Happy Valentines Day: Loves first Kiss

 Loves first Kiss

Genesis 29:11 Then Jacob kissed Rachel and began to weep aloud.

Wait a minute……….

The brother broke down just from a kiss.

A kiss….

How many of us as women, would love to be able to capture the heart of our mates the way Rachel did with just one kiss? I’m often fascinated by Jacob and Rachel’s love story. He was not only willing to wait but he was willing to labor. It cost Jacob something to endure to get Rachel. Even after his father-in-law tricked him he did not give up.

Don’t give up!!!

Don’t give up on love even though you may have felt like you were tricked and ended up in a bad situation.

Maybe you married the wrong one at first and it ended in divorce.

Maybe you were lied to and were engaged and let your guards down and ended up pregnant and he doesn’t want to marry you now.

Don’t give up!!!

Maybe you are still married and it wasn’t what you thought it would be.

Don’t give up!!!

Laban didn’t just trick him and he got the wrong wife but he made him work another whole seven years. He had to labor twice as hard to get his heart’s desire. So many don’t want to put in the work.

Are you willing to pay the price to get your heart’s desire?

Laban changed his wages ten times deceitfully!!! Come on!!! This is a lot of drama. Some men would have packed up and left! From my own limited experience, I’ve seen men walk away for much less than this and yet Jacob preserved. He loved Rachel. He discerned her worth despite the foolery.

Will you be able to look beyond the pain of the price it may cost you or has cost you to labor for the love of your life? I choose to believe that Jacob and Rachel are not the only ones that can find true love.

Your loves first kiss awaits you. It will be worth it!

I still believe in happily ever after…….