One way

I was driving full speed ahead in the wrong direction up a ONE WAY!  Distracted and laughing on my cell phone and I had missed my chance to enter the ramp and I turned back around and decided I would take a short cut.  I still was not paying attention.  There I was in my truck with my mother and I was heading up a ONE WAY that was an exit ramp to come down on the 79th sky way, several years ago. I had almost made it to the top before realizing I was going the wrong way.  God gave me the time I needed to back up, do a U-turn and safely get back in the flow of traffic.


 It should have been obvious to me-right?  Have you ever realized in life you were really headed the wrong direction; yet you were convinced you were right?  However, not realizing this decision was so bad that it would affect everyone involved.   Have you ever gotten involved in an adulterous affair, and believed the lie that he/she was separated so you had a right to them? 

No matter what lie you have believed God loves you enough to protect you even when you are vulnerable and living in deception going the wrong way.  He will give you hope and set you free from deception, lies and belief systems you have built your life on.  If you seek him and earnestly ask him to reveal the truth to you, in Jesus name, he will.  The bible says there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is death.  Or perhaps you have grown up to believe that there is more than one way to get to God? Or that Allah is God.  You have been deceived because Jesus is the one way to God. 


I want to encourage you if you have loved ones that are going the wrong way.  Just like God sent the angels to protect me that day from being killed and killing others because I was driving the wrong way, he is able to deliver your loved ones.  I often think about who called off of work that day.  Who decided to take a different route that afternoon?  Who forgot their keys and had to go back home? What did God have to do with the angels to intervene to make sure that no car came down that ramp that day to save me and my mother. God wants you to know that even if you are going the wrong way, all is not lost. Repent and be reconciled back to God today and he will save you.