The Power of love

Beauty and the Beast is one of my all-time favorites happily ever after stories of all times. I find myself in her story more than once. No matter where we are in life we must never give up on love. Beauty dreams of falling in love but knows she has not met the one as she goes about her regular life each day. Regardless of her mundane everyday routine she never loses her song and dream. Have you lost your song and dream of love?

Bell lived a life of sacrifice helping to take care of her dad and flaming the flame of his dream as an inventor. She supports him and ends up deciding to sacrifice herself and her dreams to guard his life. He ended up trapped in the beasts’ grip and in exchange for her life, he was released. Have you ever loved and supported someone else, or even your children and watched your dream die so their dream could live? God wants you to know your sacrifices were not in vain. The path you are on is going to lead you to the one even if adversity led you to them.

She went into a castle that without her knowing it was cursed. You underestimated the strongholds in the bloodline you married into and are now facing Goliaths. Many of us are living under a spiritual curse from generations. God wants to begin to give us better. He wants to give us what our slave ancestors never had. They weren’t even allowed to marry. Their children were sold and stolen while they nursed the babies of their slave owners. This is a time he is restoring to us not just what we dreamed but what they dreamed.

God is about to break the curse, but it will require love to break the curse. We as a Black nation must begin to love beyond what we can see. Beyond the hate. Beyond the bitterness. Beyond the pain of what brought you into that prison like Bell that seems so unfair. You must realize it is bigger than you. Your ability to love is going to be the fulfillment of many generational promises of a love legacy that will be passed down for many generations to come. You won’t just leave money; you will leave a restored hope in love and marriage.

Bell ends up falling in love and seeing more in him before the last pedal falls. God wants you to know it is not too late for that marriage, trust he can restore it even if you are married to a beast. Love has the power to break the curse. She broke the curse with the power of her love. Don’t underestimate the power of your love. Everything in the castle came back into divine restoration. If you can see beyond those weaknesses, cover them, and share God’s love, God will change it. Everything and everyone connected to you will change just like it did in the castle because Bell was able to see beyond the beast and see the real King.

The power of love,

You are the one I’m thinking of,

The only man on my mind,

As we become intertwined,

I imagine you whisper in my ear,

And it’s as if I become deaf and I can’t hear.

God’s love,

has the power to silence the voices and choices in my head of,

Every negative thing, my father, mother, or ex-lover every spoke,

It’s powerful enough to knock down every wall down,

That was ever built,

And strong enough to heal what was broke,

And to rescue me from the shame and guilt,

of my past.

When you lay hands on me,

You will leave your fingerprints and will be charged with the crime,

Of changing my name and stealing my time,

while causing my life to be redefined.

I imagine you will have the skills to play me like an instrument.

To rhythmically follow your notes

And heartbeat,

To arise in every area of my life that I have known defeat,

And to empower me to stand on my feet,

Where I was once crippled and lamed,

devastated, and blamed.

When I look into your eyes, I can see my dream,

Believing we will make it no matter what things seem.

You are a light to my way,

That gives me hope each day,

A voice in the wilderness that has paved a path,

So, we can live in his favor and laugh.

We will never suffocate again because we can’t come near,

No more fear,

For I need you to resuscitate me,

For my love has the power to set you free.

My Toy Story

In life Jesus told us we would have tribulations but to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world. We all have our share of heartbreaks and mistakes but all of us can remember a time in our childhood when we had a favorite toy. Sometimes our heartbreak becomes someone else’s heartbeat and you become the discarded one and the treasure for the next one. As we grow up and develop, we exchange those toys for people in our lives. I want to encourage others to create their own Toy Story and never forget “why” your person was once your favorite. In all the Toy Story movies, we can learn so much as adults from the imagination of a child.

When we stand at the altar, we make a pledge to death do us part. We are promising that no matter what comes or goes, for better or for worse, we will never quit on each other. Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friend. You are their favorite. You can see what they don’t see and that’s how you will see them. You make a commitment to grow together so you never outgrow each other and discard them for someone different. You put away childish things, grow up, and begin to think and understand and process things from an adult’s perspective and not a child. You listen to one another so you can protect your spouse and cover them in prayer from their blind spots when they can’t see.

You always prioritize your lover and make sure they are the smartest one in the room with you and never allow them to be caught off guard. You challenge them to reach beyond their comfort zones to reach new heights and depths in God in faith together. You never make them feel like they are nothing or less than who God said they are. You never come in agreement with Hell with the version of them you see but you pray and encourage them to become a better version of themselves. If they are struggling with a weakness help them get that monkey off their back. Never stop loving them because love never fails.

Don’t make them feel like they don’t have a voice in your life and never make them feel vulnerable and transparent that you are going to get a divorce. Instead, allow God to be glorified in your marriage and learn to have fun and rejoice in Christ facing every challenge. Jesus said he endured the cross, while despising the shame because of the joy set before him.

My Toy Story

Take me to Infinity and beyond and I’ll always make sure your BUZZ stays LIT,

I’ll be the one reminding you we can’t quit,

You’ll always know you’ve got a friend in me,

and you will never lose your sight and can’t see,


You’ll never outgrow me and not want to play,

I’ll always be your favorite boo not your toy,

Because you will be my man and not my boy,

Your name will be tattooed on my heart and not my shoe,

I’ll pull your heart string and let you know you got a snake in your boot,

stay away from her because she’s cute.

And when others walk in the room,

I wont be consumed,

and lay down and pretend like i don’t know what to do,

and no matter who comes or goes,

God knows,

I’ll fix that tare in your arm so you can reach,


You’ll never sit on the shelf next to donkey while I preach,

I’ll be the one you can ride,

with and always by your side,

See we will always get passed that monkey,

Cause there is no day,

I pray,

That could make us not care,

Or be able to bare,

Or ever keep us from getting free,

We will always have our own toy story,

and everyday we will find another way to reveal his glory,

and no body will ever be able to steal your voice,

because ill be the one guarding you and we will never get a divorce,

never placed in a bag and given a way,

because I outgrew you on any given day,

because I’m going to get a man not a boy,

and this will be our story,

and God will always get the glory.

Coloring outside the lines

I have learned so much this last year watching my favorite relationship podcast, Dear Future Wifey. Culture teaches us we must have a certain amount of money. We must have a master’s or a PHD in this or that. We must be completely healed. We have to date this long. We must marry a high valued man or woman. Then after we get our person, we discard them like a badly colored picture outside the lines. We are failing in our relationships while investing all our time educated in jobs that are not rewarding and fulfilling. We are fighting political wars and causes that are not on the agenda of heaven. We are investing in things more than ourselves and each other. We must start growing and developing and fighting for our legacy, our families, when souls are the only thing, you can take to heaven with you.

