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The benefits of Abraham’s covenant

Sometimes we read the bible like a fairytale, but we absolutely should not. This was not a suspense thriller action packed movie; this was Lot’s life and his family, and they were the only ones about to be saved.  The city of Sodom and Gomorrah sin had come up before God as an abomination.  God was about to destroy the entire city with fire and brimstone.  The only reason Lot and his family were spared was because of the benefits of Abraham’s covenant with God.


You may say, does God honor our obedience?  God not only honors our obedience but because of our yes to him, he promises to make a covenant with us to a thousand generations.  Did you know that some of the blessings you are receiving are because they did not get theirs?  Somebody made a covenant years ago in your bloodline.  God is not only honoring your acts of obedience; they are watching from the balcony of heaven now a part of the cloud of witnesses watching their promises also be fulfilled in your life.


In Hebrews 11:39-40

And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: 40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.


They did not receive their promises because God had something better for us, that they without us would not be made perfect. God has been waiting generations for you to step into this next place of purpose.  He has things for you that your generations never received.  Have you ever asked God what those better things are he has for you that they never received?  Are you willing to fight for them? So many only ask for the things God has for them but God has things your ancestors never received that he has reserved for you.


I asked God to give me what my great grandmother, grandmother and mother never received.  I labored for it and entered generational warfare to get them. God wants to reveal to you and unlock his eternal secrets. Will you seek him for those better things and receive the benefits of Abraham’s covenant and your generational blessings?  


God was so committed to Abraham that even when Lot hesitated to leave, God sent angels to come down and lead them away from destruction.  God is sending angels to bring my family and your family out.  It may look like they are going to be destroyed and it is too late, but I encourage you to continue to trust God for the deliverance of your loved ones. If God went out of his way for Lot and his family for Abraham, he would do the same for us. 

Genesis 19:16 When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them.