Pursue, overtake and recover all

King David took all the men to fight and left the women and children unprotected. While they were out fighting, the enemy came in to steal, kill and to destroy.

Were you doing everything you knew to do and the enemy still came in?

You may be asking how this relates to you. Well, you are a man that was fighting for your family. You were working two jobs, not making much but busting your butt. You were going back to school and trying to get ahead, but your wife left because you were not making enough money to support the family. You were fighting so hard physically that when it was time to fight emotionally, you were so weak, you did not have the strength to save that marriage and she left.

Get her and your children. For some, God is saying, it is not too late. I know it looks bad because all you see are the ashes. Give him the ashes and he will exchange them for his beauty like he is doing for me. God is a God of restoration and if you are willing to do the work, he will go before you and assist you.

Let us see what happened in King David’s story and his army. When David and his men reached Ziklag three days later, they discovered that the Amalekites had raided the desert hill country. They had attacked Ziklag in David’s absence, burned it, and carried away the women and all the other inhabitants whom David had left behind. None of them were killed, but they were taken captive and carried back toward Amalek.

So David and his men arrived in the burned city and found their wives, daughters, and sons gone, taken captive by the Amalekite raiders. And when they saw this, they cried out and wept aloud until they could weep no more. David’s wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel, were among those carried off.

God wants you to know man of God, if you seek his face, get the strategy you need, he will give you the strength to pursue, overtake and recover all. Don’t give up on your family. For other men, God is challenging you to not give up on love and having a family just because that last relationship didn’t work out. It will be worth your pursuit. Get your family. Go start that family and be willing to begin again. May the Lord strengthen you in your pursuit. The Lord has gone before you into the enemy’s camp. I pray he gives you the strategies to ambush and catch the enemy off guard like he did for King David, his army and like he did for me. Ready, set, GO!


Pursue me

Overtake and recover all,

No matter how great or small,

the treasure,


to discover, 

Love me as my lover,

Protect me as a brother,

Let your love uncover,

the secret pearls, 

as we merge into each others worlds.

Uncover the places that I protected,

That God intercepted, 

And hid me in adversity,

Now revealing me in diversity.

Pursue me.

And recover,

Everything the enemy said we would never get,

Love me with no regret,


All you have that we will last, 




Don’t ever lie.

We believe we will always win,

Always be my friend,

Pursue me.

Uncover, discover and recover all that God has secretly revealed, 

Let old wounds be healed,

Let mountains of defeat become plains,

Explore my reigns,

Talk to me,

Tell me you want to be,

My man,

That I can,

Be your wife,

Pursue me.

Let me be the love of your life.

Now and forever,


Pursue me.

Trust me to be your lover, 

Trust I will cover,


Let our souls become one as we live happily ever after, 

facing ever challenge, enduring the cross as we bask in his laughter.