As children one of the first things, we do is learn to color within the lines. I was the youngest of four children. I was the last to go to kindergarten. I was the last to learn what my siblings already knew and one of those things was how to color in the lines. One of the things I admired most about my sister that was a year older than me, was to watch her color. I couldn’t wait to learn how to color inside the lines. However, we live in a culture that to survive in our marriages and our relationships we will have to learn to color outside the lines better.

The American dream and in years past, people got married young. This can be seen as coloring inside the lines of the norms of society. They got married before the baby carriage came. We know that the culture has changed. We now have some two parent homes, and both are working full time to survive, and the kids are being raised by the nanny or the daycare. Our babies are away from us sometimes 10- 12 hours a day and the monotony starts over each day. The woman is working just as long hours as the husband and still required to cook, clean and be the loving homemaker. Now we have so many unwed single parents. Some women have a scarcity mentality and are settling for just having a piece of a man and are sharing him with multiple women. Back then the man worked, and the wife was a stay-at-home mom with the kids. They stayed together but now our families look like bad pictures colored outside the lines.

We need to be okay with our own journey. Will you date or don’t date? Can God put you on preserve and you believe at the right moment like Esther that God will bring you in the kingdom? Are you okay with an arranged marriage like Abraham did for Isaac?

Esther was a virgin. You may not be a natural virgin, or you might be, but you could be a spiritual virgin. Don’t allow culture to cancel your values and kingdom principles. Are you open to finding love in the DM’s? Are you open to finding love in dating apps? Or are you still waiting for that man to walk up to you and ask you for a date? How long will you wait to get engaged? How long will you wait on God to send the right man, or will you shoot your shot as a woman? Or have you given up on men as a woman altogether and have turned to another woman? How many children will you decide to have or not? Will you marry a man that has an education or not and you have a PHD? Will you be a stay-at-home mom or a preacher that travels the world and you are a stay-at-home dad? Will you work together and build the brand together?

Will you have a baby at a late age or adopt one? Everyone has a different coloring book with a different picture. The colors you choose and the way you color your picture is completely unique to your story.

We must be okay coloring outside the lines and what that may look like.

One of my favorite love stories is Jacob and Racheal. Jacob loved Racheal and was willing to work for her for fourteen years. He pressed past what culture would have called him today a simp. What is a simp? A simp is defined as a silly or foolish person. His father-in-law tricks him after slaving for her father and he ends up with the tender-eyed sister, Leah. Then he must work another seven years to get Racheal. Let us stop here everybody. The bible doesn’t say he got her after the verbal agreement. I am going to assume that he had to wait those additional 7 years, totaling 14 years after working twice as hard to get her. How many men today would commit to this type of growing and development to get the love of their life? This is coloring outside the lines.

So, I am encouraging everyone to allow God to create your picture, enjoy your journey and don’t be afraid if your picture appears that you colored outside the lines.

Pursue, overtake and recover all

King David took all the men to fight and left the women and children unprotected. While they were out fighting, the enemy came in to steal, kill and to destroy.

Were you doing everything you knew to do and the enemy still came in?

You may be asking how this relates to you. Well, you are a man that was fighting for your family. You were working two jobs, not making much but busting your butt. You were going back to school and trying to get ahead, but your wife left because you were not making enough money to support the family. You were fighting so hard physically that when it was time to fight emotionally, you were so weak, you did not have the strength to save that marriage and she left.

Get her and your children. For some, God is saying, it is not too late. I know it looks bad because all you see are the ashes. Give him the ashes and he will exchange them for his beauty like he is doing for me. God is a God of restoration and if you are willing to do the work, he will go before you and assist you.

Let us see what happened in King David’s story and his army. When David and his men reached Ziklag three days later, they discovered that the Amalekites had raided the desert hill country. They had attacked Ziklag in David’s absence, burned it, and carried away the women and all the other inhabitants whom David had left behind. None of them were killed, but they were taken captive and carried back toward Amalek.

So David and his men arrived in the burned city and found their wives, daughters, and sons gone, taken captive by the Amalekite raiders. And when they saw this, they cried out and wept aloud until they could weep no more. David’s wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel, were among those carried off.

God wants you to know man of God, if you seek his face, get the strategy you need, he will give you the strength to pursue, overtake and recover all. Don’t give up on your family. For other men, God is challenging you to not give up on love and having a family just because that last relationship didn’t work out. It will be worth your pursuit. Get your family. Go start that family and be willing to begin again. May the Lord strengthen you in your pursuit. The Lord has gone before you into the enemy’s camp. I pray he gives you the strategies to ambush and catch the enemy off guard like he did for King David, his army and like he did for me. Ready, set, GO!


Pursue me

Overtake and recover all,

No matter how great or small,

the treasure,


to discover, 

Love me as my lover,

Protect me as a brother,

Let your love uncover,

the secret pearls, 

as we merge into each others worlds.

Uncover the places that I protected,

That God intercepted, 

And hid me in adversity,

Now revealing me in diversity.

Pursue me.

And recover,

Everything the enemy said we would never get,

Love me with no regret,


All you have that we will last, 




Don’t ever lie.

We believe we will always win,

Always be my friend,

Pursue me.

Uncover, discover and recover all that God has secretly revealed, 

Let old wounds be healed,

Let mountains of defeat become plains,

Explore my reigns,

Talk to me,

Tell me you want to be,

My man,

That I can,

Be your wife,

Pursue me.

Let me be the love of your life.

Now and forever,


Pursue me.

Trust me to be your lover, 

Trust I will cover,


Let our souls become one as we live happily ever after, 

facing ever challenge, enduring the cross as we bask in his laughter.

More than Mr. Incredible

The Incredibles is one of my favorite animated movies. It is so much more than a kid’s movie. It is a family movie. We can learn so much from Bob and Helen as they live ordinary lives and yet they live managing the oxymoron that they are superheroes as Mr. Incredibles and Elastgirl. I like to see us all that love the Lord and that are called according to his purposes as superheroes’. We were sent to the earth to answer an emergency, a crisis. The father knew it would exist before time began, before he knit you in your mother’s womb. You were sent as the answer and yet you have been called to work a regular 9 to 5 job or maybe even have your own business. You cannot find joy or purpose in performing your everyday mundane duties. You know you have been called to more.

Sometimes you may feel like Bob. You believe you are held back by your wife and children from doing what you really want to pursue. I’ll never forget the day I stopped my ex-late husband, and I asked him perhaps his calling was to be a great father and a great husband. He told me he was bigger than that. See he wanted to be a famous musician and valued that more than he valued his family. He missed it.

