Offenses will come

What do you do when the truth and a lie are confronted like two football players that collide?  Years ago, I had the pleasure of watching the movie, Concussion.  I absolutely loved this movie for several reasons.  I respect the passion and connection that Dr. Bennett Omalu demonstrated as he would ask his “dead” patients what happened to them.  There they laid on that table, with no longer the ability to have a voice; and yet their bodies held within them the story of their lives.  He became their voice.  Have you been called to be a voice for others?

There was another compelling moment in the movie I connected with him.  It was the integrity and honor he held for them to be willing to place his career on the line and his own finances, nevertheless, he was offended.  Jesus told us in this world, offenses will come.

 How do you handle these types of offenses?  He remained faithful to his cause despite the opposition.   God wants you to remain faithful to the truth and message he has given you regardless of the opposition and the offenses that you are facing.  Regardless of the fact, that my father’s side of the family are Islamic, I still share my Christian beliefs.  Keep sharing your story.  Keep sharing the word of the Lord even as I pray that God will deliver and save them although it is viewed to them as I am being offensive. 

However, evidence that Dr. Omalu discovered caused the truth revealed to cost him a great price. Has your purpose and calling lead you to a place of great price?  Have you ever stood up for what is right, and you had to suffer for it? I have and I was able to relate to Dr. Bennett Omalu in this movie. 

Dr. Bennett Omalu made a difference although millions of people are still diehard fans for the game of football. Even if people still decide to play football, at least the truth was told.  Even if millions of people still choose to follow the teachings of the Nation of Islam; I will speak my truth from the word of God. 

Even if you are rejected for the work that you are doing, do it for the glory of God.

Even when you feel like you are not honored for your sacrifices, do it for the glory of God.

His work has provided a greater awareness of the painful truth associated with head injuries to football players that otherwise would have never been proven.  I pray that the revelation of Christ will be revealed, and more people will be made aware of the error that has been embedded in the minds and hearts of those that have believed them for generations that follow the Nation of Islam and other false religions.  God wants you to know he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that you would not be lost. Jesus is Lord!