Can you see like Jesus?

I remembered years ago, I was in a McDonalds in downtown Chicago and I was watching this lady order herself and her small daughter a meal.  The lady was swinging on the little girl and cursing her out.  So many people began to focus on her and the child, although it was crowded.  I received my food before her and went to find a seat.  I proceeded to put a few French fries in my mouth and went to swallow.  The lady sat down and the little girl went to snatch her food from her mother and ran as fast as she could so she could eat.  As I got ready to swallow my food, my throat began to close as the love of God swelled up in my heart so strongly, that I almost choked. I was compelled to spit my food out and went to pray for her.

I immediately got up and sat next to her.  I told her what had just happened to me and how concerned the Lord was about her and her situation.  I asked her what was wrong.  She told me her son had been falsely accused and just put in prison and she could not get him out. Here I was sitting next to a big stocky, strong black woman but when I shared the love of God with her and told her how God interrupted me she broke down crying and allowed me to pray for her.  

Can Jesus interrupt you? Can you hear him when he speaks to you? Can you see like Jesus? How would most have seen that lady? So many were judging in their hearts but couldn’t see what they couldn’t see? Do you have eyes but cant see?

I will never forget that encounter as long as I live. I will always be grateful that I obeyed the Lord. I am grateful I didn’t judge her in my heart. I saw passed her anger and saw her pain. God wants us to share his love with the world. When someone is acting out, can you cover them and can you see like Jesus?