. He no longer had a dorm room nor a meal plan. He began to make small investments into his future of sacrifice still very much uncertain of his next career move. Can you look back at a season in your life and see where your seamless small investments are now paying off big time?

Steve goes on to share how he stumbled into a calligraphy course. He absolutely loved it and had no idea how it would ever have any significance in his life. It began to make sense ten years later when he started designing the first Macintosh computer with beautiful topography. Can you look back and see how something from your past has now become a stable in your life that is now huge and has changed the course of your destiny?

Steve connects the dots by saying if he had never dropped out of college, he would have never dropped in that class and the Macintosh and windows computers would never have had the beautiful topography he implemented into their designs.

If my ex-late husband had not left and our marriage had not ended in divorce, I wouldn’t have the ministry of reconciliation God is about to give me and my next husband for ministry. Some lessons we had to learn else they would have never led us to this moment without them. Get ready, God is about to connect the dots and you are about to clearly see the big picture. It was necessary.