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Tell me "Why"

Growing up my mother used to read a book to my siblings and me called, Tell me Why. It was a good book. It was a book that explained so many reasons “why” and it helped me connect the dots to what was needed and created in the world.

Often, we wrestle with our why. Why me, why them, why now, why then, why this. Why means the cause, purpose or reason according to its definition.

I remember growing up and in my early walk with the Lord and many years later struggling with why me. Why was I given these prophesies about being raised up in my family for salvation and deliverance? I reasoned within myself that I didn’t even know them or feel connected, and I didn’t understand how I would accomplish this assignment.

Maybe God has given you an assignment, but you are still wrestling with your “why”. You may know “what” it is but you don’t have the understanding of “why”.

The Proverbs 24:3-4
New King James Version

Through wisdom a house is built,

And by understanding it is established.

By knowledge the rooms are filled

With all precious and pleasant riches.

God wants to establish you and one of the ways he does as he is building you, is by giving you understanding.

Receive a greater level of understanding.

Understanding is your answer to your, “why”.

My bloodline issues were great, which caused my battles to be great. This is one of the reasons I share my history right now as God is building my platform. I used to be so ashamed of my name and even to tell people my last name when asked. In my heart and life, in my own struggles during those seasons, I was connected to the negative connotations that were produced.

In my journey of maturing and growing I realized it was all a part of who I was and what I had to come through to demonstrate the power of the cross in my life.

Now, I stand and share from a place of restoration and deliverance without shame with the negatives that were once produced in me and my bloodline. I share my history as a part of my “why” to share of the power of Christ to redeem me from those places of defeat as I’ve entered into Christ victories.

So yes, I am a Muhammad but I am a child of the most high God in Christ. No longer a slave to my history but a daughter, justified by Christ blood to partake of my inheritance in him.

It was in my battles and more importantly my victories I overcame that God revealed my “why”. God has trusted you just like he did Peter. God knows why he called you and if you continue to seek him in the midst of your pain he is going to reveal your, “why”.

Don’t give up, God wants to TELL YOU WHY.