Bob, you don’t have to choose between your family and your dream. You can have them both. While we are saving the world we must remember our families. I am older now but as I was much younger in the Lord, I received many, many prophetic words and all God was going to do for me and through me. I knew I was called to the frontlines unequivocally to do great exploits for the Lord. However, how would I get my superhero powers? It was in my marriage. The Lord let me know if I was not willing to lay my life down for my family first, then I would never lay it down for his kingdom purposes.

My favorite scene in the movie is as follows: The day of their wedding they are out saving the world and she tells Bob not to be late. He tells her he still has time. He ends up being late. Let us see how the scene plays out.

We come to learn that it’s their wedding night, as Helen is not impressed that he’s late; thinking that their last interaction was only playful banter. Bob leans in and mentions her needing to be more flexible, while she seriously tells him that he needs to be more than Mr. Incredible if they want their marriage to work.

Many need deliverance from the impostor syndrome. What is imposter syndrome? The Imposter syndrome is the condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high performing in external, objective ways. This condition often results in people feeling like "a fraud" or "a phony" and doubting their abilities. The world sees you in your superhero costume, but you really don’t believe you can be who they believe you are but your powers work for them, but you struggle in your personal life. You almost feel like two different people. Bob was Bob and Mr. Incredible. You are you and Mr. Incredible. But for his marriage to work he could not just be the hero to the world and just Bob to his family. He would need to find harmony and be okay being both just like many of us need to do.

God wants every Helen to know for your marriage to work, you will need to be more flexible like Elastgirl. To every man like Bob, you will need to be more than Mr. Incredible for your marriage to work and God will bring the harmony and unity to bind you together with his power. Be encouraged. Fear not! It is okay to be both. :)


Bonnie and Clyde sanctified

Bonnie and Clyde were outlaws. They were straight up gangsters and did not care. They were glorified by the media. I don’t admire them for their criminal acts, but I can’t lie, I loved the fact they were not punks! They did what they did with their whole hearts. So many live half-heartedly and never accomplish anything. They rode together and they died together in their crimes. It was hard for many to even catch them. They showed the world in failure the power of what two could do if they worked together. They had the world wondering what they were going to do next.

They were a couple that was an example of failure. The father wants to change this narrative in so many marriages. He said, if two gather in his name he would be in the mist. There is power in unity. Imagine what Bonnie and Clyde could have done if they had done it with Christ. They were a force to be reckoned with.

God has so much for us, but He wants us to do it his way together and get everything He has for us. There are generational blessings that the Father has waiting for us. He wants to make some of us examples of success of what He can do in the midst of incredible odds and difficult situations. Will you rise up and dare to get everything Christ has promised you? There is room at the cross for every Bonnie and Clyde. Become criminals to HELL and get ready to rob Satan back of everything he stole from you and your generations! For all those like me that have been believing for generational restoration, God is about to release divine restoration and increase. We gone ride until the wheels fall off!

Come on and take a ride,

I’ll be your Bonnie and you’ll be my Clyde,

We gone blow up,

Bang, bang, lite em up, we got something for y’all to post about, while drinking your morning cup, 

We gone always give ‘em something talk about,

If it ain’t our getting up, it’s going be our getting out.

We gone always keep em wondering which direction we gone take,

But don’t they know, we gone always keep it 1000, and never be fake,

Bang bang light ‘em up, here we come,

Don’t they know, they ain’t gone never be able to catch us on the run,

Unpredictable, unforgettable, unconventional, 

Unexplainable, unequivocal multidimensional,

Are only a few ways,

On some days,

They will chant to sing our praise.

Long live Bonnie and Clyde, 

Cause we both came to ride and to die, 

And when they see me, they gone see you,

We gone always leave ‘em wondering what we gone do.

We gone always keep it lit,

We gone ride to the wheels fall off and never quit.


Marie's Oscars

What is the purpose of the Oscars?

To recognize and celebrate all aspects of the film industry and the diverse, talented people who make movies. All our lives are played out as movies. Everybody in our lives at various times plays a different role and has a different script. For some, these people have auditioned, and you picked them and for some of us we have allowed God to pick the main characters and supporting actors.

Denzel Washington just made a comment at the Grammy Award this year that his mom taught him. He said after being nominated 9 times and finally winning, she taught him, “Man gives you an award, but God gives you your reward.” I want God’s reward not man’s award. I believe that we should honor people for their roles in our lives. I want to name a few of the movies in my life.

I want to start specifically with my most memorable roles in my life’s movie called, Overcoming on Broken Pieces was from 2000-2005. I had several key supporting actors that encouraged me and supported me emotionally and spiritually. I want to start by saying thank you as always to my mentor, Prophetess Pamela Jones-Kent. She prayed for me and reminded me of my “yes” to pick up my cross and to keep going when my heart was broken in my marriage. She got the Oscar as she watched over my life. She shared she trusted the Lord with my life and he promised her, I would never die lost. I want to thank Dr. Carolyn Champion for all the countless hours I sat in her chair as she reminded me how much God loved me, how pleased he was with me and where she saw me in my future. I want to thank God for my dear friend Sophie Williams that ate with me most days. She helped me get a bank account and a cell phone when my ex-late husband ruined our credit. I want to thank my brother, Herbert Poole who sent me CDs of worship that carried me during that season to the other side. I want to thank my longtime friend, Valerie G. Lowe from Charisma Magazine, for supporting me and allowing God to show her who I was beyond the pain and heartbreak. I am grateful that she stayed true to her assignment without any compromise. I also want to thank Apostle John Zartuche. He prophetically announced my exodus and apostolically declared my positioning at the canal of the Res Sea of my life to get across with my children before my husband walked out. I also must give special thanks to Apostle Donald Garner. Apostle Donald Garner’s prophetic ministry kept me alive like the raven that fed Elijah when my late ex-husband walked out.

My next movie was called, Forgive and Forget was from 2006-2016. This was a time I had to survive after my divorce and move on with the kids and accept my ex-late husband was slowly dying. I want to thank my cousin for the best supporting actor, Kina Miller. When I became a runaway bride, she stepped up to the plate to pay my rent for 4 months with additional funds as needed until I could find a new job. I want to thank Pastor Jamal Miller who stepped up to help me tremendously with my son, Linford Vaughn, III. I am grateful when I wanted to start my blog, Pastor Jamal taught me how to create and maintain it for the first six months as my administrator. I want to thank my spiritual father, Dr. Apostle Matthew Stevenson, III and his wife for their ministry. He got the Oscar for covering me so many times prophetically while announcing my next seasons and teaching me the power of consecration to guard my future. I want to honor and thank my late mom, Beverly Bares, for being an emotional support during one of the most challenging seasons of my life with me with my youngest son. I want to thank Dr. Carolyn Champion and my mentor, Pamela Jones-Kent that encouraged me as a single mom that God had not forgotten about me. They both told me people would fly from all over the world to attend my wedding one day. I thank God for my mentor, Pamela Jones-Kent for giving her the dream of my wedding and praying for it in 2013, when I wasn’t as focused as I needed to be.

