We are heaven's contingency plan

In the earth there are many types of emergencies, but companies, cities and nations must have a contingency plan in case of an emergency. Contingency planning means preparing an organization, a city, a nation or even relationships to be ready to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. In the light of Hurricane Beryl, my service provider was not prepared, and the governor demanded a contingency plan because there was a significant delay in the restoration of power. When we are not prepared when the crisis hits the earth, not only do we suffer but all those connected to us do too. Our guard is family. We are living in a time where the world has redefined family. Homoseuals are allowed to marry. According to the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortions account for 63% of all abortions in 2023. Millions of children are in foster care worldwide. The government is promoting and allowing our children to choose their own sex when God created us male and female.

The family is in a state of emergency. This is a 911 call.

We have been preparing for this moment our whole lives. The enemy was trying to blind you with distractions like Samson because of pain. You knew we were called to win souls. You know your vision, but you didn’t know if I could extend the same great grace God gave me to you to cover your mistakes. We were built to last. We were forged in our individual struggles to become fortified as a couple through our trials and tribulations. We became overcomers in preparations to overcome any obstacle that arises in our union. I don’t have any reservations that you will be all I need. I’m confident in knowing the Lord heard my faintest desires of my heart. You will be the personification of love. My message is an echo of yours. Love, marriage and black empowerment.

Why did God create you? You were not just born because your parents wanted a baby or had sex. You were sent here on a divine assignment. I remember receiving a prophecy that was so impactful, I published it in my memoir. Apostle Scott Washington told me that God has called me to be an ambassador as a special representative of his grace and glory. This is your call as well. For some of us, we barely made it. Getting out of the womb and being born was our first fight. Now you need to figure out what makes you weep. What makes you agitated? What would you do all day even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

There were several significant women that were barren in the bible. Nevertheless, it didn’t matter how hard or long they may have wanted a baby; God didn’t open their womb until He was ready. One story specifically that I want to discuss is the purpose of Samson’s birth.

The children of Israel were in rebellion again and therefore to get their attention, he allowed them to be oppressed. God still does this to us today when he is trying to get our attention. Judges 13: 1 And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years. And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.

Notice, it wasn’t until God was ready to deliver Israel from the philistines that He decided to send Samson as heavens contingency plan for the emergency on earth. There is an emergency on earth that you were born to specifically resolve. Great men and women are only born for the times they are needed the most. You were not an accident. It doesn’t matter how you were conceived. You were born on purpose for a purpose in God.

Samson had specific requirements surrounding his life from the moment of conception. They weren’t just for him to live with once he was born. God knows what it will take for you to become who he predestined you to be. He was intentional about you from the moment of your conception.

I remember almost 1o years ago, I wept asking God to reveal to me the love Him and I shared in eternity. I wanted to know because the word says he knew us before he formed us and placed us in our mother’s’ womb. He said he ordained us as well. This knowing was intimately woven into our spiritual DNA and as we were knit into our mother’s womb. Our spiritual umbilical cords has never been cut. What were the secrets we needed to know so we could recognize each other? When we came into deeper realms of intimacy with God, He began to reveal his secrets to us and show us each other before we ever met. Revealing these secrets caused us to immediately be able to recognize each other.

Your requirements and purpose are revealed to you through intimacy with God and sometimes prophetic ministry. It is time to embrace your identity in Christ and protect who God says you are. We are a part of heaven’s contingency plan for God in the earth for marriage and relationships.

Who are you? Samson was a Nazarite from birth. You discovered your purpose, but it was your purpose before you entered your mother’s womb. It wasn’t just a good idea. It is God’s idea. Samson knew his requirements, but he kept playing with the philistines, making riddles, and teasing them to flex his powers. Time after time, he would get up and shake himself and always be able to recover but not this one time. This time was different. The word says, God is married to the backslider. Many have been like Samson at times as the body of Christ and found ourselves bound.

The enemy tries to get us entangled and destroyed by what we are called to destroy. Samson had just lost his wife. She was given to another man by her father and then she was burned alive. Samson was in pain and angry. He was looking for a safe place and he found Delilah. Samson self-sabotaged with a full understanding of the intent of Delilah. How many of us knew the risk and we did it anyway? I have. The enemy is after your eyesight like Samson’s. He doesn’t want you to be able to see how to destroy him. He wants to blind you and take your strength by draining you of your ability to accomplish your assignment. Samson asked God to avenge him of his two eyes and God allowed his hair to grow back. God is going to avenge you of every wound. Get ready Samson destroyed more of his enemies in his death than he did in his life. Samson was finally fully submitted to God. We will destroy more of our enemies by laying our lives down completely surrendered to his will. It is not too late. God is in control and has equipped us as one of heavens contingency plans to an emergency in the earth.

Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.