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Jesus didn’t just come to earth to deliver us. He came that we would have life and life more abundantly. He wants us to: LIVE. The word says in Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by you, and saw you polluted in your own blood, I said unto you when you was in your blood, Live; yea, I said to you when you was in your blood, Live.

There was a time in my life that I didn’t love me. As a child I grew up corrected in rejection, on top of the fact that I was the fourth and last child of my parents. They had been divorced, remarried, and divorced again shortly after my birth. My mom let me know as far as I can remember that she didn’t want any more children. So, I felt like a child that was nursed by rejection and cradled by the hand of devastation from the womb.

So, one of the first things the Lord began to do when I entered a personal relationship with him at 17 years old, was he let me know how special I was to him. I grew up believing that God had too many children and he couldn’t love me individually. God began to correct me, but it never looked like the correction I received growing up. God wants to reparent some of you and deliver you, but he draws us with loving kindness and his goodness. He began to give me prophetic word after prophetic word. He was giving me hope and a future to pull me out of those places of struggle and hopelessness so I would have something to fight for. He was changing me by loving me and revealing to me that he had a plan for me before I ever committed any wrongs. He wants you to know the same is true for your lives and family and friends.

Many know how I was a scorned and forsaken wife but years before I met my late ex-husband, I was the villain in a different story before I became a victim. I remember at 22, my second relationship, I backslid, and I got in an adulterous affair with a professor at college. I felt justified because he was separated from his estranged wife for five years at that time. He shared that she didn’t want to fix it, and she was in another relationship as well. I think one of the greatest allures was how open he was with me on the campus, with his parents, his sister was a beautician and did my hair all the time, their nine-year-old son, friends and even his identical twin. We talked about marriage and having children together and him getting a divorce finally. I had been a secret since my teen years being in a relationship with a man that was 21 years older than me and now, I had someone that showed me open affection. I didn’t feel like it was a secret at all.

We were so deceived that we would even go to church together at times. If you are in an adulterous relationship, I pray God delivers you and you allow him to heal and deliver you. I pray God heals that broken marriage and he gives you a new beginning. Just because a person is separated, does not give you the right to date or be in a relationship with them spiritually. When my ex-late husband separated from me, I fasted, interceded, and contended for my marriage for three years. I was infuriated, knowing we were still married, and he was now even more openly cheating.

This relationship was approaching eleven months, and the Lord began to challenge me. I told him I was going out of state to go to a conference to get away so I could ask God should I let him go. He begged me not to go. How deceived was I? I didn’t need to get away to get that answer. Adultery is a sin. I was walking in deception like some of you. God wants to set you free.

I went. I received one of the greatest prophetic words of my life that I included in my memoir, Overcoming the Shipwrecks of Life on Broken pieces. Several prophets told me God wanted me to know I was so special to him prior to this conference from seventeen until this time. At that point, I was irritated because I wanted to know what was so special about me. As a little girl, I longed to have one person that I was special to, and no one could take my place in their heart. As I stood in front of this prolific prophetic team leader, the leader began to laugh aloud. I was wondering what was wrong with her. I should have been nervous maybe because of my current situation but I wasn’t.

The first thing she told me was the Lord wanted me to know why I was so special to HIM. She told me because when the enemy started battling me around, I always came running to God. She never once dealt with or exposed the sin I was in. The Lord instead told me about how significant I was to his purposes, my family, and how my yes, would deliver not only me but many in my family, their friends, and their friends’ friends. What a promise!

I came back and called him. He asked me what the Lord told me regarding us. I told him I had to let him go. He then told me that was good because his wife was 5 months pregnant, in the hospital, and had delivered and the baby died. God closed that door for me just like that and had given me new vision and hope through these prophetic promises. After the brokenness of my marriage, I went back into an adulterous situation with my daughters father, as I shared. This was a similar situation with his wife being estranged. However, when I became pregnant, I cried out and remembered all I labored for and all God promised me. I allowed God to turn me completely. I know God as a deliverer and a keeper. I am so grateful he has kept me these last 7.5 years in my abstinent journey. I pray God brings you into a new season of vision and purpose and delivers you like he did me.

I shared my testimony so others will know, God is not mad at you. He is madly in love with you and wants to set you free. Repent, forgive yourself, turn away from your ways, and allow God to heal you and those involved. He has so much for you and your generations and those you have been called too. God has called you to LIVE.

 Proverbs 24:16 For a just man falls seven times and rises again: But the wicked shall fall into mischief.