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More than Mr. Incredible

The Incredibles is one of my favorite animated movies. It is so much more than a kid’s movie. It is a family movie. We can learn so much from Bob and Helen as they live ordinary lives and yet they live managing the oxymoron that they are superheroes as Mr. Incredibles and Elastgirl. I like to see us all that love the Lord and that are called according to his purposes as superheroes’. We were sent to the earth to answer an emergency, a crisis. The father knew it would exist before time began, before he knit you in your mother’s womb. You were sent as the answer and yet you have been called to work a regular 9 to 5 job or maybe even have your own business. You cannot find joy or purpose in performing your everyday mundane duties. You know you have been called to more.

Sometimes you may feel like Bob. You believe you are held back by your wife and children from doing what you really want to pursue. I’ll never forget the day I stopped my ex-late husband, and I asked him perhaps his calling was to be a great father and a great husband. He told me he was bigger than that. See he wanted to be a famous musician and valued that more than he valued his family. He missed it.

Bob, you don’t have to choose between your family and your dream. You can have them both. While we are saving the world we must remember our families. I am older now but as I was much younger in the Lord, I received many, many prophetic words and all God was going to do for me and through me. I knew I was called to the frontlines unequivocally to do great exploits for the Lord. However, how would I get my superhero powers? It was in my marriage. The Lord let me know if I was not willing to lay my life down for my family first, then I would never lay it down for his kingdom purposes.

My favorite scene in the movie is as follows: The day of their wedding they are out saving the world and she tells Bob not to be late. He tells her he still has time. He ends up being late. Let us see how the scene plays out.

We come to learn that it’s their wedding night, as Helen is not impressed that he’s late; thinking that their last interaction was only playful banter. Bob leans in and mentions her needing to be more flexible, while she seriously tells him that he needs to be more than Mr. Incredible if they want their marriage to work.

Many need deliverance from the impostor syndrome. What is imposter syndrome? The Imposter syndrome is the condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high performing in external, objective ways. This condition often results in people feeling like "a fraud" or "a phony" and doubting their abilities. The world sees you in your superhero costume, but you really don’t believe you can be who they believe you are but your powers work for them, but you struggle in your personal life. You almost feel like two different people. Bob was Bob and Mr. Incredible. You are you and Mr. Incredible. But for his marriage to work he could not just be the hero to the world and just Bob to his family. He would need to find harmony and be okay being both just like many of us need to do.

God wants every Helen to know for your marriage to work, you will need to be more flexible like Elastgirl. To every man like Bob, you will need to be more than Mr. Incredible for your marriage to work and God will bring the harmony and unity to bind you together with his power. Be encouraged. Fear not! It is okay to be both. :)