In the name of The Lord

In this hour we as leaders must remember to humble ourselves and remember we are not greater than our Lord and Savior. Jesus was persecuted and we will be as well. So many Christians are falling away and stumbling due to do offenses. In Matthew 11:6 states, "And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me". One of the greatest men in the bible and the only one that had a double portion anointing was the prophet, Elisha. He is famous for his ability to believe God for a double portion of his master’s anointing, the notorious Prophet Elijah. However, we never hear much about the day, Elisha got in his feelings and was mocked.

How do we manage when we are mocked?

Let’s go ring Elisha’s doorbell and see what he did.

2 Kings 2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

He cursed the children in the name of the Lord. What are we doing in the name of the Lord and justifying it as God? This was bad.

The Old Testament prophets weren’t even filled with the holy spirit and operated in this type of power. How much more of the power of God could we operate out of now after the filling of the holy spirit? The word tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. If we rewind just two verses before these two, we will see God honoring his word for good.

2 kings 2:21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land.

22 So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.

Notice how the Lord honored his word whether good or bad. What are we saying and causing people to be blessed or cursed? We as leaders will give an account for the things we say. Elisha cursed forty-two children, and two bears came out of a cave and tore them to pieces. How are we tearing each other to pieces in the name of the Lord with our words?

Pastors curse their members when they leave their congregations. Members turn on leaders and dishonor them in the name of the Lord and yet we forget that Saul had 30,000 men looking for David and instead of fighting him, he was hiding in caves. He didn’t touch him. David had two times he could have killed Saul but he didn’t. Even in death, he defended his honor and honored his seed. Where is the fear of the Lord? It was never about Saul for David. He was honoring God.

As the body of Christ, we must honor God and not allow the deception of the enemy to get us out of character. We want God to pour out his power. We want to be vessels of honor for God to honor our word and walk in demonstration. We must endure hardness as good soldiers in the face of persecution.

John Bevere said, offense is the bait of Satan. We cannot take his bait. God is calling us higher. He is trying to get us to see with the eye of the eagle with a panoramic view to expose the attacks of the enemy. God is going before us to make the crooked places straight and the rough places smooth to make our way plain because of our enemies. As the body of Christ, we must stop tripping over offenses and be crucified with Christ and allow God to fight our battles. This battle is the Lord’s. Arise, oh Lord and let our enemies be scattered.

 Psalm 19:14

14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

Spiritual IV Therapy

Naturally, I have been a trainer as a healthcare professional to doctors, nurses and other ancillary staff for years. Certain conditions can cause people to need different types of of intravenous therapy. What is Intravenous (IV) therapy? It is a procedure that delivers fluids, medications, blood products, nutrition, or electrolytes directly into a vein. It's the most common invasive procedure used by medical professionals.

One of the most common trends in our culture has been for people to engage sometimes in reckless behaviors such as drinking. This can cause a need for electrolytes to be replenished and a need for an IV therapy treatment to prevent dehydration.

Well as destructive as excessive drinking can be to the body so it is in the spirit, when we engage in other destructive behaviors against God that affect us spiritually. The word tells us 2 John 3:Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Notice, we see a direct correlation of the prospering of our health connected to the condition of our souls. When we take care of our souls in obedience to God's word, we are also protecting ourselves against health conditions naturally.

The word gives examples after examples of how this looks in our lives on a daily basis. Let’s examine Proverbs 12:4. "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones".

If you are a woman like myself that is seeking the Lord for a mate, I pray not just for myself but for you that we would be an excellent wife that is “the crown” of her husband and not allow us to bring shame to our husbands that is the equivalence of being rottenness in his bones.

Sometimes when our souls need to be restored, we will all need spiritual IV therapy treatment. Every relationship will have storms but the word says love covers a multitude of sins. We need to be women that should submit to our spouses one to another in the fear of the Lord and be able to correct each other privately without shaming them publicly. We need to get wisdom but with all our getting, we need an understanding. We have to know each other by the spirit and not by the flesh. So, as a woman that is preparing to be remarried, I seek God in intercession and cover my future spouse. God’s love always comes to heal and restore our souls. So, if you are in a season that you are getting your soul restored, allow God to heal you and don’t forget the power of spiritual IV therapy that flows as a result of intercession.

“The crown”

You won’t cast your crown, 

and throw it down,

Let others wear it or toss it around,

Like other men that roll their crowns like they roll their dice,

 you won’t be like the dogs that chase the cat, that chase the mice,

You won’t gamble it and take a chance on losing it twice,

But you will wear it godly proud,

You will sing out loud,

That God gave you another chance, 

Another dance,

To get it right,

To keep it tight,

See I am the crown.


And you will never leave it alone,

For someone else to claim,

And I won’t be like Lot’s wife that turned into a stone, 

As I take your name. 

We will be inseparable,

Baptized in pleasurable,


With fire. 

as each others Purpose partner,

Waiting to make it to the altar. 

You will never take it for granted,

As We are planted.

you will take your place as King,

As you give me my ring,

Becoming your crown as your wife,

As I become the love of your life. 

one day you will cast your crown at His feet,

with no defeat,

As a gift,

To lift, 

and crown Him as thee eternal King,

As you present me as your good thing. 

We must be willing to swallow

In life there are times where life will bring us things that are difficult to swallow. I was choking on the fact that yes, I always wanted more children, but I wanted a husband too. We were a package deal. I was married and my husband was about to leave me. I struggled to swallow the fact that once I was a mother before marriage and now, I had two additional sons and was about to be a single mother, again. This was not my fairytale. It wasn’t supposed to end like that.

I had invested so much and was fighting for my family and generations. How could my story end like this? One of my favorite stories in the word is when the mother brought her two sons to Jesus before his crucifixion. She asked him could one sit on the right and the other on the left side of him in his kingdom. He asked her could they drink his cup? In my words, he was asking, were they willing to swallow the bitterness and suffer like he was about too? He quickly let her know they wouldn’t drink “it” but “from” it. You must be willing to swallow even when it’s bittersweet.

God has a prepared place for all of us. From the time of our births, we are wrestling to figure out what that purpose is. And with that assignment, there is a cup of suffering and blessings, we must be willing to swallow. Let’s see how Ezekiel managed his assignment when he was told he had to swallow and eat the whole scroll.

Ezekiel 3:1 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.

So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.

And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.

And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them.

Notice how sweet his assignment started out at first. It was sweet as honey. Some of us are seeking mates and the relationship started out as sweet as honey and then sometimes some things can become bitter to accept. The business took off and now it is the most demanding thing in which you have invested your time. Or you did IVF treatments and had the hardest time having a baby. That baby was so adorable, sweet, and now, that baby is in and out of jail, didn’t finish school and struggling on drugs. All these things start out sometimes as sweet as honey, but we begin to struggle when it becomes bitter. We must be willing to swallow the whole scroll and not abandon the assignment.

God told Ezekiel no matter how rebellious they were, God promised he would harden him against their rebellion to withstand it. He also let him know his consequences if he didn’t obey him and warn them. Ezekiel was called to a rebellious house and The Lord let him know they would NOT listen to him because they didn’t listen to him.

In our assignments, we cannot take our attacks personally. At times, it will be bittersweet, but we must be willing to swallow the whole scroll. And by verse fourteen we see how quickly what started out sweet turned bitter.

14 So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me.

Everything won’t always be sweet but God will be with you.

I received so many prophetic words from the age of 18 years to now 52 years old and many have happened. They were sweet to my soul, but to receive the fulfillment, many have been bitter things for me to swallow to obey God. So, God wants us to know to obey Him, we must be willing to swallow and eat the whole scroll. Our assignments at times will be sweet and bitter but we cannot reign with Jesus if we are not willing to also suffer with Him. Be of good cheer and know that Jesus has already overcome the world. We must warn the wicked like Ezekiel, so their blood is not on our hands even if they reject the truth as he was told. We deliver our own souls when we obey God, accept our assignment and are willing to eat the whole scroll and swallow.



Jesus didn’t just come to earth to deliver us. He came that we would have life and life more abundantly. He wants us to: LIVE. The word says in Ezekiel 16:6 And when I passed by you, and saw you polluted in your own blood, I said unto you when you was in your blood, Live; yea, I said to you when you was in your blood, Live.

There was a time in my life that I didn’t love me. As a child I grew up corrected in rejection, on top of the fact that I was the fourth and last child of my parents. They had been divorced, remarried, and divorced again shortly after my birth. My mom let me know as far as I can remember that she didn’t want any more children. So, I felt like a child that was nursed by rejection and cradled by the hand of devastation from the womb.

So, one of the first things the Lord began to do when I entered a personal relationship with him at 17 years old, was he let me know how special I was to him. I grew up believing that God had too many children and he couldn’t love me individually. God began to correct me, but it never looked like the correction I received growing up. God wants to reparent some of you and deliver you, but he draws us with loving kindness and his goodness. He began to give me prophetic word after prophetic word. He was giving me hope and a future to pull me out of those places of struggle and hopelessness so I would have something to fight for. He was changing me by loving me and revealing to me that he had a plan for me before I ever committed any wrongs. He wants you to know the same is true for your lives and family and friends.

