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Sometimes in life we all need a good PUSH!  As a child begins to learn how to ride a bicycle without their training wheels, we can all learn some valuable lessons in our personal and spiritual development.

  Sometimes we want to rush things and we are not yet able to navigate the winds of life that come to sway us away from our path.

 Sometimes we think we are strong enough to balance our own weights and want to ride independently.

And sometimes there are those of us that just need a PUSH…………


No matter where you find yourself in your career, your ministry, your education, or even your relationship with God; we will all find at times we need a push. Even after a woman has carried a baby nine complete months, she can not deliver that baby without a PUSH. Whatever God has even placed in your spiritual womb will require your ability to PUSH. You will have to push pass your own disbelief because maybe it is taking longer than you expected. It’s a journey that without the loving guidance of our heavenly father, we would all end up on the side of the road.  I can remember when I graduated from high school, I was under the silly notion that I didn’t need to go back to school because Jesus was coming soon.  I had been out of school a year and wasn’t doing anything to develop myself personally.  It wasn’t until a friend said you need to go to college and I registered the next day.  All it took was just a PUSH.   

However, when it was time for me to go back to school to get my Master’s degree, it took many, many years of consistent pushes from many different people.  I just didn’t get it over night that it was time for me to go to the next level of my education. I had a good paying job but this next degree would place me on a new path at my job.  It was time for me to let go of what was familiar and safe.

 I thought I was strong enough and ready for my next level of promotion but I had a lot of development and training that I needed to get there.  Sometimes, it’s not about getting another degree.  It’s about being seated at the table with the right people at the right time that God has called you to reach so that you will have the authority and access you need to have a voice. 

Maybe you lost your job and you have wanted to develop your own business/organization or step out in full time ministry for years but didn’t have the time.  Now you have more than enough time and with the help and strength of your heavenly father you now have the PUSH you need. God is going to open that door and surround you will the people you need that are going to PUSH you into your NEXT!