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Move On



During my recent move from Chicago, I went to purchase new furniture.   As I was shopping in the store the manager was watching and changing price tags without my awareness.  I kept telling my salesman to please look out for me.  He began to take pictures of the tags on his ipad and then he would go to another desktop to check the inventory.  I thought nothing of it.  We moved throughout the store, and he continued to follow the same process.  Then when it was time for me to pay for my furniture, ALL the prices were increased significantly.  The salesman called the manager over and said we need your code to unlock these prices so I can ring her out. The manager said oh no, come over here and I can show you the tags. 

He said we don’t need to go anywhere.  I have all the tags on my ipad.  He immediately entered his code on all the purchases.  He was angry.  The store manager called me after I made it home and told me he made a mistake, and I could not have the dining room set.  He said he couldn’t sell it to me.  I told him, he did sell it to me, and I expected it delivered as planned.  He insisted and told me he would call me back in the morning and find me something else.  I assured him that I had been through his store and there was nothing else I wanted comparable for a suitable exchange. 


I asked Jesus as he slept to settle the situation in his heart and apologize to me the next day and let it not be an issue of discussion.   I missed his call initially, but he left a message.  He left a sincere apology for any trouble he caused me and said the dining set would be delivered with all my other furniture as planned.


I couldn’t help but be reminded of how the children of Israel were let go by Pharaoh and then Suddenly, the bible says they decided to go after them.  You may have been given a YES although odds are against you in the situation.  You may have entered a contract and it seemed as though the deal was complete and now the situation has taken a complete turn.  God wants you to know he is the one that controls the heart of the King.  The word says, God heartened Pharaoh’s heart again.  Whatever the situation is whether it was me buying furniture or you trying to …….. you fill in the blank.  God is in the details of your situation to route you and your enemies in this hour.


God is YET still in control.  You may be facing a RED Sea situation.  I want to declare that in this season if you are facing a Red Sea, I’m going to tell you what God told Moses when the children of Israel were facing an impossible situation.

Exdous 14:15-16

15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. 

God is saying, STOP CRYING and MOVE ON.  I don’t care what it looks like.  God has gone before you. If you will continue to move forward, God is going to give you the instructions you need. 


16 Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground. 17 I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. 18 The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen.”


 He didn’t do it the way you thought he would because he wants to show even your enemies that He is with you and what he is going to do, only he could have done it for you.  He is about to be glorified during your impossible situation.

This is the season that you will see your enemies no more………MOVE FORWARD!!!!!