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If you say so

I recently listened to a message by Bishop T.D. Jakes called, The Theology of Quietness. This message was such a blessing to me and so divinely timely for my life. Let us read the scripture reference to expound on what I would like to share, in hopes that it will bless you as well.

Matthew 27:11 Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

“You have said so,” Jesus replied. Jesus was saying, if you say so.

When I heard Bishop Jakes say this, I immediately laughed so hard. The Lord was really mocking the devil in his own way. We will laugh like Sarah did. He wasn’t trying to clap back at him like we do in our comments to the crowd, our families and friends when they challenge our identity. Nothing he said would have changed a thing because Jesus agreed through silence with his fathers’ plan. They thought they were in control, and He let them think they were until he got to the cross and decided to address the crowds from their comments.

I recently had a series of events that happened in my life over the last few months. After an event I immediately felt a shift in my spirit by God. I heard the Lord tell me my strength would be in his quietness and confidence. I immediately withdrew closer to God and laid everything on the altar I was believing God for like Abraham did with Isaac. This was my promise. This wasn’t my first time up this mountain. However, the first time I scooted up that mountain and barely made it. This wasn’t my first time at this altar but my response and ability to release what I loved most was quicker.

I went running.

I finally realized it wasn’t just about you passing your test. My faith was on trial too. My spirit without my permission became quieter. The music stopped playing but I could still see us. I was on pause waiting for you to push play. I knew if it was going to happen, God was going to have to do it. I had an if you say so in my spirit. I repositioned myself and fasted and prayed. We both hurt each other that time. I knew God would have the final say. I knew what God said to me. I told you not to allow the silence to alarm you. I knew it was loud although I was still talking. My job was to stand like Jesus did in front of Pilate. Our vulnerabilities have connected our hearts and has given us a safe place to build legacy.

Can you stand in the face of your accusers and not answer a word? I was persecuted in this season. I have lost some friends. Some have withdrawn and are watching from afar off. I have been questioned if I am delusional, deceived and questioned if I was downright crazy. I have been lied on just like Jesus was and even told I was operating out of witchcraft. My motives have even been cross examined. I have stuck to my story. Jesus knew who he was and where he was going and so do I.

So many are being moved by the crowd and the noise of others in the comments. Jesus wasn’t moved by the crowd and didn’t try to get out of being crucified. Sometimes you will be crucified in the comments, and you can’t clap back. You will have to say like Jesus did, if you say so. He understood that what he was experiencing was leading him to his cross. He knew it was necessary. He was exactly where he needed to be. You are exactly where you need to be in God now.

I know who I am. I understood the assignment, but I had been offered up like Jesus when he stood in front of Pilate. God wanted my complete surrender and faith in his word and not yours so I would be rooted in God in our foundation. Whether they acknowledged him as King or not, He was. Whether I was acknowledged who God said I was or not at that time, I was.

God wants you to know that you know what he has for you to do and no matter what you face remain confident in the front of your accusers. The enemy is the accuser of the brethren. Jesus was standing as the son of man but was about to be glorified as the King of Kings. He did come to set up his kingdom which was true but that version of Him had to die so he could be crowned King. Sometimes we must agree with our adversaries. We will be prisoners to none.

Jesus our Lord and Savior’s identity was constantly under attack. He was questioned over and over by the crowd who he really was. Why do we not think others close to us and far off will not question us? Sometimes what they are saying may have some truth to it. The enemy is not fighting you over where you are. He is trying to keep you from your future. God has been waiting for generations for us to come into complete alignment with him like Jesus so He can resurrect you. Get ready you are about to be crowned King and Queen.