Love without Punctuation

Often we experience things, its always bigger than us so I want to encourage others if you are in a storm, or coming out of one, keep your eyes on the lighthouse. Allow God to heal it. He is able. Cross over to the other side. Don’t give up on love!

Sometimes my love feels like a sentence that runs on,

leaving me with questions of where it begins and where it ends,

I’ve discovered there is no punctuation for it because we are forever friends,


it fights for periods where there are commas,

demanding verbs that eliminate dramas,

Leaving places and spaces,

for fill in the blanks,

for laughs and for pranks.

Longing for days together that include prepositions like, on, down, between and behind,

where pronouns are intertwined like our bodies, hearts, souls and mind,

Writing new chapters with adjectives that describe our love in directions,

that cause our lives to be defined by new languages of affections.

Where emotions are not followed by conjunctions like but,

that leave us with clarity and not always asking what,

because our love is able to handle semi colons to join our yesterday and tomorrow,

without sorrow,

strong enough for colons that connect us together never leaving room,

for anything to consume,


Forever bonded by trust,

in the parenthesis that include (you and me),

and God’s degree.

Ecc 4:9-10 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he has no one to help him up.