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The ledge of faith

Sometimes in life it will feel as though you are standing on a ledge and the task before you is impossible.   God is calling us to be like Nehemiah that stepped out on the ledge of faith and rebuilt the walls.  There are those of us that are called to guard and to build.  We must seek God for direction so we can begin to discover our passions.  What makes you cry? What is it that bothers you that the enemy has tried to tell you, you are too insignificant to make a difference?

The walls of Jerusalem had been broken down and the gates had been burned for years.   Nehemiah was grieved so much so he fasted and prayed and wept because of all the ruin in the nation.  To some he was nothing more than a cupbearer.  But he was a cupbearer with a burden from God that had been strategically positioned to serve the King and Queen.  Don’t look at your situation or job as menial.  You are positioned for a divine purpose and it’s not just so you can serve someone else. It’s so you can change a situation. Its so you change history.

Nehemiah stepped out on the ledge of faith and he beseeched God first by repenting for the sins of Israel and how they had not kept the commandments of Moses and how God told them he would scatter them if they did not obey him.  However, he made intercession and reminded God that if they would return and keep his commandments that he promised to gather them and bring them to the place that God had chosen.  Nehemiah reminded God of his word and that they were his people.


God wants you to remind him of his promises he has made you and your family in this season.  If you will stand in the gap and partner with God and begin to build spiritually the things that have been destroyed in your family for years, God will begin to restore the waste places and the breaches. 

Nehemiah was granted favor and given all the materials he needed and had the support of the families and his followers. God will send you the divine help and support you need as you begin to bring him the ashes.   He rebuilt the walls and the gates with support within fifty two days.  This was Gods appointed time and what had been destroyed for years God restored in days! 


God wants you to know what you think has been lost forever in your bloodline, he wants to restore it again.

All is not lost!

 You must get past the voices in your own head and the voices of the enemy like Nehemiah did.  When the enemies heard what he was doing, they began to mock him and came up against them with great indignation and asked these questions among themselves: “What do these feeble Jews? Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice? Will they make an end in a day? Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned? They were offended by Nehemiah’s work.

 Don’t stop building what God said. Mute the noise. It is none of their business. Others will be offended when you arise to carry the burden the Lord has given you.  You will be challenged.  You will be mocked.  You will be threatened.  But you must remain focused, and you must finish.

No matter how impossible the task may seem, remember that if God did it then, then he can do it again.  In 2 Cor 4:18 it says While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. 


I can imagine the adversaries that think what I’m doing is foolishness. Perhaps saying how does she think she is going to convert any Muslim from Islam? How is she going to help lead people into their promise land and turn their hearts back to the true and living God?    Perhaps the enemy is taunting you and saying , how do you think you can ever recover from this bankruptcy, or ever rebuild your business or marriage and be restored? How can you help others heal in their marriage when yours didn’t survive?

God was with Nehemiah and the people that supported his cause and God is with you and your family.  He is going to deliver his people and restore the walls and gates that have been torn down from generations and left in ruins.  He is going to give us beauty for our ashes and cause us to do what the enemy said could never be done. He is going to do it quicker than we thought he would. Keep building and warring with the promises of God.  The walls and gates are being restored generationally.  God is not done with you yet.