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My notebook

I wrote this 2/14/21 on my thumb drive…and added to it.

What will you remember when you forget?  For two years from July 2005 to July 2007, I worked as a Research assistant for a longitudinal study for Alzheimer’s at Rush Hospital. I completely stepped out of my field and learned some new skills. I am a communicator by nature. I love to talk and talking was what i had to do. We were required to complete two 2 1/2-hour assessments each day. These were scripted interviews. We had to go back each year and ask the exact same questions. These were very intimate and intrusive questions.

The participants could not already have dementia or Alzheimer’s and they had to be at least 65 years of age. It always fascinated me, and the question of my heart was then and is: What will you remember, when you forget?

Your short-term memory is the first thing you will forget if you are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, so hopefully you will have some good long-term memories that you will remember. What will your heart remember when you forget? I sat listening to a dear loved one whom was almost 81 years old as he helped me cut up my sweet potatoes a few years ago for Thanksgiving.   He repeated the same story over and repeatedly as he expressed each time with the same amount of enthusiasm, tales of his childhood and how good his mom was to him and his siblings. Each time i responded as if it was his first time sharing it; never tiring as his gratitude and honor watered the soil of my heart. I loved him dearly and he loved me and my boys.. He was my ex late husband’s step father, Charlie. He was the one that my late husband told him not to leave me while I was pregnant. He saved my life but didn’t know it.

My own hearts passions were stirred as I also shared of the things that meant so much to me; hoping that one day if the one i hold so dear ever forgets, that his heart never does. What will you remember when you forget?

One of the most memorable interviews was while I was in Minnesota assessing a Priest. He had been a social worker and a priest for 38 years. I finished my assessment and I was wrapping my laptop cord. In this great gruff voice with much command, he asked me a question. He said, dear, do you know you have a gift? I laughed with a bit of arrogance and curiosity. I asked him, what might that be. He said, you have a gift of ease. My mind was racing because I had not read that in the bible listed as a gift. I asked him to expound. He said, I have been a priest and a social worker for 38 years and in all of my years, I have never ever felt so comfortable sharing with anyone like I did with you today. I was honored. I would save that memory because what I would find out years later connected to my gift of ease would serve me well and give me a shadow of my eternal assignment in heaven.

There was one question that still swells my heart like chasing Mavericks. The one question that was etched in my mind that i would have to ask them, “were you the type of person that stood up for what you believed, regardless of the consequences?”

I, myself, truly can answer this question will a resounding, Yes! Do you stand up for what you believe? David asked the question, Is there not a cause? I was willing to give my life for my generations now and those to come.

Caleb And Joshua believed they were well able to overcome the giants in the land of Canaan, regardless of how big they were. They dared to defy the odds that were against them. God honored their faith and gave them everything he showed them they would have. It took longer for them to get it. They lost their leader and others that were supposed to go with them but they got what he promised. They remembered what he had done for them in Eygpt.

You are writing a story on your loved ones hearts and all that are watching and if their mind every forgets, what will they remember when you forget? Value every moment because your mind may forget but your heart will remember.

Slay your giants, fall in love, chase your Mavericks, don’t be afraid to try again. Stand up for the things that you believe.