Audacity to Hope

   We were born for the times that we were needed the most.  When God sent us in the earth, he sent us as an answer. What have you been called to die for? King David asked, Is there not a cause?  What makes you weep? What takes your breath away? What would you do every day without being paid if you could afford it? God made Abram and Sarai a promise of having a son.  All they asked for was a son but Gods plan from their ability to believe him for a son would affect every generation that ever lived after them. 

What desire has God given you, but you don’t even understand how much bigger Gods plan is attached to that dream?  Nevertheless, to have that child, he would have to have the audacity to hope against hope.  He was 99 years old, and Sari was 90 years old.  Their bodies naturally were dead.  Their strength and even their desire was truly challenged after so many years of hoping and not receiving the promise. I’m going to be perfectly honest; I would have told God never mind.  You took too long and I don’t want a child anymore at that age.


What are you believing God for, and you feel like it is taking too long? Don’t be like Abram and Sarai and try and make it happen without God.


Then God comes and tells him he is going to give him this promise son, Isaac. The word declares God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  When he gives us a promise it’s for our generations not just us, but it will take the audacity to hope against hope.

There will be times, it will look dead.

There will be times, it will feel dead.

There will be times others will mock you for even daring to believe God.

There will be times we even hinder our own promise until we become the man or woman God made the promise too. God gave them the promise as Abram and Sarai but it would take them all those years to receive it until they became Abraham and Sarah.


Most people believe they were waiting on God.  God was waiting on them to BECOME.  It will take you allowing God to make you the person he gave the promise too! Believe God for your expected end and have the audacity to hope in the face of adversity.


126 When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. God is challenging us in this season to allow him during our own captivity to allow him to cause us to dream again.