Many know how I was a scorned and forsaken wife but years before I met my late ex-husband, I was the villain in a different story before I became a victim. I remember at 22, my second relationship, I backslid, and I got in an adulterous affair with a professor at college. I felt justified because he was separated from his estranged wife for five years at that time. He shared that she didn’t want to fix it, and she was in another relationship as well. I think one of the greatest allures was how open he was with me on the campus, with his parents, his sister was a beautician and did my hair all the time, their nine-year-old son, friends and even his identical twin. We talked about marriage and having children together and him getting a divorce finally. I had been a secret since my teen years being in a relationship with a man that was 21 years older than me and now, I had someone that showed me open affection. I didn’t feel like it was a secret at all.

We were so deceived that we would even go to church together at times. If you are in an adulterous relationship, I pray God delivers you and you allow him to heal and deliver you. I pray God heals that broken marriage and he gives you a new beginning. Just because a person is separated, does not give you the right to date or be in a relationship with them spiritually. When my ex-late husband separated from me, I fasted, interceded, and contended for my marriage for three years. I was infuriated, knowing we were still married, and he was now even more openly cheating.

This relationship was approaching eleven months, and the Lord began to challenge me. I told him I was going out of state to go to a conference to get away so I could ask God should I let him go. He begged me not to go. How deceived was I? I didn’t need to get away to get that answer. Adultery is a sin. I was walking in deception like some of you. God wants to set you free.

I went. I received one of the greatest prophetic words of my life that I included in my memoir, Overcoming the Shipwrecks of Life on Broken pieces. Several prophets told me God wanted me to know I was so special to him prior to this conference from seventeen until this time. At that point, I was irritated because I wanted to know what was so special about me. As a little girl, I longed to have one person that I was special to, and no one could take my place in their heart. As I stood in front of this prolific prophetic team leader, the leader began to laugh aloud. I was wondering what was wrong with her. I should have been nervous maybe because of my current situation but I wasn’t.

The first thing she told me was the Lord wanted me to know why I was so special to HIM. She told me because when the enemy started battling me around, I always came running to God. She never once dealt with or exposed the sin I was in. The Lord instead told me about how significant I was to his purposes, my family, and how my yes, would deliver not only me but many in my family, their friends, and their friends’ friends. What a promise!

I came back and called him. He asked me what the Lord told me regarding us. I told him I had to let him go. He then told me that was good because his wife was 5 months pregnant, in the hospital, and had delivered and the baby died. God closed that door for me just like that and had given me new vision and hope through these prophetic promises. After the brokenness of my marriage, I went back into an adulterous situation with my daughters father, as I shared. This was a similar situation with his wife being estranged. However, when I became pregnant, I cried out and remembered all I labored for and all God promised me. I allowed God to turn me completely. I know God as a deliverer and a keeper. I am so grateful he has kept me these last 7.5 years in my abstinent journey. I pray God brings you into a new season of vision and purpose and delivers you like he did me.

I shared my testimony so others will know, God is not mad at you. He is madly in love with you and wants to set you free. Repent, forgive yourself, turn away from your ways, and allow God to heal you and those involved. He has so much for you and your generations and those you have been called too. God has called you to LIVE.

 Proverbs 24:16 For a just man falls seven times and rises again: But the wicked shall fall into mischief.


The Time Traveler's wife

Love transcends dimensions and time. It is stronger than death. I love the movie, The Time Traveler’s wife. The main actress Clare has been in love with Henry her entire life. I feel like I have loved you from eternity. He randomly visits and picnics with her as a little girl. Henry has a rare genetic disorder that causes him to time travel which is out of his control. I know there have been situations that caused us to be delayed. Nevertheless, she believes they are destined to be together. I believe we are destined to be together.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances that keeps him separated from her in time, there love for one another grows deeper and stronger. It transcends time. Our love is rooted in God. We have not allowed anything to separate us. Our kingdom purposes are bigger than the obstacles the enemies has tried to use to abort our assignment. She isn’t afraid to love him. I am not afraid to love you. Love conquers all and endures all.

I’ve been time traveling since 1992 in intercession. God started taking me back. Specially in 2000, I began to weep for myself as a little girl and Jesus would weep with me. It was in those moments that I was crushed the most. I didn’t think anyone loved me as a child. The visits got more and more frequent. It took some years before I was able to stop revisiting little Marie. I knew I was healed when I didn’t see her weeping anymore.

I didn’t realize how important it was in that season to get healed, but the storms were coming and if I was still crying when it was time to fight, I would have lost the battle. This time I was going to have to start running because my journey ahead for me to travel was going to take me back to slavery and into our future and generations to come. The enemy was after everything I loved and everything God promised them and us.

See, the way, I learned to run faster out of the reach of the enemy was by overcoming evil with good. Every time I forgave, I could get further into my future. Every time I came to weep about my ancestors, I was bringing God the ashes so I could exchange them for his beauty. It became personal, and I began to cry for restoration for not just my generations but all the way back to my slave ancestors. God was breaking my heart for what broke His heart while they were alive. I wanted my love story to be different. I wanted my generations to be free and everyone coming after me. The longer I stayed in a place of worship and sacrifice, allowing God to purify my heart, the further I could see. My panoramic view of both the past and future began to bring my life into supernatural focus. I found myself soaring above the storms like an eagle. King David said, by God he ran through troops and leaped over walls. I had to get through some generational troops that were strongholds, and I had to become stronger than the strongholds. I didn’t realize at that time I would run right into you.

I prayed for you. I cried for you. We are finally here.


The Time Traveler’s wife.

Get your weight up

You could have the most developed muscles and look like the incredible hawk and be underdeveloped with your spiritual muscles in one area of your body. We both have a gift of faith. We have huge muscles because we believed God, and we are the manifestations of each other’s prayers. However, this season has been a season to get our weight up again to carry the weight of our assignment together. I had two handsome, buff guys that pursued me some years ago. To some they would have been the perfect catch, but we were not spiritually aligned. They both would flex asking me didn’t I like a man with muscles. Physical muscles are great, but they are not more important to me than spiritual ones.

I recently heard Michael Bethany make this statement: people aren’t afraid of the idea of greatness itself; they fear the weight that comes with it. Those weights were so great for me. God made it make sense, when you realized why He was so meticulous and required so much from you by using his holy chisel on you. You didn’t know how BIG the legacy was that God was calling you to recover. It gave your why a deeper meaning of discovering, uncovering, and recovering a legacy of love and wealth.

One of the most painful things I endured in my previous marriage was the fact that when the enemy came rushad in my home, my late ex-husband had no spiritual muscles to resist the enemy. He was called to be a heavy weight in God. You are called to be a heavy weight in God. I am called to be a heavy weight in God.

Sometimes we get knocked down, but it doesn’t mean we have lost the fight. We don’t always understand why God requires so much from us in the fight, but it is because He has so much for us. I asked for it all back. I had no idea to get it, I would enter not only my ancestors’ blessings but their sufferings. The scripture says in Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. The glory is weighty but we can stand under it, when we are able to stand under the pressure of pain.

I wanted God to be glorified and I wanted to see his glory just like Moses did. God told him to get in the cliff of the rock on that mountain. To me that meant he not only had to come away and go up higher to be consecrated but he had to fit in a tight place to be hidden. It required a level of intimacy that I had never experienced. I wasn’t safe on the ground. I was too low. I had to go higher to soar above the storms, but those weights were so great. I had to get my weight up and that meant I had to be able to endure the pain of what I was suffering.

At times I didn’t think I was going to make it. I was taking blow after blow. There were days, I walked. Days I ran. Days I crawled and days I scooted. I knew I was suffering for the glory of God. I was honoring God but to others I looked like a fool. Why was I staying? What I realized looking back was God was giving me time to get myself together. He was giving me time to get my weight up. He sent a prophet to minister to me that He was positioning me at the canal of the Red Sea of my life. He told me I had to take the children with me. This was the hardest thing in my life I would face at that time and although the weights were great so was his grace.

God knew those weights were going to fall on me and he was not only going to live but die shortly after our divorce. God was building my spiritual muscles and inner strength and endurance to withstand the weight I would have to carry. This is comparable to a boxer in weight training.

A boxer's weight training regime will look quite different to the weight training regime of any other athlete or individual. This is because their weight training will be tailored more to functional movements and to muscular endurance as these are the most necessary for the discipline. These fights were divinely orchestrated by God for us to overcome generationally.

Muscular endurance is vital in boxing training as fighters need to keep their muscles working for an extended period, whether it's 3 rounds, 6 rounds, 8 rounds, 10 rounds or the full 12. Throwing punches, defensive movements and keeping your hands up are all vital in a fight and all of them take a toll on your muscles as the rounds go on.

I asked the Lord to allow me to outrun my enemies. This took spiritual muscular strength and endurance. When I got there 5, 10, 15, and 20 years later, I was able to stand in things others would have fallen from the blows from the enemy. Why? We have been learning obedience through the things we suffered, and the suffering has produced glory. God is going to get his glory. We have developed our muscles.

