Don't take your father's God's

Jacob decides enough is enough. He is about to sneak his family away from Laban. Laban his father-in-law was a ruthless man. He tricked him and he ended up with the wrong wife in the beginning. He ends up having to work 14 years instead of seven years for the love of his life, Rachel. Laban changes his wages unfairly ten separate times. Jacob was ready to go. He realized that if he did not go the way he did that Laban may take his daughters away from him or worse. Well, Laban pursues him, but God must give him a dream to let him know not to touch him.

If God protected Jacob, he would protect you too. People in your wife’s bloodline have been treacherous but God wants you to know he is in control.

They come face to face and Laban is looking for his idols, his God’s. Jacob tells him he can kill whoever has them if he finds them. Be careful about what you come to an agreement with. God is listening and so is the enemy. He is so confident that no one took them from his family. However, Jacob has no idea the love of his life has stolen the idols and is hiding them.

Jacob had been stuck in a tough situation that was only originally supposed to be a short hide out so his twin would not kill him. He ends up staying twenty years, but God made him a promise to bring him home. This was a prophetic promise not just a desire of Jacob’s.

What has God promised to do for you prophetically that you have been waiting for many years?

This was my challenge. God gave me the faith to ask him for the things my ancestors never received from multiple generations and even back to slavery. I had entered generation warfare. I was laboring like Jacob for what he wanted most. The word says, in Matthew 12:29 Or else how can one enter a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first binds the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. I was in the biggest war of my life in my previous marriage with many generational strongholds in operation and I was contending in faith fighting to bind them to spoil their house. I was fighting to come out of agreement with all the things many of my ancestors did not overcome. I wanted more than anything, everything God had for me and for my generations and those coming behind me and I was willing to suffer for it. For what are you willing to suffer?

Right before they reach the promise, his homeland, Racheal ends up dying in childbirth. Research says it was barely thirty-one miles from the promise. He was so close. God does not want you to fall short of his promises due to partial obedience. He wants you to receive everything he has for you and your generations now and to come. God wants you to enjoy the fullness of the dream he has given you to birth. I was broken but God was breaking my heart for my marriage and family, for the souls that were lost and for the wealth that was stolen generation after generation. It did not feel like God was with me in this hard place. God showed Jacob that he was with him in that place, but he did not know it. God wants you to know he is with you even though it may feel like you are stuck in a difficult situation.

God wants to know will you leave your father’s Gods behind to get what he has for you and your generations?

Do not just get the love of your life or whatever that is that you labored for and come short of receiving everything he has for you. It didn’t cost her then but it cost her later. He is still the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Do not take your father’s God’s with you. It is time to get your generational promises. It’s too costly.


33 So Laban looked in Jacob’s tent, in Leah’s tent, and in the tent where the two slave women stayed, but he did not find his idols. When he left Leah’s tent, he went into Rachel’s tent. 34 Rachel had hidden the idols inside her camel’s saddle and was sitting on them. Although Laban looked through us, the tents, he did not find them.