The Time Traveler's wife

Love transcends dimensions and time. It is stronger than death. I love the movie, The Time Traveler’s wife. The main actress Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. I feel like I have loved you from eternity. He randomly visits and picnics with her as a little girl. Henry has a rare genetic disorder that causes him to time travel which is out of his control. I know there have been situations that caused us to be delayed. Nevertheless, she believes they are destined to be together. I believe we are destined to be together.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances that keeps him separated from her in time, there love for one another grows deeper and stronger. It transcends time. Our love is rooted in God. We have not allowed anything to separate us. Our kingdom purposes are bigger than the obstacles the enemies has tried to use to abort our assignment. She isn’t afraid to love him. I am not afraid to love you. Love conquers all and endures all.

I’ve been time traveling since 1992 in intercession. God started taking me back. Specially in 2000, I began to weep for myself as a little girl and Jesus would weep with me. It was in those moments that I was crushed the most. I didn’t think anyone loved me as a child. The visits got more and more frequent. It took some years before I was able to stop revisiting little Marie. I knew I was healed when I didn’t see her weeping anymore.

I didn’t realize how important it was in that season to get healed, but the storms were coming and if I was still crying when it was time to fight, I would have lost the battle. This time I was going to have to start running because my journey ahead for me to travel was going to take me back to slavery and into our future and generations to come. The enemy was after everything I loved and everything God promised them and us.

See, the way, I learned to run faster out of the reach of the enemy was by overcoming evil with good. Every time I forgave, I could get further into my future. Every time I came to weep about my ancestors, I was bringing God the ashes so I could exchange them for his beauty. It became personal, and I began to cry for restoration for not just my generations but all the way back to my slave ancestors. God was breaking my heart for what broke His heart while they were alive. I wanted my love story to be different. I wanted my generations to be free and everyone coming after me. The longer I stayed in a place of worship and sacrifice, allowing God to purify my heart, the further I could see. My panoramic view of both the past and future began to bring my life into supernatural focus. I found myself soaring above the storms like an eagle. King David said, by God he ran through troops and leaped over walls. I had to get through some generational troops that were strongholds, and I had to become stronger than the strongholds. I didn’t realize at that time I would run right into you.

I prayed for you. I cried for you. We are finally here.


The Time Traveler’s wife.