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My Toy Story

In life Jesus told us we would have tribulations but to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world. We all have our share of heartbreaks and mistakes but all of us can remember a time in our childhood when we had a favorite toy. Sometimes our heartbreak becomes someone else’s heartbeat and you become the discarded one and the treasure for the next one. As we grow up and develop, we exchange those toys for people in our lives. I want to encourage others to create their own Toy Story and never forget “why” your person was once your favorite. In all the Toy Story movies, we can learn so much as adults from the imagination of a child.

When we stand at the altar, we make a pledge to death do us part. We are promising that no matter what comes or goes, for better or for worse, we will never quit on each other. Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friend. You are their favorite. You can see what they don’t see and that’s how you will see them. You make a commitment to grow together so you never outgrow each other and discard them for someone different. You put away childish things, grow up, and begin to think and understand and process things from an adult’s perspective and not a child. You listen to one another so you can protect your spouse and cover them in prayer from their blind spots when they can’t see.

You always prioritize your lover and make sure they are the smartest one in the room with you and never allow them to be caught off guard. You challenge them to reach beyond their comfort zones to reach new heights and depths in God in faith together. You never make them feel like they are nothing or less than who God said they are. You never come in agreement with Hell with the version of them you see but you pray and encourage them to become a better version of themselves. If they are struggling with a weakness help them get that monkey off their back. Never stop loving them because love never fails.

Don’t make them feel like they don’t have a voice in your life and never make them feel vulnerable and transparent that you are going to get a divorce. Instead, allow God to be glorified in your marriage and learn to have fun and rejoice in Christ facing every challenge. Jesus said he endured the cross, while despising the shame because of the joy set before him.

My Toy Story

Take me to Infinity and beyond and I’ll always make sure your BUZZ stays LIT,

I’ll be the one reminding you we can’t quit,

You’ll always know you’ve got a friend in me,

and you will never lose your sight and can’t see,


You’ll never outgrow me and not want to play,

I’ll always be your favorite boo not your toy,

Because you will be my man and not my boy,

Your name will be tattooed on my heart and not my shoe,

I’ll pull your heart string and let you know you got a snake in your boot,

stay away from her because she’s cute.

And when others walk in the room,

I wont be consumed,

and lay down and pretend like i don’t know what to do,

and no matter who comes or goes,

God knows,

I’ll fix that tare in your arm so you can reach,


You’ll never sit on the shelf next to donkey while I preach,

I’ll be the one you can ride,

with and always by your side,

See we will always get passed that monkey,

Cause there is no day,

I pray,

That could make us not care,

Or be able to bare,

Or ever keep us from getting free,

We will always have our own toy story,

and everyday we will find another way to reveal his glory,

and no body will ever be able to steal your voice,

because ill be the one guarding you and we will never get a divorce,

never placed in a bag and given a way,

because I outgrew you on any given day,

because I’m going to get a man not a boy,

and this will be our story,

and God will always get the glory.