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Start over

Starting over is not easy. In the midst of COVID, the world will never be the same as we knew it. It doesn’t matter if you have to go back to school to advance your career. That means your skill set has to be upgraded. That means you may have to invest in yourself and start over with a new business to advance and establish yourself again. You and your spouse may have lost that much anticipated baby again to a miscarriage and are going thru IVF treatments. Don’t be afraid to start over.

God will give you grace to come to your expected end. He told us in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

He has come to give us hope for our future. He wants you to dream again. To trust him again. To start over again. I am reminded of how Peter had toiled all night and didn’t catch any fish but Jesus told him to launch back out into the deep. Luke 5:4. Peter responded at his word and obeyed. He could have moved in fear and didn’t want to start over. But he didn’t.

Start over.

God is with you. He will give you your expected harvest. It doesn’t matter that you got rejected for that last home you tried to purchase. It doesn’t matter if you worked for that company all those years and was let go and now you have to start over at a new job. Start over. I remember in 2008, God began to tell me to go back to school to get my Masters degree. It took me 2 years to obey. I didn’t want to start over but my career was pivoting. I am so grateful to this day, I obeyed.

Another time, I had to start over was to be a mother again. I always wanted a daughter but gave up on the idea at 35 years old and was no longer married. I absolutely didn’t want to start over. During a season in my life of great turmoil, I left the Lord. I became pregnant and got pregnant with my daughter. I didn’t know if I was going to have a girl. All I knew was how hard it was being a single mother. How he didn’t help me raise our other son. I thought about all the things I struggled with the boys growing up and how would I manage now I was older. I thought about all the years I labored in prayer and how much I wanted to help other mothers so that they would never abort their children. I knew I had to start over. I am so grateful, I trusted God for the grace to start over.

Get ready, Grace is coming upon you now, God is going to give you the grace to start over.

No matter, what you are facing, God’s grace is sufficient.