I will never forget one night he came in after staying out yet another night. It had gotten to the point he didn’t even want to see me before I left for work the next morning. My presence was a reminder of all he was not. He had already made me late for work, so I decided to take just a few minutes to speak to him. I asked him did he know how much he had hurt me. I reminded him that God had called us to the multitudes and he was responsible for four souls and if we were faithful over that little, He would make us ruler over much. He grabbed his head and began to cry and told me those weights were too great.

I later discovered my mentor, Pamela Jones-Kent told me she prayed the weight of our decisions would fall on us. Well, he decided to let those weights all fall on me and I was left carrying the weight of my generations. Sarah Jakes-Roberts said, in a message called Finish Strong that suffering has an intersection called glory. God is about to reveal his glory through us. He wants us to finish strong. This was a fixed fight. We already won.


2 Timothy 2: 3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

No man that wars entangling himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

One of a kind

You make me have to put on boxing gloves, 

To come to blows to explain a love of above all other loves, 

I find myself in a fight,

On sight,

Every time I hear a spoken word, 

Cause I can’t win for losing trying to describe what I’ve never seen or ever heard, 

Cause when God put you back on that potter’s wheel, 

it wasn’t just for you to heal,  

 it was so you could feel, 

Cause this time he kept you longer, 

to be stronger,

So, it would be deeper, 

cause God was making you a keeper,

And your capacity had to be steeper, 

And I feel sorry for every woman that didn’t get 

One that blows her mind,

cause this was a special edition, a one of a kind

He broke the mold,

And hid within you his manifold,


And when God finished, he had to rest,

While your angel bowed his head,

because God made one of his best,

And the conclusion of the matter was settled when God said:

It was good. 

Knock, knock, who’s there?

Apostle Dr. Matthew Stevenson, III said, the worse place to be is in your feelings, when your future comes knocking at your door. This is exactly where Naaman was. Let’s go knock on his door.

Knock, knock, who’s there?

Naaman was angry and offended. He was a man that was living between several dualities. Let’s see how the scripture describes it in the word.

2 Kings 5 Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honorable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valor, but he was a leper.

He was counted honorable with his own master and honorable before the Lord. He also was a mighty man and a leper. Have you ever had to live between the dualities of two things? You are pleasing God but also have a private struggle? You have degrees and are qualified but can’t get a job. You are a successful business entrepreneur but haven’t been successful in a relationship? You know God has called you into full time ministry, but you are also having to work a full-time job to support yourself. You have been given great prophetic words of all God is going to do but you are taking care of your children as a single mother trying to figure out how you will accomplish everything God promised. You have a list of preferences you want in a mate, but you also feel like God has told you who your mate is and it’s not the same. I want to encourage you to obey God’s instructions and don’t be offended and angry because your answer didn’t come the way you expected it too.

Perhaps, you are in the position of the little slave girl.

So, God allowed a little slave girl to be taken captive to serve Naaman’s wife. Does God have you in a humble situation that could have you caught up in your feelings when your future comes knocking?

Knock, knock, who’s there?

She didn’t miss her opportunity to share the word of the Lord to the King. This little slave girl’s name is not even mentioned in the bible nor does it even document that he rewarded her. However, when her future came knocking at her door she answered correctly. She wasn’t just taken captive and positioned to simply serve his wife. Has God given you an opportunity to help someone else get their breakthrough but because you have not been rewarded or acknowledged, you have chosen to remain in your feelings to withhold the power you have to change their life? Can God trust you with that platform to connect others and they don’t mention or tag you and give you the credit and you still be okay releasing the information they need?

Even after the little slave girl gave him the word of the Lord, he had his servant take a letter and payment requesting his healing to the King not to see Elisha. Are you still looking to someone else for your healing when God has already given you, his instructions? So, God goes out his way after Elisha hears that the King has rent his clothes and can’t fulfill Naaman’s request to heal him and tells him to see him.

Naaman now has received a personal invitation from Elisha to come. God is going to go out of his way even in your disobedience to grant your request. Let’s now see how Naaman was found in his feelings when his future came knocking at his door. Has God sent your answer, but the way you thought God would answer is different from the way you envisioned it?

Naaman asked why couldn’t he have several other different options to dip in other than the Jordan river. Stop treating your destiny like it is optional and agree with God when He has made the decision for you. Receive your healing. Another divining moment in my previous marriage was when my ex-late husband told me that pride took him and slammed him to his face and don’t be like him. When men feel unappreciated or devalued in their position, they justify their vice and for most that is another woman. Naaman was the King and he expected Elisha to entreat him a certain way. When he didn’t, he was lifted up in pride and went away in his feelings, angry and offended. How many mighty men of valor have fallen in their relationships as the King of their homes because they felt unappreciated and wanted another option than the one God gave them because they felt devalued. Thank God for the people that Naaman had around him to challenge him to obey the word of the Lord to submit.

2 Kings 5: 9 So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot and stood at the door of the house of Elisha.

10 And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.

11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought, He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place, and recover the leper.

12 Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them, and be clean? So, he turned and went away in a rage.

13 And his servants came near, and spake unto him, and said, my father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather than, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?

14 Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

Knock, knock who’s there?

It’s your restoration. It’s time to dip and humble yourself to receive all God has for you so you can be made whole. Continue to allow God to challenge you in your perspectives in this season and come out of your feelings. Embrace those God has placed around you that are really for you and not around you to drain your strength. God is bringing you into the next version of yourself as the King or Queen you are like he did for King Naaman. This next version of you will restore you back to that moment the enemy first broke you. You made me feel like I was fifteen again. He doesn’t want you to live any longer conflicted between two dualities of your public victory and private struggle. He has sent the answer to your healing.

We are heaven's contingency plan

In the earth there are many types of emergencies, but companies, cities and nations must have a contingency plan in case of an emergency. Contingency planning means preparing an organization, a city, a nation or even relationships to be ready to respond effectively in the event of an emergency. In the light of Hurricane Beryl, my service provider was not prepared, and the governor demanded a contingency plan because there was a significant delay in the restoration of power. When we are not prepared when the crisis hits the earth, not only do we suffer but all those connected to us do too. Our guard is family. We are living in a time where the world has redefined family. Homoseuals are allowed to marry. According to the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortions account for 63% of all abortions in 2023. Millions of children are in foster care worldwide. The government is promoting and allowing our children to choose their own sex when God created us male and female.

The family is in a state of emergency. This is a 911 call.

We have been preparing for this moment our whole lives. The enemy was trying to blind you with distractions like Samson because of pain. You knew we were called to win souls. You know your vision, but you didn’t know if I could extend the same great grace God gave me to you to cover your mistakes. We were built to last. We were forged in our individual struggles to become fortified as a couple through our trials and tribulations. We became overcomers in preparations to overcome any obstacle that arises in our union. I don’t have any reservations that you will be all I need. I’m confident in knowing the Lord heard my faintest desires of my heart. You will be the personification of love. My message is an echo of yours. Love, marriage and black empowerment.

Why did God create you? You were not just born because your parents wanted a baby or had sex. You were sent here on a divine assignment. I remember receiving a prophecy that was so impactful, I published it in my memoir. Apostle Scott Washington told me that God has called me to be an ambassador as a special representative of his grace and glory. This is your call as well. For some of us, we barely made it. Getting out of the womb and being born was our first fight. Now you need to figure out what makes you weep. What makes you agitated? What would you do all day even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

There were several significant women that were barren in the bible. Nevertheless, it didn’t matter how hard or long they may have wanted a baby; God didn’t open their womb until He was ready. One story specifically that I want to discuss is the purpose of Samson’s birth.

The children of Israel were in rebellion again and therefore to get their attention, he allowed them to be oppressed. God still does this to us today when he is trying to get our attention. Judges 13: 1 And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord delivered them into the hand of the Philistines forty years. And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.

Notice, it wasn’t until God was ready to deliver Israel from the philistines that He decided to send Samson as heavens contingency plan for the emergency on earth. There is an emergency on earth that you were born to specifically resolve. Great men and women are only born for the times they are needed the most. You were not an accident. It doesn’t matter how you were conceived. You were born on purpose for a purpose in God.

Samson had specific requirements surrounding his life from the moment of conception. They weren’t just for him to live with once he was born. God knows what it will take for you to become who he predestined you to be. He was intentional about you from the moment of your conception.

I remember almost 1o years ago, I wept asking God to reveal to me the love Him and I shared in eternity. I wanted to know because the word says he knew us before he formed us and placed us in our mother’s’ womb. He said he ordained us as well. This knowing was intimately woven into our spiritual DNA and as we were knit into our mother’s womb. Our spiritual umbilical cords has never been cut. What were the secrets we needed to know so we could recognize each other? When we came into deeper realms of intimacy with God, He began to reveal his secrets to us and show us each other before we ever met. Revealing these secrets caused us to immediately be able to recognize each other.

Your requirements and purpose are revealed to you through intimacy with God and sometimes prophetic ministry. It is time to embrace your identity in Christ and protect who God says you are. We are a part of heaven’s contingency plan for God in the earth for marriage and relationships.

