Happy Valentine's Day: Love will make you take a quantum leap

When Elisabeth came in contact with Mary while pregnant with Jesus, the word says in Luke 1:41-42

And it came to pass, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; and she lifted up her voice with a loud cry, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Wait a minute. This is Mary’s cousin. This is not the first time she has met Elisabeth but this is the first time she is encountering Mary pregnant with Jesus, the word of God that is now flesh. Elisabeth has just had an encounter with the Lord inside of her cousins womb. When God brings your Mary in your life, honor what is inside of her and you will be able to receive what may be hidden to others.

We are all called to be living epistles read of men. When we come into deeper realms of intimacy with God and conceive the dream God has for us, God is going to cause them to encounter you. As a result of what is on the inside of you, its going to bring impact in others lives.

Elizabeth had waited a long time to conceive and struggled to get pregnant. She was now 6 months ahead in her pregnancy than Mary. Have you struggled for years with a weakness, getting that business established, getting that baby or that spouse you have been believing God for? God wants you to know he is about to bring you into relationships you need like Elisabeth had which caused her baby to leap! Your dream is about to take a quantum leap!

God wants you to know that dream you have been carrying is not just about to be birthed into new dimensions that transcend gravity and reality. Get ready Elisabeth for your Mary. Although Mary was behind her in her maternal gestational stage, what she was carrying had the power to cause what Elisabeth was carrying to take a leap but not just a leap, a quantum leap! In return Elisabeth was suddenly filled with holy ghost.

Your Mary is about to cause you to make up for all those seasons you were waiting, all those moments, you became weary in well doing and you thought you would never get that dream. As a result, of your encounter with Mary, God is about to accelerate your dream.

Lets see how Elizabeth took a quantum leap! and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; and she lifted up her voice with a loud cry, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Recognize who is carrying your dream.

Jesus was a baby in the womb of his mother. He had not even been born. He had not lived 33 years and had not performed not one miracle. He had not yet died and not been resurrected yet. The disciplines had not gathered to wait with the 120 on the day of Pentecost and Elizabeth was suddenly filled with the holy ghost! They all had to wait to be filled with the holy ghost but Elizabeth was filled with him while still in Mary’s womb.

Elizabeth took a quantum leap because she honored what Mary was carrying. Don’t mismanage your Mary because what she is carrying looks smaller and you appear further along than she is. Don’t underestimate what your Mary is carrying to cause you to take a quantum leap in your life.

You were the exemption in this last season and now God is about to make you the exception in this next season. God is about to reveal what you are carrying through others encountering you that was hidden.

Don’t sell yourself short and others when you still see them in seed form. Jesus wasn’t even visible to others and yet he still was who he was in seed form. Look again!

Love will make you take a quantum leap. Get ready to take a quantum leap in your relationships, in your marriage, in your business, in your life. God wants you to know its not too late. You are just getting started.

Outer Space

If love was a place,

It’d be called outer space,

Cause you got me touching stuff I thought I’d never reach,

You got me believing stuff I never heard preach,

You got me running on the galaxy like it’s a run way,

Taking quantum leaps in my faith playing hop scotch like child’s play,

 On mars,

Seeing stars,

Got me playing the Hokey Pokey 

With love and trust in and out,

Shaking it and turning it all about, 

Got me believing I can hold my breath forever,

cause you keep taking it away,

As long as we are together,

each day.

Got me hanging on the moon, 

dangling with a string like it’s a balloon,

Making me believe I can do, 

things I’ve never done before. 

Falling in love with you.

Got me glowing in the dark,

Sliding down rainbows like I’m playing In the park,

You got me thinking outside the box, ignoring Jack,

taking shots like free throws with planets, back to back, 

Got me sitting  in the clouds thinking I’m taking bubble baths, 

dreaming while busting suds, while busting laughs.