God wants to separate us


You may be asking what is God trying to separate us from.  God wants to separate us from our past to bring us into our future.  In the words of Pastor Keion Henderson in his message Built to Last, he said, our future wants to have an exclusive relationship with us.  He said, when we cheat on our past with our future, it results in a bad breakup.  For this to occur, we must allow God to separate us by placing enough distance between our past and our future. God wants us to break up with our past.  The only reason it becomes a bad break up is if there are things in our past, we are trying to bring into our future.  We must guard our future.


Let’s check out how God did this in the bible with the children of Israel.  When God got ready to bring them out of Egypt, it took miracle after miracle to bring them out.  They finally reached the Red Sea that looked impossible to crossover and the Egyptian’s changed their mind.  They decided they weren’t going to let them go after all. You may be thinking you thought you had made it through the worst parts already.  Now on your way to your promised land, you have run into an obstacle that feels impossible to overcome. How many of us have cheated with our past with our future?  


 A lot of us. My greatest struggle was me transitioning from my past into my future with the foreknowledge that God had better for me.  I had to learn to love myself in the in between places while allowing God to love me broken, mistakes and all.  I remember a time in my past I would take 5 steps forward and then feel like I took 10 steps backwards.  God brought me into a place of stability now a little shy of almost 7 years ago.  I decided I wanted everything he had for me more than what I wanted for myself.  I aligned myself back up with his dream---- so take hope.  Don’t allow your feelings to get in the way of what God has promised.  Don’t give up. Crossover, because God is about to drown your enemies into the red sea.  God is about to drown destruction, fear, and abuse. Let them be drowned.


Pastor Keion said in his message we have been anointed for Forward.  God told the children of Israel to go forward.  It required them to take the necessary steps into what appeared could drown and destroy them but as they moved forward, God then made a way out of no way.


You are anointed for Forward.


He needed them to obey and go forward so he could separate them enough from their past that he would be able to drown their enemies without them also being drowned.

Exodus 14: 26 Then the Lord told Moses, “Stretch out your hand over the sea and the water will come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots, and over their horsemen.” 27 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the water returned to its normal depth at daybreak. The Egyptians tried to retreat in front of the advancing water, but the Lord destroyed the Egyptians in the middle of the sea. 28 The water returned, covering the chariots and the horsemen of Pharaoh’s entire army that had pursued the Israelis into the sea. Not even one of them remained.

It’s in that forward movement you will see that God has already gone before you.  God will not allow us to be drowned emotionally, physically, financially in anyway.  But he does want to drown our enemies.  This year I’ve grown and enjoyed some of the most profound podcasts on relationships.  I’ve heard a lot of statements surrounding showing up and becoming our best version of ourselves.  However, I discovered that it is not just necessary to become a better version of ourselves for us. It is equally as important not to come into agreement with the enemy as our future spouse transforms from their past and becomes who God said they will be.  God’s love transforms us into who we are born to become, but it is a process.   That process starts with allowing God to separate us from our past so we can have an exclusive relationship with our future.  Love covers a multitude of faults.  Love is waiting in our future.


 Exodus 14:15-16 And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go Forward. But lift your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.