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Better Together

December 26, 2023 was just a normal day. I went to the movies with my daughter and her god parents in Chicago to the movie, The Color Purple. I had recently received a prophetic word a few weeks prior. The man of God Apostle Donald Garner told me God was about to begin to reveal some things to me regarding the cloud of witness and angels regarding heaven. He told me the Lord was going to allow me to begin to share as he revealed these things to me. He asked me had it already started. I simply said yes. He had no idea of the different encounters I’ve had through the years but I had no idea of the one I would have watching, The Color Purple that day. I wept profoundly through the whole movie as I was reminded by God of the things I suffered in my previous marriage.

I was also reminded of the many things my ancestors suffered. My heart was swollen and my eyes were too. As I wept, I could hear the Lord reminding me gently over and over that my next marriage will be the answered prayers of each other but our ancestors as well as the cloud of witnesses in heaven.

God has so much better for us. As we enter this February of Black history month, I am reminded of our ancestors and the the great leaders that gave their lives in death for equality, justice and truth. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said he had a dream and he had already been to the mountain top. He saw afar off like Abraham did when he went to worship. Has God given you a dream and allowed you to see it a far off? Malcolm X life was taken exposing issues from my bloodline that brought my great grandmother great embarrassment and great sorrow. This is one of the burdens I carry to see marriages in my bloodline restored. This burden is not just in my family but also in the earth due to the widespread of adultery that infiltrated the minds and hearts of many black families. Due to the erroneous teachings and beliefs of my late great grandfather, Elijah Muhammad, the foundations of generations in marriages were destroyed and breached.

We see in Hebrews 11: 39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

We are better together. The father is about to platform some us and give us the better that they never received but died in faith! We are the ones called to fulfill Isiah 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. How can we accomplish this?

We can start by turning our hearts back to God and humbling ourselves and repenting and allow God to heal our families by forgiving and loving each other. We can start by ending divorce. We can start by putting God first in our marriages and allowing him to be Lord so he can restore our families from destruction, fear and abuse that our ancestors had to endure. We can break these generational curses and allow God to release his generational blessings in our lives.

They were denied to ever get married with the hope of love with a family. Although The Color Purple was not a true story, it is a true depiction of many of the atrocities our loved ones suffered. They died with a dream we can live. One of those dreams was to have their own family, to nurse their own children, to raise their families together free from ever being torn apart. Today, we willingly walk away but they were brutally and savagely torn apart and sold. The word says, in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he hath not another to help him up. God wants us to know we are better together because we are the fulfillment of their dream too! Get ready for better.

Our Martial Constitutional

You were intentional,

Declaring your desires,

Being Unconventional,

Writing your marital constitutional,

You, me, and the trinity, 

in order to form a more perfect union,

Taking communion,

 to Establish a new revolution, 

Of relational bliss to debunk chaos and dethrone divorce,

You cried loud and lifted up your voice,

You made a choice,

This will never happen again,

We will win,

We will remain until the end,

until death do us part,

You will have my love and my whole heart,

never abandoned and forsaken,

Let there be no mistaken,

I do love you.

You are my hearts desire,

My fire.

We declared our Justice, our liberty and blessing,

No more guessing,

You are the one. 

We have defeated giants and lived to tell,

We had the audacity to hope for our future

and dug a well, 

we stormed the gates of hell,

walked out of the furnace and the lion dens,

We laid down our lives and have become friends,

We took back generational blessings that were ours, 

We overcame death and open communication and love are our super powers,

Now we are partners in freedom, in love, in faith, in purpose with definition,

We have settled the matter with confirmation, knowing this was a God given position.