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Press towards the high prize

When we apply for a job, you apply with a detailed description of that job. In that description there are always minimum requirements attached. Matter a fact, some jobs won’t even allow you to apply without meeting them. God told us in his word in Romans12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Serving God comes with a minimum requirement. We are supposed to submit our bodies first.

The word tells us many are called but few are chosen. I believe that many are not chosen because God didn’t call them but because they have not answered when he called and have not prepared themselves to be chosen. I’ll take me for example. I’ve gotten many, many prophetic words. Some of these words were so huge in my young mind to conceive as I asked myself how I could possibly accomplish them.

Many in my family like Saul and David’s brothers were afraid of Goliath. However, God knew from David’s birth when others overlooked him that he was that man, all while he was taking care of the sheep. God trusted me with the dream for my family and generations. He allowed my heart to be broken in my marriage to bring me to my knees to face my family bloodline goliaths. What has God called you to defeat in your bloodline?

To others and his own father who didn’t even put him in the lineup, he was not their chosen one, but he was God’s. God wants you to know he knew when it was time for you to step up to the plate to kill your Goliath, you wouldn’t be afraid. You understand the assignment.

You may have even minimized yourself David. God chose you because you were obedient in the ordinary routine everyday things like David. He took that lunch to his brothers, and you didn’t feel like you were bigger than that. He has called you to be a great father and great husband and you didn’t feel like you were bigger than that. It was because when you were broken and crying, you encouraged others when no one else was watching in your DM’s.

David, it’s because you didn’t mind being humiliated in your own eyes to heal out loud so others could see how important it is to worship God. David, you understand that it was God that gave you this position and chose you not man. David, you killed your bear and lion when no one else was watching but you had heavens applause when you didn’t have the crowds. Now God is giving you a new stage for your Goliath. God wants you to do what David did, remember your “why” and that he is with you. You will defeat this enemy with its own sword. The wisdom that you gain while in the enemy’s camp, you will now use against the enemy to destroy his kingdom.

David didn’t count his life but instead understood that the cause was bigger and so was his God. You too have pressed into your high calling to receive your prize. You are forgetting those things which are behind you. You’re reaching for the things that are before you. God is a good father. He gives good gifts, but he doesn’t spoil his kids. God will have the final say. Get ready David, you are about to get the spoils of your wars and your prize with a big bow.

Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Your prize

You have found your prize, 

You have exclusively and uniquely pinned me with your eyes,

And with my love, I will make you rise,

With a stare.

With a thought,

I’m held hostage in your embrace and caught,

in your lair,

I’m rendered and surrendered helpless 

To your mental temple invasion,

because you forgot to factor into the equation,

That once you were in, you wanted to be all in, 

See you also came to conquer and to win,

To soar and to fly,

And I can’t lie.

It’s apparent and inherent,

that I am all yours for the taking,

Make No mistaking, 

You captured my heart with one word,


With unspoken thoughts felt but unheard,

We meet in our dreams,

While we danced on sunbeams,

We lived here for years, in our prayers and tears,

Each day, I lay down to sleep,

I keep you close so I can feel your peace,

in my surrender and release,

to his will.

How can I feel,

you so near,

but you aren’t here, 


One day we will never again be deprived

Or denied

We will nap on the moon and slide down rainbows,

Leave our room and dance on our tippy toes,

To the music we hear in our head,

All while lying in bed.