Present yourself


 I remember a day when God told Elijah that it was time to present himself to Ahab.  He was in hiding for 3 years.  God will keep you hidden for a season to protect you and even to prepare you for your season that is to come.  However, you must know when it is time to come out of that season.  Sometimes, it’s not with a grand entrance or something big that you think you have to do, sometimes to just presenting yourself is a big deal.  There are times we try to figure everything out.  Let’s see how God sets the stage for Elijah’s appearance and without it, the rain would not have come.

1 Kings 18:1 And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.”


God was ready to move.  What is God ready to do in your life and situation that is requiring for you to present yourself like Elijah?  What and who is depending on you to present yourself and without it so many things will not happen.  The entire nation was suffering and in a famine because Elijah the prophet shut up the heavens for three complete years to get the attention of King Ahab.  Your influence can make or break a nation, a community, a family.  God is requiring that you present yourself.


The word says, in Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  You may be saying to yourself, I don’t know what to do or where to even start to get back in my position.  This is where you start and God will begin to move as you get into position. 


What did Elijah do in preparation for the rain?  He grided his loins.  That may mean coming out of sexual sin to abstain from sex. He had King Ahab gather the prophets.  He was setting the stage to allow God to demonstrate his power.  You will be doing the same thing like Elijah.  It doesn’t matter if no one responds back or it appears as nothing is working. God is going to release his supernatural provision as you sacrifice and pour out what you need the most in this season.  Elijah needed water but he sacrificed the water and poured it out on the alter and God consumed it.  What are you willing to give that in the eyes of others would seem like a waste but God will accept it as a sacrifice and give you more. 


You must know when it is time for you to start running.  And why was it important for Elijah to outrun the Chariots of Ahab.  And how was Elijah able to outrun his horses in the natural?

Present yourself back to God.  How does this look in everyday life?  Get up and get dressed each day.  Get up and go to work on time each day.  Come home after work and be emotionally present for your wife and kids. Finish your assignments on time and go to school.  He will send the rain that you need for everything else in your life to begin to grow and flourish again but God is requiring that you—-

Present yourself.