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The venom and the antidote

The Venom and the Antidote: God’s Divine Plan

One of my favorite lines in Janelle Monáe’s song "I Like That" says, “I am the venom and the antidote.” This line resonates deeply with me because I see God’s manifold wisdom in it. In His divine orchestration, He sends us to earth precisely calculated to outsmart the enemy, just as He did when He allowed the enemy to crucify Jesus.

We are not random. Our era, age, family, generation, and even birth order are purposefully aligned. God knows the exact number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30) and has intricately planned our existence to address the crises of our time. Like Jesus, who was sent as both the suffering Savior and triumphant Redeemer, we too are called to be both the venom and the antidote.

The Crisis of Marriage and Family

In today’s culture, marriage is under attack. Many refuse to marry, and the divorce rate is as high in the church as it is in the world. Fear and hopelessness have taken root, leaving many afraid to date or believe in love.

From the beginning, God established the foundation of family in Genesis when He made them male and female, declaring it good. Yet, the enemy has worked tirelessly to erode this foundation. To add insult to injury, homosexuality has been celebrated and legalized since 2015, openly defying God’s design. In Scripture, God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah came because of homosexuality and widespread debauchery. Today, we see these same sins being celebrated as normal.

Family is the foundation of the church. When the family is fractured, so is the body of Christ. But God, in His wisdom, is raising up a new standard. He is divinely orchestrating marriages that will restore hope, rebuild families, and counter the crisis of divorce, homosexuality, and immorality.

God’s Antidote to the Crisis

Marriage is God’s answer to the venom of brokenness in our culture. These God-ordained unions will be an antidote to the attack on love and family. Malachi 2:16 tells us that God hates divorce. Matthew 19:6 says, “What God has joined together, let no man separate.” These marriages will reveal His glory, restore faith in love, and serve as a testament to His redemptive power.

The Word tells us that man is made in the image of God, and woman is the glory of man. Fathers are the glory of their children (Proverbs 17:6). The enemy has always sought to attack the glory of God by breaking down families, but God is reversing the narrative.

Naturally, antidotes are created by harvesting antibodies from venom. Similarly, God uses the very trials and bondage the enemy meant for harm to bring deliverance and healing. Divorced individuals, those delivered from homosexuality, and people set free from debaucherous lifestyles will become the antidote. Their testimonies will reveal God’s redemptive power and bring hope and restoration.

The Mystery of God’s Wisdom

This divine plan reflects the hidden wisdom of God. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 2:7-10:
"We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

Jesus’ crucifixion was the ultimate display of God’s wisdom. What seemed like defeat was actually victory. The enemy didn’t realize that by crucifying Christ, he was enabling the very plan of salvation. Similarly, the enemy doesn’t realize that the people he has bound and broken are the very ones God is raising up as deliverers and answers.

Restoring God’s Glory Through Marriage

We are the antidote. These marriages will restore hope in love, raise a standard against the enemy, and reveal God’s glory on earth. As these unions thrive, they will:

  • Bring healing and restoration to families.

  • Strengthen the church by reinforcing its foundation.

  • Demonstrate God’s power to redeem and transform lives.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor mind imagined the things God has prepared for those who love Him. But by His Spirit, He reveals His plans to us (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

God’s timing and wisdom are perfect. Just as He has calculated every detail of our lives, He has also prepared us to be His solution to the crises of our time. Trust that He is working through you—your story, your trials, and your victories—to bring His glory into the earth.

The Antidote

The answer

From birth 

To the earth

The alert 

The antidote to the hurt

The prescription 



The description 


Through your ordination in eternity

The announcement was an emergency 

When He sent you and me

To respond

To an alarm

I can’t resist your charm

When we pray

And obey

Marriages will be healed

Purposes and destinies revealed

Called to cry loud and lift our voice

 Against divorce

To make a choice

To become the divine design

Created in our spiritual DNA

The paradigm 


To stay

To endure to the end 

To become a friend 

That demonstrates the greatest love

To lay down your life 

For your wife

A city set upon a hill that cannot be hid

Called to remove the lid

To break the curse

To become a light through better or worse

To raise the bar

To bring hope to those that believe they went too far

To restore hope through sickness and health

To close the generational gap of wealth

To reveal the hope of Glory

Through our love story