My next movie was called, Broken and Beautiful was from 2016-2020. I became laser focused after the conception of my daughter and began to believe God for all the things I gave birth too in my previous marriage. My cousin, Monica Coffey, got the Oscar for best supportive actor. She was there from the beginning with my daughter. I want to thank Katina Daher for giving me a baby shower. I want to thank my supportive friend, Rikki Ray, who took her condominium off the market to make sure I felt supported with my baby girl with additional resources and comfort for one extra year. She also helped me and became an intricate part of helping me start my organization, Ruth’s Vineyard during this time. I want to thank my mentor, who prayed for me the morning of her birth. I want to thank Dr. Carolyn Champion that encouraged me during my pregnancy by sharing that God was going to turn her dad’s heart.

My next movie was called, The Dawning: All things new in 2020-2023. I want to thank Dr. Apostle Matthew Stevenson, III that prophetically declared my season on March 8, 2020. He got the Oscar again for this season of my life. He let everyone know if they did not know me, they would be sorry because of where God was taking me and about to do in my life. I want to thank my cousin, Monica Coffey, who moved in during the pandemic to assist me with my daughter. I want to thank my brother and his wife, Herbert, and Janeen Poole for allowing me to transition and get established when I sold my condominium and purchased my home in Houston, Texas. I also want to thank my brother and my sister-in-law, for all the days he fixed my car, something that broke in my home and other days they watched my daughter. I also want to thank my daughters’ godparents, Mr. LeRon and Wendy Bennet for their endless love and support towards us both. I also want to thank my cousin, Monica, for every plane ticket back to Chicago to visit family and friends, all the extra money and for all her visits when I needed her comfort the most to Houston.

I want to thank my cousin, Kina Miller, for all the money and the credit card to make sure I have everything I need while I am without a job. I also want to thank my dear friends Dr. Kim Mitchell, Audrey Carter, Rena Bryson, and Sophia Williams for their monetary gifts and love and support. Now, a special thanks goes to my friend Kim Cunningham. She found a program that paid my mortgage for the last 8 months and gave me money and has been an additional support to assist my extended family. I also want to thank my mother in the Lord, Sharon A. Frazier, my spiritual Naomi. She changed my life last year on 3/29/23 as she positioned me like Ruth. I am grateful for all the countless hours she calls to encourage me and just to let me share my heart. I also want to thank Apostle Donald Garner again for his prophetic ministry over this past year, declaring and confirming exactly where God is taking me. Last but not least, I want to thank my intercessor and former boss, Ingrid Dieudonne for all her prayers and believing in my dreams and where God is taking me next.

 May the Lord reward you all richly both now and in eternity in Jesus name.

God is connecting the dots

Steve Jobs said, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you must trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple and Pixar animation. He did a speech at Stanford University in 2005 and shared some profound truths he lived by. These truths helped him in hindsight to connect the dots from his past into his future.

God wants you to know he is about to make it all make sense. The divorce. The loss of the child. The reason you had to move. The heartbreak that you thought was the one. He shares how he dropped out of Reed college after 6 months or so but hung around for another 18 months before he completely quit. He goes on to pose a question. Why did he drop out? He said it started before he was even born.

It’s amazing that he is able to connect the first dot from birth. This is where it started for us all as well. He goes on to share that his biological mother was a young unwed graduate student and decided to put him up for adoption. She felt very strongly that he should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was set for Steve to be adopted by a lawyer and his wife. They decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl and changed their minds.

His parents that were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night that they had an unexpected baby boy and they asked did they want him. They said of course and his biological mother found out that his mother had never graduated from college and that his father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers and only relented a few months later when his parents promised he would go to college. This was his start.

What was your start? Were you placed for adoption because your parents were unwed? Were you placed for adoption because your mom just didn’t want any more children and you were unexpected? Where you conceived out of adultery and placed for adoption? Were you taken out of your family’s home because you were being neglected and abused? No matter what the circumstance, God is about to connect the dots for you.

Steve started college 17 years later as promised and he chose a college that was as expensive as Stanford. All his working-class parents’ savings were being spent for his education and after 6 months he couldn’t see the value in it anymore. Steve said he did not know what he wanted to do with his life but looking back it was one of the best decisions he made in his life.

What decisions did you make in your past that you can say like Steve that was one of the best decisions you made in my life? For me walking away from my oldest son’s father at 20 years old was one of the best decisions I made in my life at that time.

Steve stopped taking the classes he no longer was interested in and began to drop in on courses that did. He no longer had a dorm room nor a meal plan. He began to make small investments into his future of sacrifice still very much uncertain of his next career move. Can you look back at a season in your life and see where your seamless small investments are now paying off big time?

Steve goes on to share how he stumbled into a calligraphy course. He absolutely loved it and had no idea how it would ever have any significance in his life. It began to make sense ten years later when he started designing the first Macintosh computer with beautiful topography. Can you look back and see how something from your past has now become a stable in your life that is now huge and has changed the course of your destiny?

Steve connects the dots by saying if he had never dropped out of college, he would have never dropped in that class and the Macintosh and windows computers would never have had the beautiful topography he implemented into their designs.

If my ex-late husband had not left and our marriage had not ended in divorce, I wouldn’t have the ministry of reconciliation God is about to give me and my next husband for ministry. Some lessons we had to learn else they would have never led us to this moment without them. Get ready, God is about to connect the dots and you are about to clearly see the big picture. It was necessary.

Press towards the high prize

When we apply for a job, you apply with a detailed description of that job. In that description there are always minimum requirements attached. Matter a fact, some jobs won’t even allow you to apply without meeting them. God told us in his word in Romans12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Serving God comes with a minimum requirement. We are supposed to submit our bodies first.

The word tells us many are called but few are chosen. I believe that many are not chosen because God didn’t call them but because they have not answered when he called and have not prepared themselves to be chosen. I’ll take me for example. I’ve gotten many, many prophetic words. Some of these words were so huge in my young mind to conceive as I asked myself how I could possibly accomplish them.

Many in my family like Saul and David’s brothers were afraid of Goliath. However, God knew from David’s birth when others overlooked him that he was that man, all while he was taking care of the sheep. God trusted me with the dream for my family and generations. He allowed my heart to be broken in my marriage to bring me to my knees to face my family bloodline goliaths. What has God called you to defeat in your bloodline?

