Get Back up!

We all loved Muhammad-Ali for so many different reasons as we remember and celebrate his legacy this month of his passing on June 3, 2016. He was famous for being able to not only win his matches but to what some would call to prophetically declare what round he would knock his opponents out. One of the most famous fights he is known for this was the fight between him and Sonny Liston.

He began taunting and provoking Liston almost immediately after the two agreed to fight. He purchased a bus and had it emblazoned with the words “Liston Must Go in Eight.” On the day of the contract signing, he drove it to Liston’s home in Denver, waking the champion (with the press in tow) at 3:00 a.m. shouting, “Come on out of there. I’m gonna whip you now.” Liston had just moved into a white neighborhood and was furious at the attention this caused. Clay took to driving his entourage in the bus to the site in Surfside, Florida where Liston (nicknamed the “Big Bear”) was training, and repeatedly called Liston the “big, ugly bear”. Liston grew increasingly irritated as the motor-mouthed Clay continued hurling insults (“After the fight, I’m gonna build myself a pretty home and use him as a bearskin rug. Liston even smells like a bear. I’m gonna give him to the local zoo after I whip him.”


What bold moves! Not only did Muhammad-Ali say it but he did it.  Just like our enemy, Satan, he has watched you, saw your past victories and past mistakes;  and taunts you like Muhammad-Ali did Sonny Liston and at times has knocked you out.  But God…wants you to get back up!  You are not defeated just because you got knocked down!  Get back up!  It doesn’t matter how many lies he taunts you with.  You are not worthy.  You will never be forgiven.  You messed up too many times.  It’s too late.


Muhammad-Ali called him the big ugly bear. The enemy wants to make you believe you are not what God has called you.   He wants to distort your image of yourself and make you begin to believe those lies so that he can defeat you first mentally.  Muhammad-Ali knew that if he could get in his opponents’ head, he had already won the fight.   Repent and turn away from your sins and get back up!  You are beautiful.  You are the redeemed of the Lord.  You belong to God.

So many in the body of Christ are allowing the enemy to knock them out of the fight because they don’t know how to get back up and recover from a fall.


The word says in Proverbs 24:16

16 For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again. God has a prophetic word for you today. Regardless, if you have been knocked down, it is not too late for you to redeem your title.  You win because he won! Get back up!  You are still the Champ because of his victory!


Romans 8:37King James Version (KJV)

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.