Seize the moment

In the midst of the storm sometimes it feels like we are not going to make it across. However, it is in these moments, Jesus told the disciples before the storm every came, “let us pass over to the other side”. (Mark 14:18-29) He is Alpha and Omega. He declares the end from the beginning. In the storm that arose, they cried for Jesus to save them and when he came, they did not recognize him.

Don’t be like the disciples that couldn’t perceive it was Jesus because he didn’t come the way they were familiar with. It will be different this time.

Some storms come to reveal another dimension of him and if we are not sensitive to his spirit, we will miss an opportunity. An opportunity came in the midst of adversity when everyone was scared. Jesus never called Peter to walk on the water. He may not invite you but that does not mean you cannot come.

Instead, Peter said, if it is you Lord, bid me to come. And then Jesus said, Come. There is an opportunity that awaits you but you must first perceive it is Christ.

What opportunity is standing before you?

Will you recognize him although it is not familiar?

Will you seize the moment?

Peter seized the moment. Have you ever looked at a person and said why them and not you? Peter’s response caused him to make history in that moment. They all had the same opportunity.

What is God trying to get you through and you have felt overwhelmed to accomplish and forsaken? When Jesus came to their rescue he addressed their faith level. Remember he had told them to cross over to the other side. Shortly before that, he had just miraculously provided for them with 12 baskets left of bread. They had soon forgotten the last miracle he had just provided for them. This storm was on the backdrop of him keeping the people from fainting and feeding the multitudes with only two fish and five loaves of bread.

He made sure that he had 12 baskets full left on the boat as they crossed. Why? Why does God want us to remember our last blessings and victories? He wants us to know that if he delivered us out of the last situation that should have destroyed us that he is the same God that will deliver us from the storm we are facing now. In the midst of whatever you are facing, God wants you to seize the moment. Allow him to reveal a new dimension of himself, remember the last victory, and cross over to the other side.