To others and his own father who didn’t even put him in the lineup, he was not their chosen one, but he was God’s. God wants you to know he knew when it was time for you to step up to the plate to kill your Goliath, you wouldn’t be afraid. You understand the assignment.

You may have even minimized yourself David. God chose you because you were obedient in the ordinary routine everyday things like David. He took that lunch to his brothers, and you didn’t feel like you were bigger than that. He has called you to be a great father and great husband and you didn’t feel like you were bigger than that. It was because when you were broken and crying, you encouraged others when no one else was watching in your DM’s.

David, it’s because you didn’t mind being humiliated in your own eyes to heal out loud so others could see how important it is to worship God. David, you understand that it was God that gave you this position and chose you not man. David, you killed your bear and lion when no one else was watching but you had heavens applause when you didn’t have the crowds. Now God is giving you a new stage for your Goliath. God wants you to do what David did, remember your “why” and that he is with you. You will defeat this enemy with its own sword. The wisdom that you gain while in the enemy’s camp, you will now use against the enemy to destroy his kingdom.

David didn’t count his life but instead understood that the cause was bigger and so was his God. You too have pressed into your high calling to receive your prize. You are forgetting those things which are behind you. You’re reaching for the things that are before you. God is a good father. He gives good gifts, but he doesn’t spoil his kids. God will have the final say. Get ready David, you are about to get the spoils of your wars and your prize with a big bow.

Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Your prize

You have found your prize, 

You have exclusively and uniquely pinned me with your eyes,

And with my love, I will make you rise,

With a stare.

With a thought,

I’m held hostage in your embrace and caught,

in your lair,

I’m rendered and surrendered helpless 

To your mental temple invasion,

because you forgot to factor into the equation,

That once you were in, you wanted to be all in, 

See you also came to conquer and to win,

To soar and to fly,

And I can’t lie.

It’s apparent and inherent,

that I am all yours for the taking,

Make No mistaking, 

You captured my heart with one word,


With unspoken thoughts felt but unheard,

We meet in our dreams,

While we danced on sunbeams,

We lived here for years, in our prayers and tears,

Each day, I lay down to sleep,

I keep you close so I can feel your peace,

in my surrender and release,

to his will.

How can I feel,

you so near,

but you aren’t here, 


One day we will never again be deprived

Or denied

We will nap on the moon and slide down rainbows,

Leave our room and dance on our tippy toes,

To the music we hear in our head,

All while lying in bed.

Forget me not

Come close, ladies! Listen Linda. Listen Linda. I want to tell you a secret Abigail taught me in the word. Abigail was a beast. Yes, she was. Let me tell you what she did. I am about to give you the hood version. David and his men were out in them streets and they basically was just doing their thing and decided we gone do this work and then we gone eat really good. So, David sent his home boys to go knock on Nabal’s door. They came back and told David home boy was crae crae and told them to go somewhere. David was like, let’s go. I got sumpin for all the ninjas. David said, I am about to kill everything that can piss on a wall.

Ladies, lean in. We need to ask God to teach us how to talk to the King in that man like Abigail did.

Now David was in beast mold but sista girl said, let me take a bow. Sometimes we are not the ones wrong, but we have to be willing to cover that man we are with even when he is wrong. She stood in the gap for her house and God brought deliverance swiftly. Abigail was married to a fool. His name meant fool, senseless.

Let’s read what home girl told King David. 23 And when Abigail saw David, she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground,

24 And fell at his feet, and said, upon me, my lord, upon me let this iniquity be: and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak in thine audience, and hear the words of thine handmaid.

25 Let not my lord, I pray thee, regard this man of Belial, even Nabal: for as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him: but I thine handmaid saw not the young men of my lord, whom thou didst send.

26 Now therefore, my lord, as the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, seeing the Lord hath withholden thee from coming to shed blood, and from avenging thyself with thine own hand, now let thine enemies, and they that seek evil to my lord, be as Nabal.

27 And now this blessing which thine handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let it even be given unto the young men that follow my lord.

28 I pray thee, forgive the trespass of thine handmaid: for the Lord will certainly make my lord a sure house; because my lord fighteth the battles of the Lord, and evil hath not been found in thee all thy days.

29 Yet a man is risen to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God; and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, as out of the middle of a sling.

30 And it shall come to pass, when the Lord shall have done to my lord according to all the good that he hath spoken concerning thee, and shall have appointed thee ruler over Israel;

31 That this shall be no grief unto thee, nor offence of heart unto my lord, either that thou hast shed blood causeless, or that my lord hath avenged himself: but when the Lord shall have dealt well with my lord, then Forget me not.

David said to Abigail, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me:

33 And blessed be thy advice, and blessed be thou, which hast kept me this day from coming to shed blood, and from avenging myself with my own hand.

34 For in very deed, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, which hath kept me back from hurting thee, except thou hadst hasted and come to meet me, surely there would not have been left unto Nabal by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.

35 So David received of her hand that which she had brought him, and said unto her, go up in peace to thine house; see, I have hearkened to thy voice, and have accepted thy person.

Abigail PRESENTED herself. She said, HEY, when the Lord takes care of my situation, I want you to forget me not. Be encouraged and believe God has seen your intercession and how you have been standing in the gap. May the Lord grant us the anointing of Abigail to speak to the King inside of our man, so we are not forgotten. David went back and got that and made her one of his wives.

Forget me not

I reached up far enough this time and I grabbed a star,

I no longer have to wish and wonder where you are, 

You are right here in my face,

In my embrace, 

in the water that I drink,

In the thoughts that I think,

In the moments that make me stretch deeper,

In the steps that I take that are steeper,

In the air that I exhale, 

In the moments I will prevail,

Against everything that could ever stand in our way,

For I have already leaped over walls and ran through troops,

To fight for a love like yours that has me in loops,

Of forget me nots. 

God is calling me to be a stripper and you too

Leonard Ravenhill, said, Everyone wants to be clothed with power but no one wants to be stripped of self.

You may be saying this is not possible. How can you equate a stripper with a calling from God. First let us define the world’s definition of a stripper. A stripper is a person who earns money by taking off their clothes slowly and intimately. I had remarkably close relatives that were strippers. At this time in my life, I just had my first baby and was a struggling college student. I did not even have money for pampers. I remember the day I asked one of them would she give me money just for a bag of pampers and she said no but I will get you a show with us.


I turned it down immediately. I figured it out. I knew I was going to stay in school when she dropped out. I knew I wanted to finish school so I could give my son stability. I knew that was a temporary solution that would have taken me down a road further than I was willing to go. I am grateful that I did not become a stripper at that time, but God has called me to be a stripper now.


