The Fingerprints of God

Before we were created and knit in our mother’s womb, the bible says God knew us (Jeremiah 1:5).  Every hair on our head is numbered. This doesn’t mean he just knows how many we have, God knows exactly what strand of hair is lost and every detail is recorded.  One of the greatest ways God has built my self-esteem is by how he has nurtured, forgave and  loved me.  The bible says freely we have received and freely we should give.  This doesn’t just mean money. 

As a young girl by the time I was 12, I didn’t feel special at all.  I was born on the 13th of June, and my “golden birthday” was fast approaching.  I made the grave mistake that so many do; I began to compare myself with others to even lessen my value and self-esteem.  To me I was just another long haired, light skinned, brown eyed girl just like all the rest.  At this point in my life, I remember asking myself one day,  if my mother who had four children couldn’t love me, how could God and he had so many children in the world?

Perhaps you have asked yourself a similar question, that has questioned your value, your uniqueness and what makes you-you?  God said we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). 

Every fingerprint is different. 

What was on the mind of God when he created you? The father wants us to know that he knows our thoughts a far off (Psalm 139:2).  His thoughts towards us are more than the sand on the sea (Psalm 139:17-18).  What passions of Christ did the creator breathe inside of you when you became a living soul?  When God began to reveal himself to me at 17, the first thing he did was continuously went out his way. He consistently let me know how special I was too him and how much he knew, loved and thought of me.  I would get continuos prophetic ministry which began to unlock my heart and God began to affirm, confirm and reveal his plans for my life.

One of the ten commandments is we shall not place any graven image on God, (Exodus 20:4). The father was coming after those graven images. Unknowingly as a child, I now viewed God through the lens of how I had been handled and this distorted my interactions with my ability to receive God’s love for me.   Who has mishandled you and caused you to question your value? As children and sometimes as adults, we often without even knowing, begin to ascribe  attributes of others on God because of the way we have been handled.

Whose fingerprints have been left on you?

 Sometimes we can’t hear the cry of our own children and our spouses because the child is us is still screaming.  God desires to heal you from these graven images from your childhood and adulthood. He wants to remove the fingerprints from others so he can leave his fingerprints on you