I will never forget the day I first watched the movie Hidden figures in 2016. I was absolutely torn and broken in that movie. This was yet another movie that God would pull my heart strings and remind me of all I was fighting for generationally due to all that those before me had suffered. I was reminded of the book I read called, My Time in Heaven years prior. He said he was allowed by one of his angels to peek into a classroom and he said they were doing math that was higher than genius level here on earth in kindergarten. Katherine Johnson’s mathematical abilities were a gift from birth. She wasn’t just smart. She was given additional mathematical abilities to accomplish her assignment on earth. She was critical to the success of the first spaceship reaching the moon. She was so important that John Glenn requested before he went that she would check the calculations again. God has given you an assignment, and your abilities have been given to you by God to accomplish something that is so much bigger than you. It was not just a mathematical equation. It was a portal that was so vital to be calculated that it would be the entrance back to earth that he needed to return. Your assignment was divinely orchestrated and calculated before you were born. In spite of the racial degradation and tension, she, they preserved and changed history. God is calling you to change history. You may be seen but still a hidden figure in the big picture of what God is about to reveal.
There are times in our lives we are just as much a hidden figure as Katherine Johnson was and the other ladies that made that mission possible. It would have been mission impossible if their value and input had not been included although it was not honored or celebrated at that time. God did not forget them and has not forgotten you. You may have served through years of tears of intercession, offerings, or even physical labor and felt overlooked, but God keeps good records. Job said his record was high and his witness was in heaven. This is a time that God is about to honor more people like Katherine Johnson. This is a time for hidden figures to be honored by God.