Forgotten but not forsaken

My children’s father was a Vietnam veteran. He was a man that never shared much about this time in his life but he shared this one time. He entered Vietnam barely a month after his 18th birthday. On his first day off the plane, he was falsely accused of killing a man. He was one of two black men on the island, and he was immediately identified as the killer. He was abruptly thrown into solitary confinement for 30 days without a single detail of the incident. As if the trauma of having been drafted was not enough, now he is on an island surrounded by no one that knows him and left completely alone and falsely accused.

I’m reminded of the story of Joseph as I write to encourage you and connect both stories. For those that don’t know. Joseph was falsely accused and thrown into prison. In Gen 40:1-23. Sometime later, the cupbearer and baker are thrown into prison as well. They both have a dream, the same night. Joseph has enough wisdom and insight to seek God to get an interpretation. He asked the cupbearer once he was restored to remember him. However, the scripture says, he forgot him.

Then almost two years later, their master has a dream, and the cupbearer remembers he interpreted his dream, and he is brought out of the prison.

Their dad told me that the other black guy came to confess and tell him secretly about what happened. The guy tells him that he bit the man. Their dad had enough wisdom to request to see the Priest. He was able to tell the Priest that detail and ask them to take forensic dental evidence on the deceased and take his teeth imprints to prove his innocence.

He was set free and so was Joseph. The same God that delivered Joseph and delivered their dad is going to deliver you. God had a greater plan for them both and he has one for you. In the face of injustice and wrongfully being accused with almost no hope of proving their innocence, at God’s appointed time, they were released.

Your release is coming! Maybe you aren’t physically incarcerated but financially or even emotionally. You may have been forgotten but not forsaken. It wasn’t your fault. God saw it all. Seek him for the wisdom you need to be released and watch God do what only he can do!