Marie's Oscars

What is the purpose of the Oscars?

To recognize and celebrate all aspects of the film industry and the diverse, talented people who make movies. All our lives are played out as movies. Everybody in our lives at various times plays a different role and has a different script. For some, these people have auditioned, and you picked them and for some of us we have allowed God to pick the main characters and supporting actors.

Denzel Washington just made a comment at the Grammy Award this year that his mom taught him. He said after being nominated 9 times and finally winning, she taught him, “Man gives you an award, but God gives you your reward.” I want God’s reward not man’s award. I believe that we should honor people for their roles in our lives. I want to name a few of the movies in my life.

I want to start specifically with my most memorable roles in my life’s movie called, Overcoming on Broken Pieces was from 2000-2005. I had several key supporting actors that encouraged me and supported me emotionally and spiritually. I want to start by saying thank you as always to my mentor, Prophetess Pamela Jones-Kent. She prayed for me and reminded me of my “yes” to pick up my cross and to keep going when my heart was broken in my marriage. She got the Oscar as she watched over my life. She shared she trusted the Lord with my life and he promised her, I would never die lost. I want to thank Dr. Carolyn Champion for all the countless hours I sat in her chair as she reminded me how much God loved me, how pleased he was with me and where she saw me in my future. I want to thank God for my dear friend Sophie Williams that ate with me most days. She helped me get a bank account and a cell phone when my ex-late husband ruined our credit. I want to thank my brother, Herbert Poole who sent me CDs of worship that carried me during that season to the other side. I want to thank my longtime friend, Valerie G. Lowe from Charisma Magazine, for supporting me and allowing God to show her who I was beyond the pain and heartbreak. I am grateful that she stayed true to her assignment without any compromise. I also want to thank Apostle John Zartuche. He prophetically announced my exodus and apostolically declared my positioning at the canal of the Res Sea of my life to get across with my children before my husband walked out. I also must give special thanks to Apostle Donald Garner. Apostle Donald Garner’s prophetic ministry kept me alive like the raven that fed Elijah when my late ex-husband walked out.

My next movie was called, Forgive and Forget was from 2006-2016. This was a time I had to survive after my divorce and move on with the kids and accept my ex-late husband was slowly dying. I want to thank my cousin for the best supporting actor, Kina Miller. When I became a runaway bride, she stepped up to the plate to pay my rent for 4 months with additional funds as needed until I could find a new job. I want to thank Pastor Jamal Miller who stepped up to help me tremendously with my son, Linford Vaughn, III. I am grateful when I wanted to start my blog, Pastor Jamal taught me how to create and maintain it for the first six months as my administrator. I want to thank my spiritual father, Dr. Apostle Matthew Stevenson, III and his wife for their ministry. He got the Oscar for covering me so many times prophetically while announcing my next seasons and teaching me the power of consecration to guard my future. I want to honor and thank my late mom, Beverly Bares, for being an emotional support during one of the most challenging seasons of my life with me with my youngest son. I want to thank Dr. Carolyn Champion and my mentor, Pamela Jones-Kent that encouraged me as a single mom that God had not forgotten about me. They both told me people would fly from all over the world to attend my wedding one day. I thank God for my mentor, Pamela Jones-Kent for giving her the dream of my wedding and praying for it in 2013, when I wasn’t as focused as I needed to be.

My next movie was called, Broken and Beautiful was from 2016-2020. I became laser focused after the conception of my daughter and began to believe God for all the things I gave birth too in my previous marriage. My cousin, Monica Coffey, got the Oscar for best supportive actor. She was there from the beginning with my daughter. I want to thank Katina Daher for giving me a baby shower. I want to thank my supportive friend, Rikki Ray, who took her condominium off the market to make sure I felt supported with my baby girl with additional resources and comfort for one extra year. She also helped me and became an intricate part of helping me start my organization, Ruth’s Vineyard during this time. I want to thank my mentor, who prayed for me the morning of her birth. I want to thank Dr. Carolyn Champion that encouraged me during my pregnancy by sharing that God was going to turn her dad’s heart.

My next movie was called, The Dawning: All things new in 2020-2023. I want to thank Dr. Apostle Matthew Stevenson, III that prophetically declared my season on March 8, 2020. He got the Oscar again for this season of my life. He let everyone know if they did not know me, they would be sorry because of where God was taking me and about to do in my life. I want to thank my cousin, Monica Coffey, who moved in during the pandemic to assist me with my daughter. I want to thank my brother and his wife, Herbert, and Janeen Poole for allowing me to transition and get established when I sold my condominium and purchased my home in Houston, Texas. I also want to thank my brother and my sister-in-law, for all the days he fixed my car, something that broke in my home and other days they watched my daughter. I also want to thank my daughters’ godparents, Mr. LeRon and Wendy Bennet for their endless love and support towards us both. I also want to thank my cousin, Monica, for every plane ticket back to Chicago to visit family and friends, all the extra money and for all her visits when I needed her comfort the most to Houston.

I want to thank my cousin, Kina Miller, for all the money and the credit card to make sure I have everything I need while I am without a job. I also want to thank my dear friends Dr. Kim Mitchell, Audrey Carter, Rena Bryson, and Sophia Williams for their monetary gifts and love and support. Now, a special thanks goes to my friend Kim Cunningham. She found a program that paid my mortgage for the last 8 months and gave me money and has been an additional support to assist my extended family. I also want to thank my mother in the Lord, Sharon A. Frazier, my spiritual Naomi. She changed my life last year on 3/29/23 as she positioned me like Ruth. I am grateful for all the countless hours she calls to encourage me and just to let me share my heart. I also want to thank Apostle Donald Garner again for his prophetic ministry over this past year, declaring and confirming exactly where God is taking me. Last but not least, I want to thank my intercessor and former boss, Ingrid Dieudonne for all her prayers and believing in my dreams and where God is taking me next.

 May the Lord reward you all richly both now and in eternity in Jesus name.