Let me explain. In the garden it says, Genesis 2:25 And the man and his wife were both naked and not ashamed. Since my youth, as young as I can remember, I have always lived like an open book. I am very transparent and willing to be vulnerable. Transparency is as necessary for me to exist as the air that I breathe. Regardless, that this was one of my most challenging seasons as a single mom and I also did not have the support I needed in so many areas of my life, I did not buckle. Now, as an adult and on the other side of my faith standing trial, I understand why God has called me to be a stripper in his kingdom. He originally created Adam and Eve to live in the garden naked and not ashamed. He is calling us to live the same way.

God wants you to be a stripper as well. He wants us to be transparent and vulnerable in our ability to come boldly to his throne of grace to obtain mercy in our time of need. He still wants us to live naked and unashamed. Naked and not ashamed about our weaknesses with Him. Naked and not ashamed about our pain. Naked and not ashamed about our childhood trauma. Naked and unashamed about our brokenness in our marriages and relationships.

Naked and unashamed about our brokenness in our humanity so he can take our weaknesses and empower us. When we come into deeper realms of intimacy with him, we will not be afraid to strip away the fear, the pride, the envy, the bitterness, the mistrust, the doubt, the anger, the adultery, the hatred. God wants you to take it off like a garment that we wear and hide behind like Adam and Eve did when they made fig trees to cover themselves. 

He wants to bring you into new levels of accountability and responsibility so he can bring you back into a place of dominion, power, and rest, but it will require a new level of healing through vulnerability and transparency. God wants to know will you strip yourself for him so he can make you whole and cloth you with his power?


Happy Valentine's Day: Love will make you take a quantum leap

When Elisabeth came in contact with Mary while pregnant with Jesus, the word says in Luke 1:41-42

And it came to pass, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; and she lifted up her voice with a loud cry, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Wait a minute. This is Mary’s cousin. This is not the first time she has met Elisabeth but this is the first time she is encountering Mary pregnant with Jesus, the word of God that is now flesh. Elisabeth has just had an encounter with the Lord inside of her cousins womb. When God brings your Mary in your life, honor what is inside of her and you will be able to receive what may be hidden to others.

We are all called to be living epistles read of men. When we come into deeper realms of intimacy with God and conceive the dream God has for us, God is going to cause them to encounter you. As a result of what is on the inside of you, its going to bring impact in others lives.

Elizabeth had waited a long time to conceive and struggled to get pregnant. She was now 6 months ahead in her pregnancy than Mary. Have you struggled for years with a weakness, getting that business established, getting that baby or that spouse you have been believing God for? God wants you to know he is about to bring you into relationships you need like Elisabeth had which caused her baby to leap! Your dream is about to take a quantum leap!

God wants you to know that dream you have been carrying is not just about to be birthed into new dimensions that transcend gravity and reality. Get ready Elisabeth for your Mary. Although Mary was behind her in her maternal gestational stage, what she was carrying had the power to cause what Elisabeth was carrying to take a leap but not just a leap, a quantum leap! In return Elisabeth was suddenly filled with holy ghost.

Your Mary is about to cause you to make up for all those seasons you were waiting, all those moments, you became weary in well doing and you thought you would never get that dream. As a result, of your encounter with Mary, God is about to accelerate your dream.

Lets see how Elizabeth took a quantum leap! and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; and she lifted up her voice with a loud cry, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Recognize who is carrying your dream.

Jesus was a baby in the womb of his mother. He had not even been born. He had not lived 33 years and had not performed not one miracle. He had not yet died and not been resurrected yet. The disciplines had not gathered to wait with the 120 on the day of Pentecost and Elizabeth was suddenly filled with the holy ghost! They all had to wait to be filled with the holy ghost but Elizabeth was filled with him while still in Mary’s womb.

Elizabeth took a quantum leap because she honored what Mary was carrying. Don’t mismanage your Mary because what she is carrying looks smaller and you appear further along than she is. Don’t underestimate what your Mary is carrying to cause you to take a quantum leap in your life.

You were the exemption in this last season and now God is about to make you the exception in this next season. God is about to reveal what you are carrying through others encountering you that was hidden.

Don’t sell yourself short and others when you still see them in seed form. Jesus wasn’t even visible to others and yet he still was who he was in seed form. Look again!

Love will make you take a quantum leap. Get ready to take a quantum leap in your relationships, in your marriage, in your business, in your life. God wants you to know its not too late. You are just getting started.

Outer Space

If love was a place,

It’d be called outer space,

Cause you got me touching stuff I thought I’d never reach,

You got me believing stuff I never heard preach,

You got me running on the galaxy like it’s a run way,

Taking quantum leaps in my faith playing hop scotch like child’s play,

 On mars,

Seeing stars,

Got me playing the Hokey Pokey 

With love and trust in and out,

Shaking it and turning it all about, 

Got me believing I can hold my breath forever,

cause you keep taking it away,

As long as we are together,

each day.

Got me hanging on the moon, 

dangling with a string like it’s a balloon,

Making me believe I can do, 

things I’ve never done before. 

Falling in love with you.

Got me glowing in the dark,

Sliding down rainbows like I’m playing In the park,

You got me thinking outside the box, ignoring Jack,

taking shots like free throws with planets, back to back, 

Got me sitting  in the clouds thinking I’m taking bubble baths, 

dreaming while busting suds, while busting laughs.

10 X Better

God is about to give you a mate that is 10 x better. You may be asking how is this even possible. God did it for Hannah and he can do it for us. I believe God. I am encouraging you to do the same. We have to do the work and become that 10 X better version and you will attract your person. Hannah was a wise woman. She was honored and loved by her husband, but she could not have a child. Her husband asked her a question.

Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?

God has given you a successful career or ministry but no child because you do not have a husband or wife. You may feel like you have everything, but a partner and you already have children. Even if you are married like Hannah and your husband or wife is not currently 10 x better, God wants you to know he can place an anointing on them and change them into a mate that is 10x better for you.

I can prove it to you. Let us see it in the word. Daniel 1:20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm. The word tells us in Proverbs 24: Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

We must continue to grow in wisdom, understanding and knowledge and as we do we will become 10 X better. If we will allow God to build our homes with wisdom, understanding and knowledge he promised to establish it and fill it with all precious and pleasant riches. God gave you that desire to be married and it was not just a desire for you. See, Hannah wanted a son, but the world needed a Prophet. It is bigger than your desire. The world needs that man or woman just like God does and you. God wants you to know to stay in a position of supplication and he is going to remember you. No matter how long you have waited or felt it was impossible. Get ready for 10x better.



