The still small voice

We live in a time where we need to know and hear the voice of God.  However, some don’t believe he is still talking.  I wouldn’t serve a God that couldn’t hear and respond back to me.  Maybe you fall into the category of those that do believe he is still talking but you have trouble deciphering his voice. 

In life we find ourselves in many different situations, each day, needing the mind and counsel of God but we look for him to answer sometimes, the way he did in the past.  Maybe when we are going through the hard, trying times, we feel like we can clearly hear God stirring us another way.  But we need to learn to hear him outside of the the winds, the earthquakes and the fires. In trouble sometimes we can hear God so clearly but not in God’s whisper.  

Don’t miss his voice because you are looking for him in the drama. Can you hear him when it’s quite?  Do we allow the situation to dictate how we hear him?  In this season, consider that perhaps, he may want to speak to you a different way.  The father has allowed so many of the things that we were previously accustomed too, to be brought to an abrupt halt due to Covid and other economic hardships, as if the world has been silenced.  

 In the Prophet Elijah’s day, he taught Elijah a lesson and we can learn from it as well. 


This is what happened.


1 Kings 19:11-13King James Version (KJV)

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.


I remember several years ago, I asked the Lord to teach me to hear him more clearly in the details of my life. There would be times, I would hear this still small voice that sounded much like my own. For example, I was taking off the safety pins from the skirt that I was going to wear that was attached to the coat hanger from the cleaners. The still small voice said, “Take one of the safety pins with you today because someone is going to ask you for one”.  The Lord later on let me know he was teaching me to trust his voice in everyday life.

Now, I could have argued with my rational as to why and ruled out that it wasn’t going to happen but instead I put one in my purse.  It was some hours into my day and one of my employees came in my office and out of the blue asked me did I have a safety pin.  I was thrilled to give it to her without explanation.  It is the still small voice of the Lord that guides us beyond our own understanding that often we discredit and never learn to follow.  It’s not “something told me to do that as we so often say.  It is the still small voice of the Lord that is trying to let you know he is with you. 


If you learn to listen in the small things than you will be able to trust him when he tells you about the big things in your life.  I want to challenge and encourage you as you are prompted by the Lord to begin to listen for his voice not so much how you may have heard him in the past but the still small voice so that you will know that he is concerned about the details of your life.