Who are you? Samson was a Nazarite from birth. You discovered your purpose, but it was your purpose before you entered your mother’s womb. It wasn’t just a good idea. It is God’s idea. Samson knew his requirements, but he kept playing with the philistines, making riddles, and teasing them to flex his powers. Time after time, he would get up and shake himself and always be able to recover but not this one time. This time was different. The word says, God is married to the backslider. Many have been like Samson at times as the body of Christ and found ourselves bound.

The enemy tries to get us entangled and destroyed by what we are called to destroy. Samson had just lost his wife. She was given to another man by her father and then she was burned alive. Samson was in pain and angry. He was looking for a safe place and he found Delilah. Samson self-sabotaged with a full understanding of the intent of Delilah. How many of us knew the risk and we did it anyway? I have. The enemy is after your eyesight like Samson’s. He doesn’t want you to be able to see how to destroy him. He wants to blind you and take your strength by draining you of your ability to accomplish your assignment. Samson asked God to avenge him of his two eyes and God allowed his hair to grow back. God is going to avenge you of every wound. Get ready Samson destroyed more of his enemies in his death than he did in his life. Samson was finally fully submitted to God. We will destroy more of our enemies by laying our lives down completely surrendered to his will. It is not too late. God is in control and has equipped us as one of heavens contingency plans to an emergency in the earth.

Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

If you say so

I recently listened to a message by Bishop T.D. Jakes called, The Theology of Quietness. This message was such a blessing to me and so divinely timely for my life. Let us read the scripture reference to expound on what I would like to share, in hopes that it will bless you as well.

Matthew 27:11 Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”

“You have said so,” Jesus replied. Jesus was saying, if you say so.

When I heard Bishop Jakes say this, I immediately laughed so hard. The Lord was really mocking the devil in his own way. We will laugh like Sarah did. He wasn’t trying to clap back at him like we do in our comments to the crowd, our families and friends when they challenge our identity. Nothing he said would have changed a thing because Jesus agreed through silence with his fathers’ plan. They thought they were in control, and He let them think they were until he got to the cross and decided to address the crowds from their comments.

I recently had a series of events that happened in my life over the last few months. After an event I immediately felt a shift in my spirit by God. I heard the Lord tell me my strength would be in his quietness and confidence. I immediately withdrew closer to God and laid everything on the altar I was believing God for like Abraham did with Isaac. This was my promise. This wasn’t my first time up this mountain. However, the first time I scooted up that mountain and barely made it. This wasn’t my first time at this altar but my response and ability to release what I loved most was quicker.

I went running.

I finally realized it wasn’t just about you passing your test. My faith was on trial too. My spirit without my permission became quieter. The music stopped playing but I could still see us. I was on pause waiting for you to push play. I knew if it was going to happen, God was going to have to do it. I had an if you say so in my spirit. I repositioned myself and fasted and prayed. We both hurt each other that time. I knew God would have the final say. I knew what God said to me. I told you not to allow the silence to alarm you. I knew it was loud although I was still talking. My job was to stand like Jesus did in front of Pilate. Our vulnerabilities have connected our hearts and has given us a safe place to build legacy.

Can you stand in the face of your accusers and not answer a word? I was persecuted in this season. I have lost some friends. Some have withdrawn and are watching from afar off. I have been questioned if I am delusional, deceived and questioned if I was downright crazy. I have been lied on just like Jesus was and even told I was operating out of witchcraft. My motives have even been cross examined. I have stuck to my story. Jesus knew who he was and where he was going and so do I.

So many are being moved by the crowd and the noise of others in the comments. Jesus wasn’t moved by the crowd and didn’t try to get out of being crucified. Sometimes you will be crucified in the comments, and you can’t clap back. You will have to say like Jesus did, if you say so. He understood that what he was experiencing was leading him to his cross. He knew it was necessary. He was exactly where he needed to be. You are exactly where you need to be in God now.

I know who I am. I understood the assignment, but I had been offered up like Jesus when he stood in front of Pilate. God wanted my complete surrender and faith in his word and not yours so I would be rooted in God in our foundation. Whether they acknowledged him as King or not, He was. Whether I was acknowledged who God said I was or not at that time, I was.

God wants you to know that you know what he has for you to do and no matter what you face remain confident in the front of your accusers. The enemy is the accuser of the brethren. Jesus was standing as the son of man but was about to be glorified as the King of Kings. He did come to set up his kingdom which was true but that version of Him had to die so he could be crowned King. Sometimes we must agree with our adversaries. We will be prisoners to none.

Jesus our Lord and Savior’s identity was constantly under attack. He was questioned over and over by the crowd who he really was. Why do we not think others close to us and far off will not question us? Sometimes what they are saying may have some truth to it. The enemy is not fighting you over where you are. He is trying to keep you from your future. God has been waiting for generations for us to come into complete alignment with him like Jesus so He can resurrect you. Get ready you are about to be crowned King and Queen.

It was time to collect the data

One of the greatest things I learned this past year is that dating is data collection. To break this concept down to its lowest common denominator I’d like to share how this looks from the life of Rebekah. She was about to have a “suddenly” divinely orchestrated by God with angelic assistance called dating God’s way. She was at the right place at the right time. She wasn’t out there in these dating streets like we would think of in the conventional way, but she was where she could be found.

She was doing what she was supposed to be doing and time and chance was about to come knocking on her heart with love. She was prepared and submitted without even questioning where the man was that she was about to marry. Let’s read the story and then break it down and bring her into 2024.

Genesis 24:1 Abraham was now a very old man, and the Lord had blessed him in every way. One day Abraham said to his oldest servant, the man in charge of his household, “Take an oath by putting your hand under my thigh. Swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women. 4 Go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son Isaac.”

The servant asked, “But what if I can’t find a young woman who is willing to travel so far from home? Should I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives in the land you came from?”

“No!” Abraham responded. “Be careful never to take my son there. For the Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and my native land, solemnly promised to give this land to my descendants He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a wife there for my son. 8 If she is unwilling to come back with you, then you are free from this oath of mine. But under no circumstances are you to take my son there.”

So the servant took an oath by putting his hand under the thigh of his master, Abraham. He swore to follow Abraham’s instructions. 10 Then he loaded ten of Abraham’s camels with all kinds of expensive gifts from his master, and he traveled to distant Aram-naharaim. There he went to the town where Abraham’s brother Nahor had settled. 11 He made the camels kneel beside a well just outside the town. It was evening, and the women were coming out to draw water.

12 “O Lord, God of my master, Abraham,” he prayed. “Please give me success today, and show unfailing love to my master, Abraham. 13 See, I am standing here beside this spring, and the young women of the town are coming out to draw water. 14 This is my request. I will ask one of them, ‘Please give me a drink from your jug.’ If she says, ‘Yes, have a drink, and I will water your camels, too!’—let her be the one you have selected as Isaac’s wife. This is how I will know that you have shown unfailing love to my master.”

So many men and woman have become bitter and lost hope in marriage and love. However, I believe so many have not depended on the leading of our heavenly father to arrange the marriage. No where do we see that Abraham sat Isaac down to say, hey I’m going to find you a wife. This reminds me of the same scenario in the garden with Adam. Adam had named all the animals. He knew all the animals had a mate. He didn’t ask God where his mate was. The word says, God told Adam it was not good for man to be alone.

Father knows best. It was time to collect the data.

The question is do we really trust God as father. Are you willing to receive the one God has prepared for you? When you know him as father, you move differently. His servant asked, what if she wasn’t willing to leave her state or country and move so far away from her home. Are you willing to move out of your comfort zone? Maybe you just bought a new home you love? Are you willing to move and be uprooted from your country or state to move away from all your family? Are you willing to make room for your future spouse?

She was willing and submissive.

How do we know she had a willing and submissive spirit which was the data he needed to collect. Remember he asked God to send his angel before him and if she said she would give him water to drink and his ten camels; she was the one. She was willing to work with her hands. She was willing to go out of her way that demonstrated she was supportive without knowing anything about this man. She had pure intentions before she knew she was about to be claimed as the one.

Are your motives pure or are you a woman that wants a 666. A man that is 6 feet tall. A man that has a 6 pack. Or a man that makes 6 figures. God has a man and a woman for you, and they aren’t perfect, but they will be perfect for you and it will be in divine alignment with his generational plan for your life.

Sis, God wants you to know the camels are coming!!!!

He has already gone before you to prepare the way. I’ve been hanging out in outer space, taking trips to the moon and back. So many women are superficial and want a man to spend a certain amount of money on them and won’t even allow them to take them to the cheesecake factory for a first date. Can he make you smile? Can he stimulate your mind and elevate you to make you think on a higher dimension? Can you see your future with him just from his words? Do you value the price they paid to become that best version of themselves? Or are you more concerned with how expensive that bag is he can buy you? Is he willing to wait to have you, or does he want to have your cake and eat it too now before he is willing to marry you? Is he willing to honor you not by opening a natural door, but can he open doors for you spiritually?

