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The path to the yellow brick road

I love how God often uses movies to articulate to me prophetic messages. The story of the Wizard of Oz holds some messages to us at this time in our lives as we as a nation face some of the greatest challenges politically, racially, mentally, economically, spiritually, and even relationally currently. I believe God has placed us on the path to the yellow brick road as well. So, to gain some context, let us get a quick synopsis of the movie summarized.

The orphaned Dorothy lives on the Kansas prairie with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry and her little black dog, Toto. When a cyclone hits, Dorothy is looking for Toto, so she doesn’t get to the cyclone cellar in time. Suddenly, the cyclone lifts the house with Dorothy and Toto inside high in the air. Dorothy wakes up in the Land of Oz, where she discovers that her house has landed on and killed the Wicked Witch of the East. Dorothy meets the Munchkins and the good Witch of the North, who gives Dorothy the dead Witch’s magic red shoes. Dorothy wants to return to Kansas, but to do so, she must travel to the Emerald City to ask the help of the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy sets out on this challenging journey protected by the Witch of the North’s kiss. The travelers run into a series of challenges for which the Scarecrow often produces solutions and that the Cowardly Lion, the Tin Woodman, and Scarecrow use their special abilities to overcome.

Many of us have ended up in a cyclone whether politically, racially, mentally, economically, spiritually, and even relationally currently. Some situations in our lives can hit us so suddenly that without God, we will never make it back “home” or to the promises that God has given us. Dorothy has a “suddenly” experience in her life that leads her away from her home but takes her own a journey that will bring her into a new version of herself that will change her forever when she returns “home.”

How is God trying to use your current situation that at times may have seemed overwhelming and fearful, but God wants to use it to transform you? We must remember that to achieve all God has for us, we will have to defeat the demonic strongholds the enemy has assigned to us from generation after generation. As Dorothy travels, and encounters much opposition, she is given different companions. It’s as if she finds a piece of herself within each of them because it will take a renewed mind, a new heart and courage to accomplish their journey. It will also require the same for us to overcome. At times our situations can make us feel as though we are getting further and further away from “home” or God’s promises.

But God wants us to know we are protected by his kiss. We must not forget every prophetic promise and destiny helper he has given us, it’s God letting us know he is with us, and he sees you and me. Continue to allow God to order your steps as they did on the path to the yellow brick road and know that God’s promises are yes and amen. Just like Dorothy made it back home, so will we. There is no place like home.


Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.