Think Different

We live in a society where so many want to fit in and can’t handle the pressure of standing out because of their difference. It is your difference that will make you stand out. So do you really want to be a social influencer and if you do, you will have to have a different spirit and be okay with your difference. You won’t be like them. Everyone will not speak well of you.

Being different will make you think differently.

You will find beauty in coloring outside the lines and answers that are outside of the box. You will be willing to go left when everybody else thinks you should go right; and you will be okay with the risk.

You will have to stop being so common with yourself that you forget how uncommon you are.  So many are guilty of thinking that they are just like everyone else, that they become blinded to their own difference. 

 I remember when I was given the number to the Law Project organization.  They are a group of attorneys in Chicago that put non- for- profit organizations together pro bono.  However, you get all of 5 to 10 minutes to tell them on the phone about your project. You have to share what makes your organization different from another organization that may be similar.  I had a blueprint in my spirit for Ruth’s vineyard. They told me I had to research and find similar organizations that were like mine. I found one almost identical to the blueprint God had put in my spirit.  I kept asking myself what is different than what I wanted. 

It was so incredibly close to me and extremely loud, but I was missing it for a few days.  Then I heard God say, you want to do all those things for those single moms but you want to do it so they won’t consider abortion. 

My motive and mission are to save the babies from abortion by providing the resources often needed to take care of their babies. They excepted my organization and created my organization for me and gave me one of the best law firms for 3 years named Stratton & Associates.  My difference will make a difference. 

Your difference will make a difference.

In the bible when it was time to bring the children of Israel into their promised land, they saw the land they wanted.  You may see the vision God has given you.  You are incredibly close.  But they also saw the giants in the land.  Your enemies, the ones in your soul, the ones around you and the ones that aren’t may be extremely loud to you.  They saw themselves as grasshoppers and the word says and so did the people. 

How you see yourself, will be the way others see you as well.  God is trying to heal your self-image of you. God wants to build you from the inside out so that the things around you don’t appear bigger than the God that is inside you.  You are asking God for increase.  God is enlarging you first on the inside before it manifests on the outside. 

You must think different.

Joshua and Caleb, the bible says in Numbers 14:24 But as for My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.

If we want what God has promised you , you must think different.  We must have a different spirit. Allow God to give you a different spirit and don’t be afraid when others don’t think the way you do.