Do you want a man with muscles? Has he developed his spiritual muscles to carry the weight of his assignment and can you help him? Is he willing to pay the price to answer the call of God on his life and accept you as his assignment? Can you see that his assignment is bigger than his height? Do you see what I see? Can you hear, what I hear? Do you want what I want? These are simple questions that must be answered when its time to collect the data.


Our first date,

He wasn’t a minute late. 

And if I had one word to describe it, 

It would  be “great.”

He went out his way to travel miles, 

through years of tears to give me those smiles,

He laid out hours,

to get those powers,

In worship. 

To give me those moments that were as beautiful as flowers.

Our dates were expensive because of the price he had to pay,

That lead to the toll on the road that brought him my way,

To be able to lift me with no hands,

To survive shipwrecks and quicksand’s,

He had to overcome heartbreaks and mistakes,

survive landmines and Great Lakes,

Of pain.

He worked out in loves gym to build those muscles to flex,

to bench press me to places of intimacy to honor me with no sex,

He took me to a factory that made me cheese,

Kept my heart and mind at ease, 

Willing to wait to celebrate to have his cake,

fighting with sleep to keep dreaming and stay awake. 

Our first date, 

he didn’t hesitate.

To open the door,

Dropping hearts, leaving me longing for more,

We went straight to the moon, 

 As we levitated under the stars,

Hanging on each other’s words like dangling from monkey bars.

Suspended in the air, defying laws of logic and gravity, 

Becoming sedated, 


numbing each other from our past reality,

With love.


He made me forget every moment I wanted to quit,

Made me want to grind harder with passion and grit. 

He made me grateful for every moment I was ever rejected,

and redirected,

That led me to him,

and I am eternally indebted to the God that chose 

me and not them. 

Get ready to run your race

Elijah made history. He was about to do something that had never been done on several levels. He was getting ready to run his greatest race but let us see what happens first. Get ready to run your race. We are about to make history. He had the audacity to believe God would show up for him as he defeated four hundred false prophets that were proclaiming to be true prophets. Jezebel had already killed many of Gods prophets, but Elijah stood in the face of adversity and revealed the God that answers by fire.

What dimension of God’s character has He predestined you to reveal to the world to destroy the lie of the enemy?

Is it to help turn the hearts of the fathers back to children and the children’s hearts back to the fathers? Is it to help turn lesbianism and homosexuals’ hearts back to God to restore their hope in love and marriage? Have you been called to outlive the lie that marriage doesn’t work anymore because the divorce rate is just as high in the church as in the world? Is it to destroy the lie that this world is too evil, and you shouldn’t have any children? Is it to ignite love and hope in the hearts of women to believe a man can love honor and be faithful to his wife and kids? Is it to encourage older women that it isn’t too late to have a child?

Elijah was called to confront the lie that God was not the true and living God. God was about to allow him to outlive the lie of his character as a true prophet of the most high God. He had just poured out all the water on the altar and God came down to consume his sacrifice.

What is God asking you for as a sacrifice in this season so he can reveal himself as the God that answers by fire?

They were coming out of a three-year drought of no rain. Sowing that water was all they had, and he gave it to God. He was depending on God. God knows this is a new level of dependency he is requiring from you. But you are about to see him in a new way, you have never seen him before because he is asking you to give him what you needed the most.

To some it looked like Elijah wasted that water. God is about to show you nothing you have given was in vain. Just because you didn’t do everything right doesn’t negate your promises. Jezebel let Elijah know she was going to have him killed. Elijah was so discouraged and in fear after this victory that he went and hid in a cave and said he wished he had never been born. Be encouraged. God is protecting your life.

God has been trying to position you like he did the prophet Elijah if you are willing to trust him. Elijah positioned himself. He sends his servant Gehazi back seven times to see if rain was coming. You may have been waiting 7 weeks, 7 months or even 7 years but God wants you to know the rain is coming. It may look impossible. Everything God has promised you is on the way. You are about to get it and not just a little but in abundance.

The prophet Elijah was raised to be the answer to a 911 call and so are we. This drought was so bad mothers were eating their babies and they were buying bird poop to eat. We are facing some of the greatest times in our lives as a nation. It is dark but God is ready to answer our prayers like he did Elijah, but we must position ourselves and get ready to run.

God was building your endurance in this last season so you would be able to outrun and outlive every lie. Receive his strength. Elijah was so confident in God that he told Gehazi to give Ahab a head start by telling him to start heading to Jezreel before he got stuck in what was about to be a blessing to some. It also could be seen as a burden without having the God that answers by fire. God is releasing his blessing and at times it can feel like both if you are not positioned before the rain. The word says, the hand of the Lord was on Elijah, and he gathered up his garment and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel" (1 Kings 18:46). That is right Elijah had to gird his loins to be able to out live and out run Ahab this time for this assignment.

Some of us have been just like Sha ‘Carri Richardson. Three years ago, she was disqualified because she tested positive for smoking marijuana after learning about the death of her mother. This one mistake set her back three years banning her from the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. However, she came back with a vengeance and won this year. I was there. I thought just like Sha’ Carri I was ready, but I too buckled under the pressure of adversity that was costly. I remember the 700 club had reached out to do an interview with me. I turned it down. I had prepared for many years for an opportunity to share my testimony at this next level. I had just finished establishing my non-for -profit. I had just finished my book in 2016 but didn’t release it. All hell had broken out in my home and the enemy rose up in my two sons in heavy rebellion. I was stressed and felt alone. I ended up being with my oldest son’s father and ended up pregnant this time. This decision cost me years like it did her.

Just like Sha ‘Carri Richardson won this year after a three-year delay, so will we. It’s our time. God has been waiting generations for this moment for us to take our place in His race. So many have laid their baton down before us. So many decided the price to train was more than they wanted to pay. So many have fallen and never gotten back up to try again. Get ready to run your race. He has given us another chance to get it right where others failed, quit or in times past, disqualified themselves in a previous season like Sha ‘Carri. She won. I won. You win. We win and everything connected to us will too.


Choosing abstinence

Many have asked the question in these dating streets, does body count matter? As far back as I can remember, my body count mattered for me. To be honest, I never thought about how many women my future spouse may have been with. God showed me in January 2021, he would separate himself from anything that could jeopardize our love. I had a supernatural confidence in our love through prayer. I also know the version that he and I will get no one else has ever had before. When we are resurrected like Lazarus and come back to life, we will never be the same version that comes forth. Lazarus was never the same after he experienced Christ resurrection power and when you allow the old you to die and Christ to live, you won’t be either.

I’m about to share why I fully embraced abstinence over seven years ago. I want to honor God, myself, and my future spouse. I shared in my memoir, how I only wanted to be with one man. I imagined I would wait to give my virginity to my husband. Although, I never had anyone to tell me my virginity was special growing up. I just intuitively knew it was. I ended up in a vulnerable situation and looking back, I know now, I was like a bird caught in the snare of the fowler that escaped. I didn’t know a lot of things, but I made a decision based on a promise and like a child I believed him.

I decided to be with a man that was 21 years older than me, and I was just turning fifteen years old. I believed him when he said he would marry me at 18 years old, so I gave him my virginity. I had just finished my first year in high school, and I couldn't believe the stories I had heard. My friends shared with me they were sexually engaging and then told me the boy “quit” them. My mind was not able to comprehend how easily abandoned they were after giving something that could never be given back. So many times through the years when I would hear couples in my church and online that got married young and are still together, I would get sad. I knew I had the capacity to love and grow with someone like this even at fifteen so I made the decision.

I wouldn’t talk to any of the boys in high school because I didn’t believe they understood my value. So, the enemy set the perfect storm up and brought me into an unexpected situation which led me to believe that an older man would understand and value me more. I slowly realized the damage this relationship had done to me looking back and how it began to deepen my beliefs on men. Our relationship didn’t end in marriage as promised, not at 18 years old and not at 44 years old. However, after a pregnancy that ended in abortion at 17, and a forced encounter that ended in a second pregnancy and no contact for 17 years to help me raise our son. After being divorced three and a half years, and getting in a new relationship 2 years prior to him reaching out to me that resulted in me being a run away bride, I went back. I allowed him to finagle his way back into my life. One of the main reasons was because body count mattered. I was in recovery and my ex-husband was given 6 months to live. I had two sons from my ex-husband. I still had healing to do and now I was being faced with their father’s death sentence. I had lost hope, and my heart became sick.

These are only fragments of why choosing abstinence has been so important to my spiritual alignment, personal development, and growth. Someone on a post recently asked me how I could let someone mistreat me like this and I am so beautiful. Beauty is not a shield from abuse. Love is real love. When we know how much God loves us, we won’t allow ourselves to be devalued and mishandled.

Now with another promise of marriage and much older, I trusted him again. This time I ended up with an unplanned pregnancy and him abandoning me again until 2 months before her birth. He misled me to believe he was divorced at that time and he didn’t tell me he was sick before her pregnancy. He ended up dying shortly after her second birthday.

I remember the day I cried out to God after my daughter was born. I cried loud and hard this time but not long. I asked the Lord to never allow me to dishonor myself again by sleeping outside of marriage. I made a resolve in my heart to take care of her with or without his support. I knew I was done. I never thought I would have another child and especially not with him, but I had placed myself in a compromising situation. Getting pregnant with my daughter was one of the most expensive prices I ever had to pay for my sin, but God knew she would be here. No baby is an unplanned pregnancy in heaven, they are to us sometimes in the earth.