You see it’s like with each love letter,

it was like you got to know me better,  

God downloaded me into you, 

this is Intimacy.

See you see me,

No, not like them, but like you.

I’m in to you.


because I came out of you. 

I am now naked and not ashamed 

But you are to blame.

You set me free with the longing of your desire,


You’re being uploaded into me,  

you into me,

this is intimacy. 

How are we not engaged like a “friendly”


You got me locked in like a bogey ready to fire like a jet. 

Locked and loaded.

You unlocked my gift to another level, 

This is God given and we can’t blame no devil. 

In to me, intimacy,

see you see me,

No, not like them, but like you.

Genesis 2:23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”

I waited

Have you ever waited for something so long that you started to believe it wasn’t going to happen? Or perhaps, you gave up because it didn’t turn out how you dreamed it would? You were that small child that sat in the corner of the window waiting for your mom or dad that promised they were coming and never showed up. Your business partner double crossed you and signed the contract without you while you were getting trained. You were waiting to have a child because you were not married and now you are married, and the doctor said it is too late. Or you lost your only child to murder, and you feel hopeless because you have buried them and your dreams. That marriage ended, and you fasted, prayed, and waited and it did not end the way you dreamed it. Now you have just settled with other men perhaps, like the woman at the well. God wants you to know it is not too late. He is waiting for you like he did the woman at the well.

He wants to address your issue. He wants to bring you into a new place of revelation to change your reality and allow the revelation to become greater to forever change your perspective. He wants to reveal himself to you like he did with the woman at the well. Jesus first asked her for a drink and then tells her if she knew who he was, she would have asked him for a drink. He let her know if she drank from this well, she would never thirst again. Listen to her respond to him.

13 Jesus answered and said unto her, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

The well he digs on the inside of you in worship will allow others to drink from you like Jesus did at the well and it will quench your thirst. God does not want you to be thirsty. He is offering you a drink. He is sending the one that has your drink, and you will never thirst again.


I waited.

I waited 6 years,

And Overcame my fears,

I waited like Jack did at the clock,

Like Jesus did when he left his flock,

Waiting for the one.

To return,

While I yearn, 

Make it count for the Son.

The difference is our ship won’t sink,

and I don’t care what they think,

I waited.

 like Jesus did at the well for a drink .

So You will never again thirst, 

He sent me 6 years ahead first,

So I could teach you that sometimes dreams die and bubbles burst.

But don’t cry,

Dry your eyes,

Look to the skies,

Where your help comes from,

Because he saved us a seat not just a crumb.

I waited 

He sent me 6 years first to give you a head start, 

to outsmart,

the enemy.

So I could learn how to run and not fall,

So I could cover you until you learned to crawl.

I waited,


with the promise of your love,

Thinking of, 

how  deeply you will drink from my well,

From the story we will tell,

How he sent me 6 years ahead first,

So you could see,

when you searched for me, 

You would make it through better and for worse.

He made me wait, 

But wasn’t late,

So you would recognize, 

Not by surprise, 

The love 

We shared in eternity,

To infinity. 

We chose then,

That we would always win.

He made me wait 6 years for you,

until you could believe our love is true.

So I like Jesus could prepare a path,

So you would know my humor and laugh,

Like Sarah did, 

When God told them they would have a kid.

I waited

For our promise to live happily ever after

Now our joy is coming in the morning


we will live forever in his laughter. 

Better Together

December 26, 2023 was just a normal day. I went to the movies with my daughter and her god parents in Chicago to the movie, The Color Purple. I had recently received a prophetic word a few weeks prior. The man of God Apostle Donald Garner told me God was about to begin to reveal some things to me regarding the cloud of witness and angels regarding heaven. He told me the Lord was going to allow me to begin to share as he revealed these things to me. He asked me had it already started. I simply said yes. He had no idea of the different encounters I’ve had through the years but I had no idea of the one I would have watching, The Color Purple that day. I wept profoundly through the whole movie as I was reminded by God of the things I suffered in my previous marriage.

I was also reminded of the many things my ancestors suffered. My heart was swollen and my eyes were too. As I wept, I could hear the Lord reminding me gently over and over that my next marriage will be the answered prayers of each other but our ancestors as well as the cloud of witnesses in heaven.

God has so much better for us. As we enter this February of Black history month, I am reminded of our ancestors and the the great leaders that gave their lives in death for equality, justice and truth. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said he had a dream and he had already been to the mountain top. He saw afar off like Abraham did when he went to worship. Has God given you a dream and allowed you to see it a far off? Malcolm X life was taken exposing issues from my bloodline that brought my great grandmother great embarrassment and great sorrow. This is one of the burdens I carry to see marriages in my bloodline restored. This burden is not just in my family but also in the earth due to the widespread of adultery that infiltrated the minds and hearts of many black families. Due to the erroneous teachings and beliefs of my late great grandfather, Elijah Muhammad, the foundations of generations in marriages were destroyed and breached.

We see in Hebrews 11: 39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

We are better together. The father is about to platform some us and give us the better that they never received but died in faith! We are the ones called to fulfill Isiah 58:12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. How can we accomplish this?

We can start by turning our hearts back to God and humbling ourselves and repenting and allow God to heal our families by forgiving and loving each other. We can start by ending divorce. We can start by putting God first in our marriages and allowing him to be Lord so he can restore our families from destruction, fear and abuse that our ancestors had to endure. We can break these generational curses and allow God to release his generational blessings in our lives.

They were denied to ever get married with the hope of love with a family. Although The Color Purple was not a true story, it is a true depiction of many of the atrocities our loved ones suffered. They died with a dream we can live. One of those dreams was to have their own family, to nurse their own children, to raise their families together free from ever being torn apart. Today, we willingly walk away but they were brutally and savagely torn apart and sold. The word says, in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he hath not another to help him up. God wants us to know we are better together because we are the fulfillment of their dream too! Get ready for better.

Our Martial Constitutional

You were intentional,

Declaring your desires,

Being Unconventional,

Writing your marital constitutional,

You, me, and the trinity, 

in order to form a more perfect union,

Taking communion,

 to Establish a new revolution, 

Of relational bliss to debunk chaos and dethrone divorce,

You cried loud and lifted up your voice,

You made a choice,

This will never happen again,

We will win,

We will remain until the end,

until death do us part,

You will have my love and my whole heart,

never abandoned and forsaken,

Let there be no mistaken,

I do love you.

You are my hearts desire,

My fire.

We declared our Justice, our liberty and blessing,

No more guessing,

You are the one. 

