Petrified of the inevitable

But nothing and no one was going to make me take my eyes off my inheritance or my unsaved family members. God had promised them to me, even though the enemy had intensified his attacks. I remember going to my husband to encourage him to stay in agreement with me, and I told him that God had given me faith to recover all that had been lost. He looked at me and said, "But you won't have me."

My husband was detaching himself more and more. He wouldn't talk to me. He stopped sleeping with me. The moment I stepped foot in the house from work, he would run out of the apartment, careful not to acknowledge my presence. During those rare times he did say something, he was brutal. We were at the breaking point, and that's when I got a call that Charisma magazine wanted to write a feature article about me growing up in a famous family and my testimony of coming to Christ.

Talking about an oxymoron!

There I was about to face the Red Sea of my life, and God had just taken the hinges off the door to a huge opportunity for ministry. I knew it was God's way of letting me know He was well-pleased with me. Spiritually it felt like the Holy Spirit descended upon me like a dove as He had done for Jesus, when God opened the heavens and testified that Jesus was His beloved Son in whom he was well-pleased. I had never preached, contacted the magazine, or had any ministry cards.