Giving birth to my daughter made me remember everything I dared to believe God for and became a catalyst to remember my value. The enemy told me she would forever be a reminder to me of my fall from grace. God immediately told me she would always be a reminder in my life from him of everything the enemy said I would never get but will. I wanted to be an example to her in my walk before the Lord and that meant choosing abstinence. My obedience began to prophetically align me with everything God had promised me. I want to encourage others and state that at times choosing abstinence is challenging.

However, I know that it is possible because God has kept me when I didn’t want to be kept. Choosing abstinence for me is God restoring my virginity spiritually and allowing me to give my husband what I gave away at fifteen. God revealed to me in December 2020 that every time I was ever rejected, he was preserving me for my future spouse. It’s God’s method of divine restoration. Allow him to restore your soul and prepare you for your future spouse. I look forward to getting remarried to my purpose partner to fulfill our assignment together. God is going to honor my future spouse for being willing to wait and honor God, our future union and me even though it isn’t easy. It’s going to be so worth it!!! I pray that as you also trust God and honor him in spirit and in truth that he will bring divine alignment and divine restoration into your lives as well, in Jesus’ name.

 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


You never kissed my lips,

Never took your hands and pulled me close by my hips,

But you’ve held my heart in your hands,

Whispered in my ear as I ease dropped in heavens grandstands.

Never held my breast, 

But you laid your head on my chest,

When you listened for my heartbeat, 

while you sat at his feet.

Never saw me undressed,

Never caressed,

My body.

but you got the peep hole,

 to my soul,

Lingered in chambers of my heart waiting for you to explore,

In places your hands can never reach but I can’t ignore.

Never laid down next to me in bed,

But you live in my head,

completely unpacked,

and unwrapped,

as my prize,

in my 5th floor high rise.

Occupying residence,

with evidence,'

by faith,

in my future life,

I am your wife.

Never tasted,

But got me wasted,

Never between my thighs,

But reminiscing on my highs,

Never picked up a phone to Facetime,

to tell me you’re all mine,

But you stay in my face all the time online,

Loving you out loud,

waiting and still proud. 

I wept

The Father knew when he created humanity that there would come a time and space, a day, a place where we would be wounded. Wounded beyond our intellect and comprehension to be able to articulate the pain of our experience. God knew words would fail us, so he gave us tears. So, I wept. Tears have a language that are transcribed in the corridors of heaven.

They are so important to God that King David shared with us in Psalm 56:8 (NLT) what God does with our tears.

8 You keep track of all my sorrows.
    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.

Take a moment to think about this and open your heart to his spirit to begin to heal you when words fail you, weep.

The word says in Proverbs 18:14 (NKJV)

14 The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness,
but who can bear a broken spirit?

In our complexity as humans God placed within our spirits the capacity to sustain the weight of a physical sickness but not for us to be able to bear a broken spirit. How can our spirit be broken? I am glad you asked. The bible says by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. What or who has broken your heart?

Jesus said he is nigh unto those that are of a broken heart and save such that be of a contrite spirit. I was so broken-hearted that I did not want to live anymore when my husband decided our marriage was over. I loved him but God was about to teach me how to love him like he loved him. I wasn’t weeping over what I had with my late ex-husband. I was weeping because of what we didn’t have and I desired and not just for me.

Are you in a broken marriage and you are ready to give up? I knew about hell. I had read the books. I was ready to commit suicide. He challenged me to lay my life down for him because there was no greater love than this, least a man lay down his life for his friends. God wanted me to know how he loves us in our sin. He wanted me to know how important one soul is to him. He wanted me to know that he did not come for the righteous. He wanted me to know that love covers a multitude of sins. He wanted me to know that when I learned to love like Him then I would pass from death to life.

He wanted me to know how much he had forgiven me of in my sins, and I did not deserve it and I too needed to forgive. This was my cross. This is where He had chosen for me to die with Him. He wanted me to know how much he loved me when I was so unlovely. He wanted me to know that in my weakness, his strength was made perfect. He was rooting and grounding me in his love, making me more like Him. He was branding me with his love in my furnace of affliction.

When my marriage ended in divorce, I reminded the Lord, of all the fasting, all the years I wept, all the money I gave in offerings, all the days I stood and honored my marriage, and I believed in that moment nothing had changed. I could do nothing but weep some more. I wept because I lost something that meant so much to me, but it was not until two days before my ex-husband’s death, years after my divorce that the spirit of God fell on me on August 19, 2012. I wept and wept that Sunday morning in church, not knowing he had been in the hospital three weeks, not knowing that he had decided to take his oxygen mask off because his lungs were no longer operable. I wept reminding God that he promised to save my family, which is all I could say…was you promised…. you promised. I received a call from his mother less than 48 hours later that he had passed.

It did not end the way I thought it would but God honored my sacrifices when we were one and brought him home. It was bigger than my marriage. I knew my marriage was connected to my ministry. I often used to tell others during these years, i couldn’t wait to read the books in heaven one day that were created from all the years I wept for a love I desired but not just for me but for my legacy. I wanted to leave a legacy of love. I knew those books held my love story and my desire for my generations now and to come.

Give him your tears and allow him to finish your story and never, ever give up on what God has given you. God has opened those books and is yet revealing the tears I wept. God didn’t make me wait until I got to heaven. He is revealing my love story. Allow God to heal you and finish and reveal your love story too. Your tears are not in vain. There is going to come a season, that God is going to wipe every tear away and give you a harvest of joy!

I wept

To find words, I'd have to go to God’s library of knowledge, 

Take a trip through the universe and come back from heaven’s college,

Because earthly words failed me from the English language,

as I languished,

and anguished,

to adequately translate my tears.

So, I wept. 

For a love,

that could only come from above,

while the angels collected,

redirected and protected your life,

while God was making me a wife.

I wept from a place of intimacy where we shared secrets that were concealed,

Before we were placed in our mothers' wombs,

Longing to be revealed, 

as i was being healed.

God knew from the day of our ordination and conception,

at the point of inception, 

we would connect,

Chosen before time as two of His elect, 

I wept for a love that we shared in eternity before time and space,

I wept for the day we would come face to face,

I wept for the moment I would feel your embrace,

I wept while God wrote our story, 

Making us special representatives of his grace and his glory.

I wept as deep called unto deep,

So, you would recognize me when God woke you from your sleep, 

and told you I was yours to keep. 

I wept for the day you would say I do,

For the day your spirit would join with me,

from eternity,

For the day, you would remember I already loved you. 

The path to the yellow brick road

I love how God often uses movies to articulate to me prophetic messages. The story of the Wizard of Oz holds some messages to us at this time in our lives as we as a nation face some of the greatest challenges politically, racially, mentally, economically, spiritually, and even relationally currently. I believe God has placed us on the path to the yellow brick road as well. So, to gain some context, let us get a quick synopsis of the movie summarized.

The orphaned Dorothy lives on the Kansas prairie with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry and her little black dog, Toto. When a cyclone hits, Dorothy is looking for Toto, so she doesn’t get to the cyclone cellar in time. Suddenly, the cyclone lifts the house with Dorothy and Toto inside high in the air. Dorothy wakes up in the Land of Oz, where she discovers that her house has landed on and killed the Wicked Witch of the East. Dorothy meets the Munchkins and the good Witch of the North, who gives Dorothy the dead Witch’s magic red shoes. Dorothy wants to return to Kansas, but to do so, she must travel to the Emerald City to ask the help of the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy sets out on this challenging journey protected by the Witch of the North’s kiss. The travelers run into a series of challenges for which the Scarecrow often produces solutions and that the Cowardly Lion, the Tin Woodman, and Scarecrow use their special abilities to overcome.

Many of us have ended up in a cyclone whether politically, racially, mentally, economically, spiritually, and even relationally currently. Some situations in our lives can hit us so suddenly that without God, we will never make it back “home” or to the promises that God has given us. Dorothy has a “suddenly” experience in her life that leads her away from her home but takes her own a journey that will bring her into a new version of herself that will change her forever when she returns “home.”

How is God trying to use your current situation that at times may have seemed overwhelming and fearful, but God wants to use it to transform you? We must remember that to achieve all God has for us, we will have to defeat the demonic strongholds the enemy has assigned to us from generation after generation. As Dorothy travels, and encounters much opposition, she is given different companions. It’s as if she finds a piece of herself within each of them because it will take a renewed mind, a new heart and courage to accomplish their journey. It will also require the same for us to overcome. At times our situations can make us feel as though we are getting further and further away from “home” or God’s promises.

But God wants us to know we are protected by his kiss. We must not forget every prophetic promise and destiny helper he has given us, it’s God letting us know he is with us, and he sees you and me. Continue to allow God to order your steps as they did on the path to the yellow brick road and know that God’s promises are yes and amen. Just like Dorothy made it back home, so will we. There is no place like home.


Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Because he made you wait longer

I am a mother and love all my children. I never once thought about what would happen if I couldn’t have children. I took it for granted that I would be a mother one day. I remember the one and only time in kindergarten my mother had to come to school immediately. I told my then five-year-old boyfriend that we were going to get married and have five babies but if any of them were boys that they needed to go straight to the garbage. Well, that statement sent an alarm off in my teacher, Ms. Steward. I didn’t even know what I had done wrong. However, my teacher knew something was off with my perspective with boys at five years old. I am happy, at least I understood it was important to be married because my parents were no longer married. However, the enemy was at work setting up his plan even then.

What psychologically would make me feel as though if I had a baby boy he was not as valuable as a girl to me at the tender age of five? I will tell you what. Looking back on my childhood, it was no secret my mom favored my brother over her three daughters. This manifested in diverse ways, for different reasons. But it wasn’t just the favoritism of my brother. It was also how my father managed us as his children, and he was a male once a boy.

We can look in the life of Jacob that worked 14 years for the love of his life and then when he marries her, God closes her womb, and she cannot have children. Years go by and Leah has child after child for him but not with the love of his life, Racheal. I absolutely don’t believe in having favorite children regardless of if they have the same parent or if they have a different parent from the other child. The scripture says,

Genesis 37: 3 Jacob loved Joseph more than all his other sons, because he had been born to him when he was old. It was because he made you wait longer that your love for it, whatever it is, will be more. You will have a deeper appreciation because you will know if it wasn’t for God doing it, it would have never happened. I want to encourage some parents that are believing God for a child or children. Let us not forget Samson’s parents that were barren. Elizabeth and Sarah gave birth also in their older age. It is never too late for God. He is sovereign and in control. Know that he has collected every tear and recorded your faintest desires through your tears. It’s going to happen!!!

Although, I could have children without any fertility issues, the enemy was trying to crush me in my worth that would make me believe that I couldn’t trust a man. I had to let God heal me from my childhood and abandonment issues from being mishandled. The enemy didn’t want me to become a wife and a mother, but God has made me a wife and a mother and my greatest anointing’s will flow from these two positions. To every woman that has been crushed like me, know God is not done with you yet. Allow him to heal you and finish perfecting those things that concern you while he prepares you for marriage and motherhood.

Proverbs 27:14

Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.


Adam, where are you?

We all know God is omnipresent and omniscient. The definition of omniscient means knows all. The definition of omnipresent means present everywhere at the same time. So, if God coexist in both dimensions and he has entered the garden many times to fellowship with Adam and Eve, why would he suddenly need to ask Adam where are you?

We can all assume that the question wasn’t for God to locate Adam. It was to bring Adam into a place of accountability and for him to give God a true account of where he was. God is still looking for men like Adam to come back into a place of vulnerability and accountability to allow themselves to be naked and not ashamed the way he created the original Adam.

Where was Adam spiritually? Where was Adam emotionally? Where was Adam mentally? Where was Adam with the assignment that God had given him in his purpose? Where was Adam with his accountability for the woman God gave him?

Adam went AWOL, absent without leave. He was still in the garden, but he had abdicated his position and godly authority because he submitted to something lesser. You are a man that is still in your home but emotionally, you have gone AWOL. You have decided the forbidden fruit of adultery, pornography, or fornication is better than living in the restraints of your calling and purpose.

God is still asking men the question today; Adam where are you?

God was looking for Adam and Eve to be accountable and remain naked and not ashamed. God desires for adults today to come back into a place of accountability in our relationships so he can restore the family and our rightful place of our dominion. Let’s see how this conversation begins.

 Genesis 3:9-10 But the LORD God called to Adam, and said to him, “Where are you?” He said, “I heard the sound of You [walking] in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so, I hid myself.”

 Stop hiding! They were hiding behind fig trees. Others are hiding behind a bottle of alcohol, sex, drugs or even work.

Adam, where are you?

11 And he said, who told thee that thou were naked? Hast, thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

12 And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

So many men are still blaming the woman for their lack of accountability. How? Your spouse made you intentionally or unintentionally to feel unappreciated. Some men justify a vice as solace for the lack of disrespect they may feel and turn to a forbidden fruit that manifest in bread eaten in secret.

Adam, where are you?

13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. This vicious cycle continues to plague us today. They both took no responsibility for themselves, and the seed of the woman was left vulnerable. Our men are missing. Our women are left uncovered. Our children are left exposed. The enemy was given the right through the curse to bruise the heel of the seed of the woman. The seed of the woman was given the right to bruise his head, but the enemy is not just bruising the heel of the seed, he is crushing their heads too.

 The enemy is destroying our seed in abortions and so many are left in foster care. We must protect our children because little boys grow up to become men and little girls grow up to become women. However, if the little boy and girl remain crushed from childhood wounds, we will have a generation of adults struggling with arrested development. Thus, resulting in them not being able to manage the weight of their families because of the bruising of their heels and crushing of their head.

When the heel is bruised, it will affect their ability to walk and run in what God has called them too. God wants to heal our families, but it starts with being able to answer the question God asked in the garden before the curse, Adam where are you?

Many women are waiting on their Adam to step into their rightful place of dominion so they can take their place with him. When men get back in their rightful position with God, families will begin to heal. Coach David Burrus said in a podcast interview that when a man finds out who he is then his wife will appear. He said, I am Adam, so I’m here first because whoever I am is going to come out of me not to me. So to every Adam, you are looking for, YOU. The one that God is looking to appear first.

Be encouraged because God gave them a second chance when he gave them another seed, Seth and his son began to call upon the name of the Lord. God is going to give you another chance. Lord, let our men heal so our families can too, in Jesus’ name.

 Genesis 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.

The word on God's dating streets is: GROW

Sesame Street was one of the fondest memories I can remember watching and learning from my childhood. I learned so much. I remember how we had a divider in our home. It divided the living room from our dining room. I would jump on the table, over the couches and over the divider all while singing got to get to sesame street. I had made my own imaginary sesame street. Each week we would get a new word that was on the street. Many are in these dating streets and are listening for a word but are just like I was living in an imaginary place. Some are jumping from one relationship after another not allowing the word to divide between their soul and spirit to bring them to their desired street. They won’t wait on God to renew their strength and give them a word. That word is: Grow.

It’s time to grow. Some have stopped growing. Some have given up on love. Some are playing in these dating streets and getting hurt, disappointed, bitter and frustrated. God knows how to connect the dots and put the missing puzzle pieces together because he promised to lead us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (psalm 23). Some have let go of mercy and truth’s hands in their relationships. He has given us the strategies in his word and how to order you and your partner’s steps to cause you to meet.

Well just like children as we grow, we must realize we don’t stop growing because we grow up naturally. Michelle Obama said in her book, Becoming, “That this is one of the most useless questions an adult could ask a child. What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that’s the end.”

I imagine in my own personal life how my purpose partner and my life will come together before the throne, and it is found in part in these scriptures.

In Psalm 85: 10 Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 11 Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. 12 Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. 13 Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.

In the inner beauty of the design of who God created us to be, we have never let go of mercy and truth’s hand. We will always bring them together in our lives, so they never let go of each other. Just like we will do with each other, and when we do, know that righteousness and peace are able to kiss each other in our lives.

We will understand that they need to be together, just like we do. I believe when people have a foundation established in mercy and truth in their individual lives, it gets the attention of heaven. It causes righteousness and peace to come together before the throne and kiss. Do you know how to get heaven’s attention to cause God to order your steps and bring you and your purpose partner together? We made righteousness look over the balcony of heaven, to see who was able to make them hold a kiss for so long?

See this is a kiss that will never end because you have degreed that our standard will be mercy and truth. They will be bound about our necks as ornaments and a plow in our hands. They will be the secret to our kiss as well of the story we will tell. This is the place we will forever live tucked safely in our minds between righteousness and peace. They are our keys to the kingdom for us to overcome. 

Righteousness has released Gods orders in our lives for the earth to yield her goodness and increase causing righteousness to become our guide and set us in the way of his steps. He promised that the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. This is how we will meet, and this is how God will cause others to meet their purpose partners.

There have been very painful situations in my life and the only way I was not destroyed by the enemy was to not let go of mercy and truth’s hand. I had to continue to grow so God could give me the favor I needed to overcome. So, as you are out here in these dating streets remember to not let bitterness, disappointment and heartbreak cause you to give up and stop you from operating in mercy and truth. Get on God’s Street called grow so you can get the attention of heaven and release that which is good into your lives.

Psalms 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield: The LORD will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Dream again

During our captivity, God promised to turn it and not when we come out of it but while we are in it. God wants you to dream again! I can only imagine our slave ancestors and the days they must have wept for themselves, their children, and the men they loved. I can only imagine the songs they must have sung to encourage themselves while being abused, fearful and destroyed. Many of them were dreaming that one day, things would be different for their generations down the road. All of them did not turn from God because the slave masters twisted the scriptures. God collected their tears and is responding to their blood through our lives. They are our cloud of witnesses that are cheering us on now.