We have defeated giants and lived to tell,

We had the audacity to hope for our future

and dug a well, 

we stormed the gates of hell,

walked out of the furnace and the lion dens,

We laid down our lives and have become friends,

We took back generational blessings that were ours, 

We overcame death and open communication and love are our super powers,

Now we are partners in freedom, in love, in faith, in purpose with definition,

We have settled the matter with confirmation, knowing this was a God given position. 

We tore off the roof

Sometimes in life we have to get desperate with God to get what we want. We have to know we are the answer to some of life’s 911 emergencies in the earth but life can leave us paralyzed by fear, mistakes and even pain. It is time for us to get healed in our relationships and in our families. Sometimes we have a few people in our lives that will help us get passed the crowd. What is the crowd? This could be the crowd in your head of the voices that are from the things people have said you would never be. Things people said you could never get because they are out of your reach. Things from your childhood that still have you bowed down. Things the enemy has drown lines in the sands of your life and placed lids and barriers over your head. He has told you, you don’t even qualify for a seat in the room but God.

Sometimes we have to be foolish enough to find unconventional ways and begin to declare what God said you could have. If you believe you can get it, God will send those to support you and help carry you in the room even if they have to tear off the roof. Lets see how four friends did this in Jesus day.

Mark 2:3-5 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV)

And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay.

Do you have people in your life that want to see you whole? God wants you to do it blind, do it crippled and do it scared. Just do it.

Some miracles will require you to tear the roof off with your faith. It will require you to jump into situations that you have no idea how they will end but your worship, faith and love will catch your fall. Get ready, God is about to answer your 911 emergency call and for some, you are the answer to the emergency.

Blindfolded, you lead me to a ledge,

You vowed and made a pledge, 

It was named forever

and you whispered Jump

Without hesitation I took the plunge,

I trust you.

As you lunge, 


we landed on the ropes of life.

You are about to become my husband and me your wife 

Our worship,

Our faith, 

Our love,

caught our fall,

We made it through it all,

Entangled by desire,

Branded by fire, 

we became living proof,

Of what the Lord can do, 

We tore off the roof,

Now let it burn,

Let this mother, 


As we yearn for each other,

Me, You and The trinity,

A three fold cord is not easily broken,

We can hear each other’s unspoken,


This is intimacy.

I can feel you,

We know what to do.

As we vow and pledge 

To infinity and beyond 

I just took a breath 

And plunged to my death

Come near

Kiss me, with no fear

Resuscitate me.


Love like there is no Tomorrow

God loves us so much that he will not allow the enemy to steal our prophetic tomorrow. God is the same God today, yesterday and forever. He promised to give us a hope and a future and not to harm us and if he has to defy the laws of the universe for you to win, he will. He didn’t let the enemy steal our tomorrow and he isn’t going to allow him to steal yours if you trust him. The sun will come out tomorrow. We win!

Joshua 10:12 Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.


Did you know our love is so intimate,

There were no words, no birds, 

no instrument to play our song, 

To Let us know we belong,


So he let the angels sing over us first,

He let them dance on the clouds until they burst,

Until the dew of heaven fell,

To break every curse and every spell,

He let them war and fight,

Off every enemy 

Until we got it right,

He sent the rain,

To repel the ones that tried to hold on too tight,

He wrapped us up in pain,


He made the sun stand still, 

He hid us in sorrow, 

Until we won and he told the sun to come out tomorrow.

New Wine

Sometimes in marriage we run out of wine. You may be asking what do I mean. Wine is synonymous with joy and even intimacy. Wine can represent anything that you may have had in the beginning of your relationship but suddenly ran out of. The enemy is trying to make you believe its too late for your marriage or relationship. I want to encourage you and lets go see how Jesus handled the wedding in Cana in his day. Mary, his mother, had the answer then and NOW.

John 2 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

Jesus tells them to fill the vessels with water. You maybe asking yourself how could you get wine from water. When they were willing to bring the vessels to Christ, he was able to turn the water to wine. God wants to upgrade you. He wants you to know he can take what you have and make it new wine. Lets read on.

They did so, and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”

11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

The Lord wants you to know if you are willing to DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU TO DO, that he can restore your relationship. He can make it BETTER than it was in the beginning. He wants to reveal his glory, will you allow him too? There is new wine waiting.

New Wine

As a fine bottle of wine,

that has fermented in time,

Is my love,

A drink that has not lost its flavor,

That is a sweet smelling savor,

In spite of,

A taste that must be acquired, 

Filled with warmth, with much to be desired,

A sweetness of NEW juices that are flowing, and growing,

From a new wine,

that is intoxicating enough to cause you to 


To new heights,

new sights,

new depths, 

And new breaths. 


Proverbs 30:31 Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

I want to encourage other women on their journey as you are being prepared for the man of God he is preparing you for. We don’t have to sleep with him to get his attention. We need to focus on getting the Father’s attention and he will get that man’s attention. He didn’t forget me and he didn’t forget you. I came to tell you to stay in a place of rest before the Father and when it’s the right time, the right one will wake you up. Wait on God and allow him to make you Unforgettable.

When you can’t get me out your head,

and I’ve never been in your bed.


See your heart betrayed you first,

Like Judas did Jesus,

 And even worse,

You didn’t even get a kiss.

You were brought to a cross,

Abandoned and loss, 

And charged with a crime and the scene was love,

You will never be able to go back to the moment,

I was never thought of,

I will run laps in your head,

reminding your body it’s not dead,

You split my chest and entered a room,

 in my heart only reserved for the bridegroom,

You woke me up and now I’m yours to keep,

 you got me dreaming but I can’t sleep. 


Love without Punctuation

Often we experience things, its always bigger than us so I want to encourage others if you are in a storm, or coming out of one, keep your eyes on the lighthouse. Allow God to heal it. He is able. Cross over to the other side. Don’t give up on love!

Sometimes my love feels like a sentence that runs on,

leaving me with questions of where it begins and where it ends,

I’ve discovered there is no punctuation for it because we are forever friends,


it fights for periods where there are commas,

demanding verbs that eliminate dramas,

Leaving places and spaces,

for fill in the blanks,

for laughs and for pranks.

Longing for days together that include prepositions like, on, down, between and behind,

where pronouns are intertwined like our bodies, hearts, souls and mind,

Writing new chapters with adjectives that describe our love in directions,

that cause our lives to be defined by new languages of affections.

Where emotions are not followed by conjunctions like but,

that leave us with clarity and not always asking what,

because our love is able to handle semi colons to join our yesterday and tomorrow,

without sorrow,

strong enough for colons that connect us together never leaving room,

for anything to consume,


Forever bonded by trust,

in the parenthesis that include (you and me),

and God’s degree.

Ecc 4:9-10 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he has no one to help him up.