Getting through the POOP!

Many years ago, I watched Shawshank Redemption and although this was not a true story, it is much we can learn from it. As I reflect on my life at this time, I am drawn to the fact that Andy used a small rock hammer to dig his way out of jail after serving 19 years for a crime he didn’t commit. But it didn’t stop there!


Life is not always fair but if we take what we have been given and use it, we can make it out was my biggest take away.  Even after breaking thorough the wall day by day, he then had to crawl through 500 yards of poop! Andy had to get up every day and repeat the same routine and he had to keep digging when he may have felt like he would never get out.

Maybe, you have gotten into a situation that placed you in debt. Maybe, you had to file bankruptcy because your business partner mismanaged the business. Maybe, your son or daughter has had to move back in after investing so much for them to succeed and it feels like it was in vain. Maybe others before you made bad decisions and left you with nothing and you are starting over from the bottom.  Maybe, you feel like what you are doing everyday is in vain and you will never get to your desired place of freedom. Let’s learn one more lesson from Andy, now after 19 years, he comes out of the tunnel to 500 yards of poop!

Get through the POOP!

Maybe you feel like you are in a bunch of POOP!

King David was already the next proclaimed King, but he was hiding in caves, ducking and dodging javelins, and 3000 highly trained soldiers to kill him.  That’s some POOP! Be encouraged today and know that God is with you no matter what the situation you find yourself facing or crawling through.  There is hope on the other side. Keep digging yourself out with the small rock hammer God has placed in your hand. That might be paying off your credit card debt, or your student loan debts. Be faithful over the little God has given you and watch God bring you out.


I remember, I was just recovering from a bad financial situation after my divorce.  I was in a building phase, and I knew I wanted to buy a property.  I had a Saturn Vue in 2007. This SUV was a problem.  The worse decision ever.  It wasn’t my fault.  The SUV’s were built with faulty transmissions. GMC dropped them and then filed bankruptcy on the brink of days before we were to file for our redemption.

I began to research and read story after story of others being killed, quadriplegics from car accidents and the horror stories went on and on.  It was heartbreaking.  It was us getting through the poop! I was almost killed but was able to get over to the side of the road before my transmission suddenly and abruptly went out.  I was dead in the middle of the road with an 18-wheeler behind me.

As quoted by the Lakin Law Firm, “We believe GM knew the Vti transmissions in the 2002 to 2004 Saturn Vue and Ion were inherently defective and likely to fail. Our investigation reveals that GM was aware of defects before the vehicle line was released, and they even delayed the initial product launch as a result, but apparently they chose not to fix the problems.”

We were getting through the Poop!

None of us received a dime. I also still owed a car note.  I decided to have them come and get the SUV after my third transmission breakdown and replacement.  However, I also knew if I did, it would mess my credit up and I wouldn’t have the ability to buy a property.  I decided to once again, keep digging.  I called the company and offered them half which was about 5000 and they marked it as paid in full.  The finance company understood that I had been given a raw deal. 

I crawled through the poop and turned my whole tax return over without having a car and saved my credit because I knew it was going to affect me more down the road when I was ready to buy my property. 

I remember getting ready to finance for a property and a fiancé loan officer said of 27 years, he had never seen anyone get that favor.  In this season, face your fears, be willing to start over and get back up and get through the Poop! There is freedom on the other side.