Their blood still has a voice today. I will prove it from Genesis 4:9-12 The LORD asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” He answered, “I do not know. Am I supposed to take care of my brother?” Then the LORD said, “Why have you done this terrible thing? Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground, like a voice calling for revenge. Our ancestor’s blood is still crying for revenge. It is still crying for restoration. It is still crying for vindication. It is still crying for restitution and God is going to give to us. If we will cry out to him in intercession for divine restoration. (Isiah 42:22)

As we have overcome generational bloodline curses, God is getting ready to release generational blessings. It is for those that allowed God in their captivity to turn it and they gave birth to a dream. You sowed your tears in a previous season. Now it is our time to enter our season of joy!

Just like God judged Cain, God is going to judge the spiritual enemies of our ancestors. This is the time that God is raising up people in the kingdom to become the answer generationally to their promises. You are the fulfillment of what they never received on the earth. God told Abraham his ancestors would be enslaved for four hundred years. In Genesis 15:16 Then in the fourth generation your descendants shall return here [to Canaan, the land of promise], for the wickedness and guilt of the Amorites is not yet complete (finished).”

I am the fourth generation from my late great grandfather, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. God turned my captivity almost twenty years ago amid my troubled marriage, but I too had to wait like Abraham. God has waited generations to do what he is about to reveal through you and me in this next season. It is the fullness of time. For some, you are still in the middle of your captivity and God is about to allow you to dream again!

God is turning it around NOW!!! It’s time to dream again!!!!


Psalm 126:1  When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.

The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.

Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south.

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

Getting through the gutter

The word said David perceived he was King. There was no prophetic announcement this time. God was ready to establish him, and he had to recognize his time to be crowned had come. Do you recognize this is your time to take your kingdom? The first city King David went to conquer was Jerusalem. Let’s see what they said about King David in 2 Samuel 5:6-10 The king and his men marched to Jerusalem to attack the Jebusites, who lived there. The Jebusites said to David, “You will not get in here; even the blind and the lame can ward you off.” They thought, “David cannot get in here.” Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion—which is the City of David.

They were mocking King David by saying that he was so weak that he couldn’t even make it past their blind and lame. Have you ever been in a season in your life the enemy has challenged you mentally, financially, spiritually, physically or even possibly sexually that God can’t give you what he promised you? It’s the inner enemy that is usually bigger than the enemy outside that we must get passed in our hearts and minds. David had to figure out a way to conquer Jerusalem without destroying it.

What are you trying to conquer?

Pastor Keion Henderson shared something profound in a message called Attention to details. God wants you to know in order to conquer your spouse’s heart, you cannot destroy her or him to gain the respect and love you deserve.

Some people don’t even realize that they have violence in their borders in their relationship because they aren’t swinging physically on each other. No, you may not be beating them with your fist, but your words have cut like a knife. Your denial of affection is as cruel as solitary confinement. Your rejection has clipped their wings and thrown them into a cage and locked it where they were once soaring.

David knew he couldn’t do it alone. David told his crew, whoever goes through this gutter will be the chief captain. We know the enemy has told you it is easier to just destroy the relationship and walk away. God wants you to be willing to go through that gutter together and conquer that issue without allowing it to destroy your whole relationship. Promotion is on the other side of this in your relationship.

God gave King David a strategy to conquer Jerusalem. What is your Jerusalem? Sometimes as you humble yourself, it may feel dark, cold and you may feel like at times you are crawling through the gutter to save that relationship. You may not even be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. God wants you to know it is worth it. Jerusalem became the stronghold of King David, and it became the city of David. This relationship will become your stronghold. Your safe place.

The word says in Proverbs 16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that rules his spirit than he that taketh a city. Rule your spirit, be slow to anger and honor God in that relationship. Watch God establish you in your sphere of influence. God is going to cause you to overcome that weakness in your relationship if you are willing to not destroy it to get the love and respect you deserve and desire. Remember to humble yourself and submit to one another.


Your speech betrays you

I was talking to someone very dear to me yesterday. She reminded me that all her life she has felt like she had to look out for herself without anyone to assist her. I reminded her she had God too. Sometimes before we know he is there; we feel like it’s us doing it all by ourselves. I know she isn’t the only one that has felt this way. I want to encourage you that even Jesus our Lord and Savior needed someone. He needed twelve disciples that were not perfect but were perfect for their assignments.

An apostle is a sent one by God to establish something new. Apostles are pioneers and often builders of a pattern that has not been before. They deal with root issues and uproot systemic issues that come to threaten that pattern they are called to build and establish. Well, Jesus had twelve original apostles and the word says one was a devil. Jesus absolutely could not fulfill his destiny without Peter or Judas.

Who has God showed you is irreplaceable and invaluable to your destiny?

Jesus knew all along that Peter and Judas would betray him at his greatest time of need. Heaven was betting on them and so was Jesus. He absolutely needed Peter and Judas to accomplish his kingdom purposes. We need our Peter and our Judas. No one, absolutely No one could discern from Jesus that he would be betrayed based on his interactions with them. He poured into them and allowed them to grow together. The wheat was growing with the tare until it was harvest time. It wasn’t time yet for Jesus to die.

Some people have asked me as I share my testimony, why didn’t I leave because of the way my late ex-husband was treating me. God had me interceding when I wanted to walk away. I was so broken and at my lowest pregnant with my last son. I remember praying on my washroom floor at 20 years old. I was crying so hard in a fetus position crying my soul out. This prayer came out of nowhere. I asked the father to give me a husband that would love me like Jacob loved Racheal and it was the next part that blew my own mind. I told him I had some issues. These were issues at that time I wasn’t even aware of that had occurred through previous moments of trauma of being dropped emotionally and in other ways.

But God knew.

As I wept, I asked him to allow my future husband to wait on me until I could get myself together. I knew I had ALL of heaven’s attention. Heaven bowed that day to listen to me weep. I didn’t understand the magnitude of that prayer until almost 10 years later when I was pregnant. My late ex-husband let me know the only reason he didn’t leave was because I was pregnant. He shared after leaving that his late stepfather told him to wait at least until I had the baby. In one of my intense days of praying after he left, the Lord reminded me of that day I asked him to wait until I could get myself together. He didn’t love me like Jacob loved Racheal though. God saved my life. My late ex-husband was my Judas. He brought me to my cross into my purpose. God was teaching me how to love like him, to forgive all while preparing me to be the wife I needed to be although I was rejected by him.

The word says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Jesus was getting ready to be crucified and he was about to reveal somethings. Matthew 26:31–35. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.

Peter did something he didn’t realize he could do but God knew he was about to do. The word says in Jeremiah 9:17 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? The Lord knows it.

The stage was being set for the perfect offense and pressure to cause Peters speech to betray him. It was undeniable that he had been with the Lord. His heart posture and the letter of God’s word was written in his heart. What is your heart posture concerning what God has revealed to you that you cannot deny? How will you respond when you are confronted with the truth? Will you respond like Peter did?

Matthew 29:69 Now Peter sat outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came to him, saying, “You also were with Jesus of Galilee.”

70 But he denied it before them all, saying, “I do not know what you are saying.”

71 And when he had gone out to the gateway, another girl saw him and said to those who were there, “This fellow also was with Jesus of Nazareth.”

72 But again he denied with an oath, “I do not know the Man!”

73 And a little later those who stood by came up and said to Peter, “Surely you also are one of them, for your speech betrays you.”

74 Then he began to curse and swear, saying, “I do not know the Man!”

Maybe you are a man preparing for marriage and you are carrying a lot of weight. You are preparing for your future spouse and at times you are overwhelmed. You may be trying for her to see all you are doing like Jesus was telling his disciples. It was better for him to go so he could send the comforter and prepare a place for us. At times our mate can’t understand the pressure of you being you. Peter couldn’t understand Jesus’s path. But if you communicate and get an understanding it can avoid offense because your speech will betray you. How we respond when we are offended matters. Jesus uses it as an opportunity to reveal Peters heart to himself.

What has God recently showed you about your heart because of an offense?

John Bevere says, Offense is the bait of Satan. Peter was offended that they were associating him with Jesus. Who have you denied 3 times because of offense? There is hope for that relationship. Jesus told him before he did it, that he had prayed for him that the enemy would not be able to cause his faith to fail him.

There is restoration after betrayal when your speech betrays you.

Maybe you are a woman and you have been healed from past trauma and something in your relationship deeply triggered an old trauma? You were offended which triggered an offense in them. You shared your heart, and your relationship was affected causing you to be denied. Peter was able to be quickly restored because Jesus covered him in prayer before he told him it would happen. Can you see past Peter’s offense and cover your spouse? As a spouse can you hear the pain of their past and be compassionate without rejecting them but instead consider the cause of the trigger? Maybe you didn’t respond correctly to the offense like she didn’t because of pain. But Peter, can you consider the impact your actions had on her heart? There is nothing Jesus can’t heal. It didn’t change his purpose or his destiny. The word says with all your getting to get an understanding.

Peter was given an assignment from his betrayal. Jesus told him after he was restored to turn around and restore his brethren. Our commission is the same. We are to grow from every offense and take wisdom and impart it to others. Peter you are going to get everything God promised you.